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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. Thank you! See? A professional opinion, thankyouverymuch. (< I must type that a lot. The iThing has learned it as a word.)
  2. I make GF tabbouleh with it. And this little gem appeared in my inbox this morning: Quinoa Berry Bliss Bites I LOVE her recipes. Her power balls are fabulous and have the approval of my daughter's lacrosse team. Subbing, as I have a TON of quinoa and always love new ideals for supper!
  3. I agree. However, I will not lie and pretend I don't feel quite clever in my vintage gloves pushing around grocery carts during plague season. ;) My kids each get one cold and (maybe) a 1 day stomach bug each fall/winter. When there is something particularly virulent running around, or we are in regular contact with people who bring their sick children out to socialize (because they're so bored, you know), I make sure they take elderberry syrup and I am a bit more prone to add astragalus root to rice pots or soups. Oh, and we avoid the pediatrician's office like the proverbial plague during the school year. That place is a petri dish. :ack2:
  4. Oh my word! I thought you meant a bolt of fabric! I was wondering why it was such a big deal and why you are so butt-clenchy that your kids couldn't use their bed until the bedding and such matched. Please ignore whatever disdainful thoughts you might have felt creeping your way a few minutes ago. Quill is right. That IS insane! (And, clearly, I am addled from heat and beig up past my bedtime)
  5. No kidding! My first inclination was to fly into a rant about how it's JUNE for Pete's sake! Could we just even make it into summer a LITTLE bit before we start talking / stocking / seeing Christmas decorations?!?! What is WRONG with people?? But I forgot there are, apparently, other holidays people decorate for. No. I really do not decorate for holidays. I have a flower box on the front porch that gets changed seasonally (as in, it has live plants in it right now, gets fall foliage and gourds sometime in October, greenery and big, outdoor glass ornaments in December), and we put up a tree and trim the foyer mantle for Christmas. At Christmas time. Not before, not after.
  6. Same. And I have had very obvious things, for which I made the appointment, go "uncaught". :glare:
  7. I would totally use your words. I think they cover all territory needing to be covered, whether they are deeply felt or not. Methinks Denise has the art of public grovel mastered. and a snap in a circle!
  8. Just talk to her the next time she's over. Explain that what you said was, in its entirety, frustration with your daughter's behavior at home and toward your expectations, and that it was unfair of you to dis' her to get your point across. I suspect that, if you're upfront and apologize, you may find yourself more highly respected and, perhaps, find an ally in your daughter's friend. (or, she's a complete brat and she'll slam you behind your back, but at least you will know you've taken the proper course of action.) It's hard raising teenagers. :grouphug:
  9. I'm not a physical therapist, but I am a personal trainer and I deal with an older population (not that you're "older") and lots of post-PT rehab. I would say fatigue gets worked through, pain does not. The point of the exercise is to work to the point of failure, by fatiguing the muscles. That's what builds strength. If you can physically do it again, do it. The next time, it will be harder to get to that point, and so on. You know the difference between "wow, that muscle hasn't been worked in a while and that sort of doesn't feel great" and "I've injured something".
  10. I know children of un-parents who will probably abuse others in a very similar manner in the future. In fact, they've done it since their pre-school ages, excused, glossed over or completely ignored. No kidding. And that would be after the screaming and beating trailed off. And this: and how I could undo it. I thought the whole POINT of a bus monitor was to keep this sort of thing from happening student-on-student?? :confused: Maybe bus monitors need to be armed with sticks, or tasers, or something.
  11. Aw, thanks. That means a whole lot, 'specially to a girl with no eyes! How do you like the MediFast? They're a local company and I was there at a health fair for the employees a couple weeks ago... kind of slow for us in the displays, because they have relatively no turnover, but they seem like a good company, and my crazy doc recommends their products, so I wonder what people who are using their stuff think.
  12. That's Michael Pollan. He uses a loaf of bread as an example. Your grandmother would recognize wheat flour, yeast, salt, maybe some fat. In comparison, a loaf of Sara Lee "Classic" white: I doubt anyone, from any culture or generation, would look at that and discern it to be bread.
  13. Praying for peace and comfort for all, and the many happy memories to fill the hole of your loss. :grouphug:
  14. That IS awesome! I hope she takes this amazing fortune and turns her life in a better direction. I have the same reaction to all cold medicines. And I can't imagine why anyone would willingly feel like that, either. It's ghastly.
  15. Too late! Ha! See how, when I have no makeup, I have no eyes? That's annoying.
  16. That is exactly my feeling as well. Eat real food, in quantities and combinations that please you. Try to skew it or add supplements that may benefit the MD.
  17. Aw, thanks! I was thinking of changing it. I'm growing bored of my own face.
  18. Yes, and while I'm here, I'm throwing others over the fence ahead of me!
  19. You have to be banned to be in the in crowd. That's how I'm totally sure I'm not. (although I was told recently that I seem the kind of person who should get banned, so maybe I'm on the cusp. :D)
  20. Same here and I was, literally, just sitting here and pondering the same, but with the added constraint of gluten-free. Gads.
  21. Oh, honey, that stinks! :grouphug: Whatever you do, though, keep moving with the ice/heat/anti-inflammatories. You do not want to lose tone in your rotator cuff, hip flexors, etc while you heal. Setbacks are not losing everything! Remember that and repeat it to yourself often.
  22. They're also nice as a third layer in the winter. Keep your core warm, but don't add bulk or bunch up your arms. In fact, I need to add some stretch wool jersey to my shopping list to make some.
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