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Everything posted by mlgbug

  1. okay now i got a week to get the funds together to buy it....off to sell SOMETHING
  2. so is this what i would need if i get the $ together? http://www.rodandstaffbooks.com/item/1-131--/?list=Mathematics_for_Christian_Living_Series
  3. rodd and staff does look pretty good....
  4. im gonna check out the rodd and staff
  5. she just turned 5...i was putting off schooling itll she turned 5. Math-u-see....ill look into that right now....i wanted to change programs too cause the number line thing she never got out of horizons...i just didnt see it as teacher her the concept right....
  6. So a few of you read my thread about taking about 6 months off to give DD time to relax. i was pushing her. That being said, she was almost done with book 1 of Horizons K....and we cant restart where she left off. she didnt retain the info. So i was starting with Singapore 1a but after a few pages, it got way to hard. DH wont let me spend any more $. im gonna try to make some paypal to get another program to take it nice and slow with her. i was making learning unfun.... id LOVE to get rightstart. but at 100.00 for the kits, its not doable....even tough i do believe its a PERFECT program for her..... im so not sure what to do. can someone direct me.....
  7. yeh its been a good 2 months we havent done ANYTHING! i mean, cooking, cleaning and sewing (she got good at that) but its like, i was making this girl cry for no reason, for what, me to say she learned to read at 4. bad mommy move on my part.she is enjoying the Singapore 1A workbook now, counting and coloring, all at the table right now. its just, so hrad. and i have no money to get anything new. but i dont know if i need the teachers guide and text. we had the earlybird back in the day and i didnt like it so thats why we are starting with 1A
  8. So we took some months off....dd just broke down and didnt want to do anything, i was pressuring her, she wasnt ready....so i stopped it all. And now, we are back to square one. She was almost done with her Math Horizons K book 1....but she cant remeber anything so i am starying Singapore 1A which is easy so far reading she was almost done with 100 ez....but we are re-starting HOP 1st grade. here is my Q, how is singapre?? it was given to me so i have 1a 1b 2a and 2b. I dont have the textbook for 1A....should i have it? do i need it? thanks. For those who are pushy...sit back and relax. when you think your kids GETTING it, they just might not be. i feel like a horrible mommy for making her work through tears and i feel like we wasted months on her learning for nothing....i just having a hard time, she is sad she forgot it all... but we are ready. she is a new 5 year old, and ready to tackle it all :) im doing math and reading everyday, SLOWly, we are going to do AAS maybe 2-3 times a week....thats it for now... i dont want her to get discouraged again. if i do need the text for singapore 1 PLEASE let me know if you have one dirt cheap. hubby isnt letting me spend for school anymore :(
  9. okay, well we say Toxic Childhood on CNN lsat week. and i looked at my kids Lo'real shampoo and i am apalled to see what was in there! I am disgusted. So i giess i wanna stay away from the chemicals.... Kiss My face Warehouse i slike 10 mins form me!
  10. SO we are going organic. I am ready to order something online, so please, what are the best kids and adults shamppos, soaps, everything.??? Where is the cheapest place to order from?? thanks
  11. THANKS! its so SUCH a special moment too, cause DD help her sleeping brother for an hour like that and wouldnt elt his head fall :) They love having pictures taken and WOULD LOVE to win them this photo shoot!
  12. We entered a contest for Special mom moments. Its photo number 2. the little girl holding the little boy. It was so special and i hope we win! thanks http://dpcustomdesign.blogspot.com/
  13. interesting. Ill have to try this out! If you see my blog im REALLY working on making a healthy me, and well, what better way then to add this to my diet. Now, i have to admit, i do add a bit of sugar to my kids smoothies, they just WONT drink it without. DDhates pinaple beacuase she says it has hair in it.lol. I make Banana icecream (frozen banana and organic milk with a teaspoon of sugar) and they love it. .... I cant wait to go foodshopping to get more fruit!
  14. So, how do YOU make a green smoothie??? I make fruit smoothies ALL the time, but now, im interested. SO tell me, how do i make it? what goes in it? tHANKS I WILl try them ALL out and post reivews~
  15. We are up from last night. http://lavidabuenaschool.blogspot.com/
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