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Everything posted by mlgbug

  1. ha so funny you mention pink i really didnt want it in DS's color game we made, but of course DD insisted!
  2. amazing movie, changed the way we bought food.....we wont eat fast food anymore..... organic is SO EXPENSIVE. i pick carefully using the dirty dozen list.... i cant wait for farmers markets!
  3. alright so it looks 50/50.... ill be sure to update the post after i get this squared away
  4. thanks for the replies. i dont think she NEEDS it, but i think it wont hurt, especially the fill in the sentence and th create the sentence pages.... so i think she will do her usualy 2 pages on book 2 a day, along with 1 page of 1 1/2
  5. the kids here wake at leaste every 2 hours here. so i sta up and try to get alone time with dh tonight he went out and left me the laptop so if they wake they are right next to me and i tell them to go bac kto sleep :) we all get out of bed together
  6. and have ure list of want to buys grow/? dh went to the city for the night.' ive been wanting AAS now i want AAS SOTW 1 Artistic pursuits etc3+ etc a and b for ds bfiar for ds and nope i got nothing better to do than spend the night here!
  7. interesting. i was going to do it ALONG with book 2. i havent looking into book 2 yet. but i really like in 1.5 they have all the words for a sentence jumbled and she has to put them where they belong AND write it. i wih they had that activity in book one, rather than just writing the words they see from the picture.
  8. so i wasnt planning on using the half books...and moving dd right into 2 this weekend.... but i just flipped through it and i actually think ill pull stuff from it as review BEFORE she does her 2 pages a day in book 2. Like the sentence building and writing, fill in the blanks, these all seem really great to use. She just doesnt need to go over the while cirle the letters write the word. xing the matching words... does this sounds like a good idea to the hive or no :)
  9. well for k you can see im my blog what we are doing....i would add math for your K. we are doing Horizons. You could do that for both just different levels. how is the reading on your oldest? you couldnt even do OPGTR for both of them together. k and 1 is so close its nice.
  10. see thats the thing. G is ALL over the map, learning, watching history channel i really want to get it moving, okay, so angela you would recommend noth eh text and AG
  11. i point me to a new directions and im all yours! what else should i look into. im not creative, so i need things to tell me what to do when to do them....these books, color this, talk about this....kwim?
  12. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: i lived with my inlaws for 8 years. and i can offer is hugs. please hang in there, the rainbow will come. promise!
  13. what would it be? i dont mean compete just a subject or certain thing you REALLY want, maybe cant afford, or dont need it enough to justify buying it... mine in All About Spelling 1 thats it. I know dd could really use to, and really enjoy it, but we cant afford it....so its gotta go on the back burner.....
  14. we are doing k4 here.... all of it is in my siggy excpet for a few changes comming.... we switching to OPGTR, adding some histoy and not sure what else to come.....id like to add AAS but we are broke :(
  15. ug, Well either way gotta do what hsa to be done. she will look oh so yummy in glasses :)
  16. whats the AG? this is different from the student workbook? whats that about?
  17. i tried to figure it out.... there is the text right. then a student wrkbok? then you get stories to go with the chapter??? help me out please. our librar has sotw....so im gonna get it to see. but do i need the workbook//. ive checked blogs but cant figure it out still :)
  18. what dp u have??? im tringn to get stuff for next ear now. hoping to get trades for other items alongthe wah
  19. So ive been noticing when G is reading and doing school work she gets reall close to the paper....leans all the way down to the table... is this common for new readers? or should i go get the peepers checked/ dh wears glasses and my mom alwas has too.........
  20. i just made ds a color game, in 2 days he has learned allv of them. he matcges them,tells me what hes hlding,i ask him to hand me a x color.its in my blog
  21. my inter library system has a ton, check yours!
  22. i think there is a Magic School Bus book about the heart? maybe even more?? im considering doing this one too! ill be sure to let you know when i get it together
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