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Everything posted by kiana

  1. Since what they appear to be doing is secularizing sonlight (same parent company) I wouldn't be surprised if the higher grades followed more rapidly than curriculum that needs to be written from scratch. Of course it wouldn't work for anyone who needed grades 6-8 this fall.
  2. One person I know wants this to be illegal because of the non-implanted embryos.
  3. I'd prefer to just be average. I lost weight and hoped they'd shrink ... instead I went from 38DD to 32G. All those cute cute v-neck tops that everyone else wears? When I wear them, they look positively indecent, in a "don't bend over -- you might fall out!" sort of way. I look at people who have C cups and I'm envious.
  4. This, this. WTF. I could understand a judge -- even one who disagrees with the law as currently written -- saying "sorry, but I can't list you both" -- but what the HELL keeps the biological father off the birth certificate?
  5. It depends on the curriculum you're following. If you're going to do Apologia, you should follow their sequence. If you're going to do DIVE, you should follow their sequence.
  6. I prefer moving forward conceptually while continuing to drill facts.
  7. I would say not just "know your academic goals" but also "know your student". A student who is currently struggling to understand math may be better off going to a less challenging course and building a foundation so that they can succeed in college algebra or precalculus when they get to university than continuing on in a program that they aren't understanding and having to start in beginning algebra. This applies regardless of what they want to major in. It wouldn't be my first choice for a student who wasn't already struggling, but the bite-sized chunks and less formal vocabulary may turn out to be a godsend for the student who needs it. The math course that your student *understands* is much, much better than the more rigorous course that is over their head.
  8. If I ever finished cleaning enough in advance I might.
  9. Well, I have no sense of style, but I showed your OP and the dress to my mother: She thinks it's great and for your self-described body shape would look spectacular, but you'd need to dress it up with some really nice shoes and some great jewelry. Not necessarily real jewelry, but classy costume and a little flashy. Like big earrings.
  10. Man, now I got sucked into the Lands' End catalog and it looks like I'm going to be ordering a couple cute dresses for teaching this fall.
  11. I wouldn't be excessively worried about that. Obviously she needs more work and practice, but it will come with time. I'd worry more if she were a middle schooler with that sort of disparity.
  12. The author of Math for Smarty Pants also did The I Hate Mathematics book, which is also awesome.
  13. And immediate censorship is (in my opinion) counterproductive. I'm pro-vaccine in general, and I won't deny that in the slightest. But I'd much rather have a (neurotypical -- children who should not be vaccinated for other reasons are of course exempted from this discussion) child getting some vaccines than none, and I'd rather have children vaccinated on a delayed schedule than not at all. When boards shut down thoughtful discussion, it tends to send people to extremely polemic sites for information. They naturally are more prone to search for sites which present the viewpoint they already support, and many of these sites will only present information that supports their view, whilst denigrating any other possible viewpoints (this goes for sites on both sides of the debate -- I've seen some ridiculous hyperbole on pro-vaccine sites as well). It tends to shut people down rather than helping them to think, and it also makes it look like they have something to hide.
  14. Not only that, but included the strong implication that wearing makeup and perfume once a week wasn't enough. I have no criticism of someone who wears makeup and perfume every day. It is clearly something that they value enough to spend time/money on, and goodness knows there are not-strictly-essential things that I spend my time/money on. But the implied idea that someone doesn't care about their family if they *don't* wear it is a little excessive.
  15. But is there sugar in them? You know that stuff is poison! :) :) (kidding) I want cupcakes.
  16. I love my Tevas. Unless I'm *super* dressed up, out with the cows (sandals are definitely sub-optimal there), or going to the gym, that's all I wear. ETA: I've had people I don't even know look at my bare feet (martial arts class) and say "Tevas, huh?" because of the tan lines :P
  17. Exactly. The same issue comes up with any other subject. For most universities, you can't just take precalc in 9th grade and then stop, even if precalc in 12th would have been enough.
  18. You know, it's kind of funny. Because when I'm totally self-scheduled, my natural schedule tends towards sleeping from about 1-6am and about 3-6pm. I'm not sure why ... but I feel happiest, healthiest, and best-rested when sleeping at those times. Unfortunately it doesn't fit well with a lot of other things in real life.
  19. Gosh, I sleep like a baby every night. Sleep for an hour, wake up and cry for 2, sleep for an hour ...
  20. Oh my goodness gracious, I've figured it out! It was the "mysterious" that gave me the idea ... clearly it's a reference to the sphinx! With that in mind, I must announce ... I have identified Catwoman! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphynx_cat#mediaviewer/File:Sphinx2_July_2006.jpg And she's not WEARING fur!
  21. Those red and yellow plaid pants really don't go with the different-red and different-yellow striped shirt.
  22. This thread is so distracting that I haven't made it to check for math-related threads on any other boards tonight :/
  23. Can't you do both at once? :)
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