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ereks mom

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Everything posted by ereks mom

  1. Before 1917, members of the British Royal Family had no surname, but only the name of the house or dynasty to which they belonged. In 1917, George V (Queen Elizabeth II's grandfather) changed the name of his house from Saxe-Coburg and Gotha to Windsor, and specifically adopted Windsor as the surname of his family. The family name was changed as a result of anti-German feeling during the First World War. Prior to his marriage to Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip, who was born into the Danish and Greek royal families, became a naturalized British subject and renounced his royal title. He adopted the surname Mountbatten from his British maternal grandparents. The wedding registration shows the queen's name as Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor. When she became queen, Elizabeth II announced that the house and the family names would remain Windsor. But in 1960, she decided that the House name would remain Windsor, but the family name--for those who would need a surname--would be Mountbatten-Windsor. This applied to her descendants only. Thus, the male line descendants of George V would continue to have the surname Windsor, while the descendants of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, including Prince Charles and Prince William, would be Mountbatten-Windsor.
  2. If the student has had little grammar, or hasn't used a thorough grammar program in the past, I'd start with Level 5. If you plan to continue grammar through high school, I'd suggest: 9th grade - Level 5 10th grade - Level 6 11th grade - Level 7 12th grade - Level 8 If the student is pretty good with grammar, or has used a thorough grammar program in the past, I'd start with Level 6. I'd suggest using Level 6 in 9th, taking a year off, and then using Level 8 (or 7 if you prefer) in 11th. Or you could spread Level 6 over 9th & 10th and spread Level 7 or 8 over 11th & 12th.
  3. ...last night, and a new finals schedule was posted--the first 2 days of finals were canceled because of the power outage. ER said they were served cereal for breakfast & sandwiches for lunch & supper for the past couple of days. The biggest problem was that there was no access to internet or e-mail, so information was slow to be delivered. A university employee posted info to Facebook, and I found it and sent it to ER so he would know what was going on. Things are getting back to normal now.
  4. You sound a LOT like me. I am 50yo, and I used to be really uptight, but I think the years have mellowed me. I like the "now" me better now than the "then" me . I agree that life is a great teacher, and the longer you live, the more you learn.
  5. Or maybe they thought you were just trying to be funny? I think that if someone mentioned it, I would play off what was said as having been a poor attempt at humor. Maybe act a bit surprised that they didn't get it, that you were just being tongue in cheek. Otherwise, I think I'd assume that they figured I was just trying to be funny, because surely they know that you wouldn't truly be that arrogant. Right?
  6. I'm Lady Aldyth Butch-Stonewall. Sounds kind of elegant except for the "Butch" part. :lol:
  7. ...anywhere on campus. Several HUGE trees fell all around campus, and a utility pole was snapped in half. The students have been allowed to return to their rooms, but with the warning that if the tornado sirens are sounded, they must return to the basement. Thank you so much for you prayers. Please keep praying for protection for the students.
  8. :iagree: I was thinking that too. I read it as a young teen, a long time ago.
  9. Power has been out all day on campus since the first storms passed through around 8:30 AM. His cell phone battery is very low (can't charge it because there's no power), but he texted me about an hour ago to say that he is safe in the basement of his dorm with all the other guys. It's finals week, but the school canceled exams today, and I expect they will do so tomorrow as well. The whole area is without power and trees are down all over campus and all over town. More storms are expected throughout the night. Please pray for ER and his fellow students.
  10. ...she is a very mature and responsible 16yo, so YMMV. When EK got FB, I got an account too, and she "friended" me. I see everything she posts, and so far, there haven't been any problems. The only major rule that I have is that she is not allowed to "friend" anyone that she doesn't know or who has few mutual friends with her.
  11. Zyrtec makes his eyes feel so dry that he is continually blinking and squinting, and it also interferes with his sleep. Claritin just doesn't work. Allegra seems to be the best thing he has used. My SIL swears by Allegra-D. She also has very bad seasonal allergies, as well as allergies to dust and mold/mildew, and she says nothing else works like Allegra-D.
  12. Yeah, that's how I found the steps for tighter security settings for certain people. Then I went to Account>Privacy Settings>Customize Settings> then under Things I Share, clicked the button that shows who sees what, clicked Customize, then added his name under Hide This From . At first, I actually set up a Limited Profile list within my Friends list, so now I can just add other people to that list without having to go through each of the Things I Share items for each person whose access I want to limit. I found out how to do that by Googling, and that led me to the instructions on the Facebook site.
  13. I think a lot of people don't even realize that feature exists. I just realized it myself when I went looking for a way to block some people from seeing certain posts (or all of them) without unfriending them.
  14. I know that he sees only a limited portion of my profile/wall if he goes to it, and I can still see his wall, and his status updates show up in my news feed--but do my status updates show up in his news feed?
  15. :iagree: I have used BJU materials and I think Melissa's review is right on track. I've seen ACE materials, but chose not to use them for my children because, IMHO, they are not nearly the caliber that BJU is. This was several years ago, and maybe they've changed since then, but the materials I saw were similar to AO LifePacs, but less colorful and even more watered down (no offense intended to those who use/like LifePacs or PACES). Students were to read the paragraphs and answer the questions--no critical thinking required at all. I did not want my kids to spend their days filling in workbook pages, especially workbook pages that did not challenge them to think.
  16. I'm assuming an average reader, not advanced and not struggling, so please list only chapter books that would be on a 4th, 5th, or 6th grade reading level. Here is my list, off the top of my head: From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler Charlie and the Chocolate Factory The BFG Charlotte's Web Little House on the Prairie (and others from the series) A Wrinkle in Time The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH Shiloh something by Beverly Cleary (Beezus and Ramona? Ribsy? Henry and Ribsy? Ramona the Pest?) [Disclaimer: This list is subject to change, depending on whether I look at your list and go, "Oh, yeah, I forgot about that one!" ;)]
  17. MFW plus: Math - BJU for K-6, then TT for 7 & up Grammar - R&S High School Science - Apologia
  18. We did the same thing about mid-way through R&S Grammar 7. We just could NOT keep doing it, day after day after day. But I've bought R&S 8 and I am trying to decide whether to do it or not. It still seems like overkill. I've also bought R&S Grammar 8, and I am considering it, but not sure yet if I really want to do it. I definitely agree with taking a year off.
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