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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. I agree you should contact a family lawyer. I'm not a lawyer but, per discussions of grandparents' rights in other contexts, I'm pretty sure this is the only situation where grandparents can assert their right to contact.
  2. I would make friends with the person at the local grocery, then, and have them order you stuff. You can be the only GF eater around, and GF baked goods keep well because they're frozen. Or, you can mail order from Gluten Free Mall or somewhere else. In good homeschooler form, I get the Mama's and Pamela's shipped via Amazon Subscribe and Save. ;) Life is too short for bad food.
  3. Oooooh, I remember those days. My husband showered me in a deck chair, shaved my legs. My SIL would pedi my feet. Good times. Not. I was starting to feel like the elephant at the circus that gets washed with a deck brush. :glare: I was very fond of Body Shop peppermint foot lotion, but I can't attest to their ingredients anymore. Burt's Bees coconut foot cream is very thick and greasy, but I mix a blob of that with a blob of lotion (usually Kiss My Face) in my hand and it's a really nice, moisturizing combination. Kiss My Face is a generally good brand, but she may want something heavier. Canus body butter is really nice, too.
  4. Thank you. I think the Tinyada (and Deboles, and Bionaturae and, and, and all other rice pastas) is appalling. I honestly don't understand why people think it's edible. (eta) Nope, it's not a pregnancy thing. Gack-a-riffic is what my completely non-pregnant take on it is, too. :ack2: I either use the Ancient Harvest or Trader Joe's (I prefer the AH, though). Also on my list of edible: Gillian's French Rolls (actual bread consistency, plain and cinnamon raisin, and I think they're Canadian, Imp). They're my go-to for hamburgers, breakfast sandwiches, etc. Food For Life multi-seed English muffins (just like a standard one, nooks and crannies and all). I also have some of their brown rice ones in my freezer. I'll report back when I have one. Van's and Natures Path waffles. Not really into frozen waffles, but these are great in a pinch. I use Pamela's baking mix for quick muffins and pancakes, and Gluten Free Mama's Almond Blend for just about everything else. GFM makes awesome biscuits and roll-out, NY style pizza crust. I also use if to make the quickest hand-rolled pasta ever, so I can make lasagna. I'm going to try the recipe as an Amish pot pie noodle, too, once it cools back down around here. Lisa's right. GF can be very tasty, and not weird or hard at all.
  5. :svengo: :blink: I'll try to gently "help" correct misinformation in some instances. Sometimes, I just flat out say "no, I'm sorry, that's not correct," but that's rare and usually reserved for someone being obnoxious touting their misinformation.
  6. Absolutely beautiful! Whatever you are noticing, we can't see it. :)
  7. 25 years ago, you weren't convicted and registered for mooning.
  8. Me, too! I also laugh when it's my husband having that conversation and I start getting texts at 8 am that say "we're doing math. Bring bourbon. Twitch, twitch" :lol: And, yes, on those days, I usually need quiet time before we can move on tithe next thing. Otherwise, I might start baring my teeth and snapping at them. In 7 years of this nonsense, I have yet to figure out how arithmetic becomes completely new every Monday. It's one of the big reasons we school all year. I would have to be institutionalized if I had to teach all the same stuff over again every year from September to January. I really don't know how classroom teachers cope.
  9. We have a leather case that doubles as a stand for our tablet. I also got screen films, but my husband (who is usually better with such things than I am) destroyed two of the three trying to apply them, so there isn't one on it right now. I think they're beneficial in cutting down micro-scratches from constant touching, but it depends on frequency of use how important they are. I really like the cover/stand, though, so I can stand it on the counter in the kitchen, etc.
  10. Another vote for "artificially low". I think the aggregate rate has dropped since adding so many offenses - public urination, statutory offenses, etc - to the registry. The predators have a high rate of recidivism. I suspect the ones caught up in the "zero tolerance" net, or are victims of their "victims" (ie the fake ID) probably have a recidivism rate near zero.
  11. :iagree: The co-op we attended for several years did not have background checks; parents were required to be on the premises at all times, and there was no context for an adult to be one-on-one with a child unless it was their own.
  12. I don't think you're behind the times except for being shocked at what appears to be a growing trend. You are absolutely current on the etiquette of graciousness in the face of guests' nonsense. I'm another huge dog-lover. Our dog has full access to every part of our house and furniture, and sleeps in our bed. The keyword there, in case you missed it, is "our". We don't force other people to host her in their homes and she certainly is not invited to their dinner table! How.rude!
