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Everything posted by SquirrellyMama

  1. My dd 15 has a business making jewelry, bookmarks, upcycling clothing... She was going to start a Square account so she could take card payments. Unfortunately, she has to be 18. Which POS systems have you all used? There are several. Looking for recommendations of real life experience. I also thought about opening the square account for her. I wasn't sure how that would affect our taxes. I assume we have to claim it then if it is under my name? Kelly
  2. I'm not quite used to my new bifocals yet so I read your title as "Y'all need a nap". I thought maybe there was a contentious thread 😜
  3. So, what if the employee gets tested and it comes back negative? She will still be in contact with her mom. How long are people contagious?
  4. This is a workplace and covid question. Let's say an employee's mom tests positive for covid. Do you require the employee to be tested before coming back to work, or do you make them stay home from work for 10 days? Also, what about anyone who worked with that employee? Kelly
  5. Yes, I would make her play with the other girl. I have made my kids play with kids who were lonely and awkward. It was the kind thing to do. I have also hung out with their moms who were lonely and awkward because it was kind. We found things to talk about. I won't ever look back and regret doing this. I have from time to time decided not to hang out with certain people and didn't force my kids to play with their kids. They were the holier than thou personality types Kelly
  6. NM, I finally got through to the ADOT. Kelly
  7. They sound similar to what the Amana Colonies in Eastern Iowa were before the 1930s. Kelly
  8. All the times I've used IC my shopper and delivery driver has been the same person. I would find it odd to have my order shoppes but not delivered for 2 hours. Kelly
  9. Here are some of my questions. 1. The funeral home didn't take care of it. Can the family contact the VA? I have all the info ready. 2. I am confused by the headstone application. I don't think he's eligible for a free headstone. Do we provide the headstone? Do we just pay for the cemetery headstone. I always thought they were just white crosses? 3. My understanding is we have a lot of time to complete this process. My dad was adamantly opposed to the president. I think my mom might want to wait until after this election to apply for the memorial certificate just in case Biden wins. I don't think she would wait another 4 years. It says for 2020 each burial will automatically receive the certificate. That's all for now. I have gone through all the VA burial benefit pages and am just not understanding the whole process. Thank you, Kelly
  10. Has anyone here requested a burial in a national cemetery for a family member? I have some questions that I cannot find online. Kelly
  11. I'm sorry 😞 We were just without power for a week. I was starting to crack. I might have been able to handle it better if it weren't for the heat. I hope it isn't two weeks for you. Kelly
  12. Yes, they are some of the same people. Now, they are posting things about how much easier it will be to kidnap kids with masks. And, how putting duct tape over your kids mouth will be easier to do because of the mask over it. Kelly
  13. If masks don't work, why will they hurt our immune system? I see both of these arguments from anti-mask people. First, the argument was that masks don't work. Then they started saying that masks are going to hurt our immune systems. I don't see these 2 going together. Kelly
  14. I'm going to be the downer here. There can be negative reactions. I am sure it is rare. My sister ended up in the hospital with gastro issues, maybe kidney issues also from taking turmeric. Again, It is probably very rare, but if you start having gastro issues while taking it you might want to stop. Kelly
  15. I have Zombie's Run, I'll try The Walk.
  16. I need a goal. This post might be odd and many people probably won't understand. That's fine. I need a goal to lose weight. I am not talking about a number, but something to keep me motivated. An example would be training for a marathon. For the record, I do not want to train for a marathon, just using it as an example. Anyone have some ideas? I want something that will take it away from weight loss and more about being healthy and attaining a useful goal. My boss had a goal of doing a bikini competition. Again, not something I'm interested in. Just an example. Things I do like for exercise are walking, kayaking, paddle board, aerobics, swimming, ice skating. Kelly
  17. We waited to order until they were in stock so that part wasn't so bad. I think we started looking for sewing machines in late April and early May. The ones we ordered was the only model in stock. Kelly
  18. Why so urgent? Good question. Probably because this last month has been a sh#tshow. My dad passed away in July and there is still stress from that. We had a giant storm come through and this is day 6 without power. I have never been jumpy about loud noises or chaos, but anything unexpected is causing me giant stress right now. I am guessing all of that put together makes me want this taken care of now. The adjuster comes tomorrow and I hope things go well with that. We take my oldest dd back to school on Wednesday with a much smaller vehicle than planned because a tree took out 2 of our vehicles. It is 14 hours round trip so we don't drive down there frequently. Our governor visited our town to see the damage and stopped at the place I work and she and the owners took a picture outside without masks. Now people who have never been to our town and some who have probably never been to Iowa are harassing us online. We wear masks when we work but they wouldn't know that since they've never been there. They really don't like the governor. I can't say I've been super pleased with her performance. The sewing machine seems like a simple fix so I am probably fixated on it. Sorry, long and rambling. I think I am cracking. Kelly
  19. We bought 2 sewing machines online from Joann's. They were delivered on Wednesday. The girls have been waiting for months for sewing machines to be back in stock. Anyway, an extra machine was delivered today. I want to keep it because my old one is getting too old. How to I pay for it? I did send them a message about this but don't expect an answer before Monday. Should I take it to the nearest store and have them scan it? Kelly
  20. We ended up going out there when the rain really started coming down at 12:30am and turned it off, moved it into the garage. We started it up again at 2:30ish after we were sure the rain had stopped and more wasn't coming. Luckily, the rain cooled us off enough to be in the house. I'm glad there isn't any rain tonight. I didn't sleep well last night waiting for the rain. Almost 6 days without power. I am thankful for the generator to give us fans and a light. And, phone charging. We were driving around to cool off and charge phones. I see people on evening walks doing the same thing or just sitting in their cars charging phones 🙂 We are all so spoiled. Kelly
  21. Nope. Maybe we can rig something with a tarp.
  22. The dogs don't want to lose the cool fan breeze 🙂
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