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Everything posted by mlgbug

  1. Signing times!!! I used the with DS, well really i learned from them, but with a non speaking fustrated 3 year old nephew, i knew anythign was possible. So me DD learned signs and he did too. he knew over a handful by a year, and they both new more than my by the times he was 1.5 and speaking.... so although she is older they are great. DD was about 2.5- 3 when she learned from them, and well i was 25, lol and learnned from them....
  2. its funny, every month i hope to be late, get the quizy feeling i ALWAYS get...:) still hopeful :)
  3. lol thanks. she asked for her "chapter book" at bed time, BUT PASSED OUT BEFORE IT WAS OPENED!
  4. Okay so we got a package today, that included 3 books of the seton faith and freedon readers. DD has been soundinh out words, even words she knew. she had to go poop so i gave her one book that had "here we come, this is out home and here we Are again" on the cover. She came out of the batheroom saying "mommy i can read this chapter book. look" she is now on page 45 reading FLUENTLY, and with purpose not montotone. when she gets to the endof a sentence and she realized it was a question, she goes back to re read it like a question. WOW I CANT BELIEVE IT!!!
  5. yeh he alwasys knows there is a possiblily......and he wouldnt FLIP if i got prego....and he says it would be nice all the time...but i think college tuition scareds him,lol
  6. we dont have the space, we dont have the money, but i so want to grow our family more.... we dont use protection other than "pull out and pray" as some call it.. and im secretly hoping it fails :) just had to share
  7. Someone indulge me. its seems rightstart uses more manipulative...is this better? dd 4 is about halfway through with Horizons K math book 1..... but it seems righstart has games, and more activities... but we are progressing fine with horizons.... (i love this place :) )
  8. oh i didnt before i made that post. now im just awaiting approval :)
  9. i told the story and dd4 wants to see a movie. i remember seeing one in Church school....but cant figure out which one...and i want it to be child friendly....
  10. no one??? my phone only records for like 10 seconds.lol
  11. $1 i can do, next time i venture out.lol. ill have to check a dollar store...
  12. the box is too wide. i want them to stand up....so i can file through them, understnad? think AAS cards,...
  13. yep idex card size....tad smaller.... hmm, maybe the kids shoes box. i might have one. let me check
  14. okay i need an item i may alread have in the house for flashcards....i cant go out and buy something....help me!
  15. today i will get my butt in gear. ill print activities for the week rather than trying to get it done. ill be working now m w f in an office WITH the kids, lol, yeah tell me about it, and they will be there with my. i ened to be in gear so i can get them to sit and work, we got into an amazing schedule at 9am we sit and work, this week screwed me up and we are way behind.....today and tomarrow will be catch up and i am gona get the week ready.
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