  13. :iagree: It's not the quality of the train trip that would deter me, it's the 4 days of travel. When the travel days start to almost match the vacation days, it's too much for us. And I have a hard time being a guest for that long, too, especially with children. I would either go with the beach or islands.
  14. Right now, the 11yo has her own (smaller) room, and her brothers share the other, larger, room. This is new, though. Until this past year (when she turned 11 and started wanting their grubby little fingers out of her stuff), they all shared the larger room, at their collective request. So, no, I don't think there's anything wrong with working with kid requests. (I share my room with my husband and, from birth to about 3.5, shared with each of the children, too. Now I want their grubby little fingers out of my stuff. The husband can stay though, since he helps ward them off. :D )
  15. Oops! Sorry! I just looked at the by-size and you're right: F is the largest. I could have sworn they had up to J before. :confused:
  16. Apparently there are others who need adult supervision, too! :lol:
  17. We don't. We schedule things out according to the best way for that resource, then start the next level when we're done. Some things are longer than others, some things are best done daily, others twice a week, others with a single lesson over a week. Some things, the kids accelerate in, some they need to slow down and do extra practice. It's too much of a hassle for us to try to line it all up into a tidy finish. I'm sure others have different ways of handling it, too.
  18. http://www.titlenine.com/ They have lots of non-sports selections in the larger b00k sizes.
  19. Below that. No rib attachments at the xyphoid process.
  20. Mine, too. I assume it's always tender (not much meat there) and just not touched firmly very often. A sternal rub (with knuckles) is a pretty effective way to get the attention of someone sliding toward unconsciousness, or faking it, because it hurts.
  21. Yep. My daughter played 6 games in OC, MD (so, resort town. Lots of dodgy looking characters) this weekend, with her team name, number, and last name on her jersey. Her full name is next to her number on her team's roster in the (free for the asking) tournament program. And, in at least 2 games - maybe 3, it's all a blur right now - all 18 girls (less the padded goalie) stood on the field in their sports bras and shorts while they flipped their jerseys to the reverse side so as to visually differentiate from the opposing team. Not a single parent batted an eye, nor did the coaches on either side or the refs, male or female. I'm not a "helicopter parent", nor do I let my kids free-range. And I firmly believe that it's nearly impossible to "overprotect" children. When my 7yos went to play at the playground, my husband and I were with them. Ditto, when the girls went around shoppig at the vendor booths. Nobody is going to try to lure the girls away from their parents and coaches, whether they know their name or not. Walking around, the kids have a chaperone or two always, and travel in groups. We try to stay unobtrusive, so the kids can do their activity, but we're there and watching the whole time. Again, I will say that names are not the issue. Presence is the issue. And, quite frankly, if I was a random park-snatcher, the kid without a name on his shirt (on a team of name-bearing jerseys) would stand out as the one that doesn't belong and probably easier prey than those who are clearly part of the group. Just a thought.
  22. I :001_wub: Ikea. Everything is so uncluttered, despite there being so much stuff! The problem is, I bring home their uncluttered stuff and it adds to my clutter. I need adult supervision in Ikea. :glare:
  23. :lol: I love plays on things we take for granted. It's like the 3rd Rock from the Sun church bulletin!
  24. It could be anything. And then she gets an itch, scratches it a little and triggers the rash. Our old pediatrician used to refer to eczema as "the itch that rashes". So true.
  25. Any time I take someone else's class or switch mine up a lot - even when I'm teaching strength training 4x a week - I feel it. One of my coworkers who is a distance runner/cyclist, curses me for several days after we lift together. I call her bad names after after I take her bootcamp class or cycle. It's all a normal part of using the same muscles in a slightly different way. I figure it's the fitness gods' take-em-down-a-notch juju. :D Eta: and, yes, oh my word the calves! That is the cause of the longest bad name calling bout! I think there were about 1000 jumping jacks between air jump roping in that class, the hateful !&@$?!. (so I retaliated in the squat cage and she couldn't walk for a week either. :lol: You should try exercising and see if they loosen up a bit and stop screaming once you get warmed up. If they do, I'd say "shred on". I mean, it's called "shred". You were forewarned. ;)
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