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Everything posted by kiana

  1. If he likes sci-fi, he might enjoy the Heinlein juveniles. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinlein_juveniles (note that you can't pick up just any Heinlein, there's a lot of sex in the later ones, but I've read everything listed here as a juvenile and enjoyed it).
  2. I would consider it science and think it's a great idea.
  3. I would love to meet a bright young student who wanted to study mathematics. I'm just sayin'.
  4. I haven't read as many recent ones but here are some that I really like and don't remember anything that might be a real issue: The Midwife's Apprentice (1996) Dear Mr. Henshaw (1984) Dicey's Song (1983) The Grey King (1976) (but I would read the whole series here, the book is not a good stand-alone, but the series is awesome) Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH (1972) (AWESOME BOOK) From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler (1968) (AWESOME BOOK) I, Juan de Pareja (1966) (this one does have a scene right at the beginning when he's sold, but I didn't find it problematic) A Wrinkle in Time (1963) Rifles for Watie (1958) (really super book) Miracles on Maple Hill (1957) The Wheel on the School (1955) The Door in the Wall (1950) King of the Wind (1949) The Twenty-One Balloons (1948) Strawberry Girl (1946) Johnny Tremain (1944) The White Stag (1938) (looove Seredy's books) Roller Skates (1937) Caddie Woodlawn (1936) (love this book too) Smoky, the Cowhorse (1927)
  5. Interesting reading: http://www.gallup.com/poll/21814/Evolution-Creationism-Intelligent-Design.aspx
  6. I had someone oversleep and miss a final while I was a grad student. I was not the instructor of record, and the instructor was out of the country. I had no idea what to do. The guy came running in at the end of the exam, totally panicked and nearly in tears I went to the department office and asked the chair. He told the guy "The office closes in 1.5 hours. You have 1.5 hours to get as much done as you can." (It was a 2 hour final). He did pass the class.
  7. Y'know, I had a deaf student in my class. She had an ASL interpreter, but when she came to office hours, her interpreter wasn't available. We were able to communicate just fine using paper, pencil, and writing. I wonder if something could have been worked out with speech-to-text so they could see what the other parents were asking? This is the sort of thing that I'm a lot more torn about, because it *is* a significant additional expense. At the same time, I would like everyone to feel welcome and learn to swim. I would definitely consider "you can't come into swim class at all" to be discrimination, but "how much accommodation is reasonable" is a reasonable question.
  8. I dreamed that I went to defend my dissertation, and they informed me that there had been an error and I had not passed my comprehensive analysis exam. So I had to take it over. So I went to take it, and they had swapped it out and replaced it with a (theoretical) differential equations exam. I complained, and they told me that if I deserved a phd I would be able to derive whatever I needed to work the differential equations exam. I woke up shaking ... this was on the morning of my defense.
  9. I *did* this with one calculus class. About 20 minutes after class was supposed to start, an enterprising student led about half the class to my office to hunt for me. Oh dear dear dear. I felt terrible.
  10. Furthermore, we aren't invaders trying to impose it on ourselves -- yeah, the man on the street might want the drug cartels gone, but he ALSO might feel a mite ticked off in a "how dare you come try to take over my country" manner -- enough to give assistance, which would mean a fairly large increase in formerly decent citizens involved in the drug trade. ETA: We do not currently have a great record as far as "let us come over and fix ALL your problems and everything will be wonderful and drug-free and democratic" goes.
  11. I'm surprised I didn't end up on that site the time I went out wearing my fluffy pink pajamas and brightly colored crocs because I needed cough medicine and couldn't be bothered to change.
  12. I gotta admit, I do think 'dayumn, ugly outfit' sometimes -- or sometimes just 'wtf!' although that usually happens with something that belongs on people of walmart ... like the shirtless woman with her boobs tucked into her pants. But I would never say something unless specifically asked by someone I knew, and even then I would be tactful. I just usually figure they have better things to do/don't care/are busy and hey this was clean/have different taste than I do/something like that.
  13. I love Narnia, but I really don't like starting with the Magician's Nephew. When I first read the books, I thought Nephew and the Last Battle were terrible books ... I hated them ... but I loved the other 5. In retrospect I think it's that they were deeper books, rather than having fun adventures like the other 5. I started with the Wardrobe and read them all, but I don't think I'd have ever read more than one of them if we'd been trying to go in chronological order.
  14. I saw this on facebook today: My daughter wanted a Cinderella themed party. So I invited all her friends over and made them clean my house.
  15. What do you get if you cross a mosquito and a mountain climber? Nothing. You can't cross a vector with a scaler.
  16. You must be nicer than I am. I would go buy 5 more just like it, in various colors.
  17. Clove oil or a whole clove against the tooth. Also, garlic oil will help with any infection.
  18. Yeah, I would look for a new dentist. It sounds like he's both a jerk and incompetent.
  19. Is he charging you for these fillings?
  20. Being in pain because you are out of pain pills is not being a wimp.
  21. Quite honestly I think a man who criticizes his wife's anything (or a woman who criticizes her husband's anything) in public is an absolute boor.
  22. Heh, Caroline was being sarcastic, but there are people who genuinely believe this. One of my former friends got quite vituperative when she found out that I wasn't planning on quitting my job as soon as I got married, and started telling me that I was the reason men couldn't find jobs.
  23. Yes. We'd be much better off if these people were documented rather than undocumented, and frankly, for those who are worried about job competition, it would make them less likely to agree to work for far less than minimum wage simply because they're worried about their employer calling immigration.
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