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Everything posted by KrissiK

  1. Congratulations DD. and I like the diploma idea!!
  2. I understand they are negotiating with a big-named actress to play the part of KrissiK. I have no idea who that would be, since I am completely out of touch with pop culture, but anyhow....
  3. Good Morning!!!! COFFEE!!☕ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸ DH is at work. I have a Cut-and-Color at 11:00 and a bunch of pictures of a chin length Bob to show my hair dresser. This afternoon DS is having a bunch of boys from his class over to work on a video they are supposed to make for his history class. I am dreading this. They are all nice kids and I know all the reasons why I should have his friends over, blah blah blah, which is why I bought a couple of 2-liters of soda and some chips and will put on a nice smile and do my best to be a great mom-hostess. But, the reality is, having a bunch of kids over completely stresses me out.
  4. I know, right?? My poor Dh had to go to work, too, at the crack of dark this morning. I felt so sorry for him.
  5. Peeee-yew!!!! We live about a quarter mile from the river and there are critters down there. Tonight something scare a skunk!! I'm closing all the windows and I am not very happy about it, since it is delightfully cool outside, but that skunk smell is potent!!
  6. Dh and I had a date tonight. Just a dessert date. Difficult DS had a school dance, so we had dinner at home and then took him to the dance, put the rest of the kids in front of the electronic babysitter with bowls of ice cream and used up the rest of our Baskin Robbins gift card. We were only gone a little more than an hour, but it sure felt nice to get away. I had this new kind of cookie dough ice cream in a waffle cone. It was very good.
  7. Yes, I would. I'd just say something like, "what you said was unkind and hurtful". Or something like that.
  8. I know, but I feel like I need to do something. Can't afford a red convertible and I'm not going to have an affair.... so, I'm changing my look!!! I like the under shaving booya/h idea.
  9. ((Jeannie)) trying to lose weight sucks!! It's hard and no fun and it just sucks!!
  10. Oh, JJM. I am sorry!! And you know, they must not be that "sold" on their viewpoint if it can not, in their minds, stand up to questioning or critique. You are right, it is indoctrination by narrow minded people. It's not apologetics.
  11. So.... here's the deal. I have shoulder length hair. It's really been getting on my nerves lately. And I have a "Cut & Color" tomorrow. I've very tempted to go with a chin length bob. I may be going through a mid-life crisis. But if I hate it, it will eventually grow out.
  12. It's supposed to be 90 degrees here today. I'm coming to visit you, Renai!!
  13. That swan ought to get together with Jeannie's entitled cat!!
  14. Good Morning!!! COFFEE!!☕ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸ Friday!!🎉🎉
  15. It's that whole "stream of consciousness" thing. 😜. Back in my single days I used to lay in bed on a Saturday morning and just think thoughts, my mind would go from one thing to the other until I had thought it all out. Just like this thread.
  16. I'm working on ketchupping. ((Paige)) Renaissance, ($%^ auto-correct, although honestly, I think the name does suit you) I think I don't like the vinaigrette because.... I don't like tangy things. And vinegar is nothing if not tangy.
  17. Hold on tight to your dreams!! Hold on tight to your dreams!! When you see your ship go sailing When you feel your heart is breaking! Hold on tight to your dreams!
  18. I think that was a subject that needed to be changed!😜 Yay for clean cars!!
  19. I want to have a date night with DH. I will have to work on that.
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