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Everything posted by mlgbug

  1. book samaritan, anyone have a link i can pass this on to her? yeh she never asked for hlpe, but iknow what its like, and am just trying to do my best. we have dont very well on very little here as well, and ive showed her my ideas and tricks.... i just thought it would be nice for her to recieve some items, which she is thanks to the momma sending a box :) thank you all again
  2. she hs my WTM book as well to get a general idea...
  3. ds 2 plays games when he wants to all very educational. dd 4 goes on frequenlty, but i really watch her, cause i hate the poinless things. reading eggs or something long those lines. i dont mind the time frame. she gets bored within an hour....
  4. we just startted and are doing it anywhere from 3-5 times a week....but it could be less. its about 20 mins sometimes faster....we just completed step 3. see my blog. i thought we would spend more time on segmenting words....but dd got it that instant. it was weird!
  5. it sure is, but she seemed SO proud of her choice....i just met her, but we have been getting to know each other really well. there isnt many homeschooling people around here, so i was sooo surprised to find one. there are some groups about an hour north but thts it. trust me ive searched high and low. i did tell her about the library having sotw ill have to give her the sonlight idea thanks! such wonderful ideas!!!!!
  6. OKAY SHE IS new in the game :) and like many of us, she would love to be able to find the perfect fit....but i guess thats impossible when you cant afford to try it all. she got OPGTR for her 1st grader from the library, ive given her all the free resources i know of from here....im gonna give her the phonic pathways for now since we rent using it..... i will help with postage as much as i can. really. i know she is christian, not catholic, since she goes to a church with a pastor....not sure what it is though. wait the title was something bible church.....so not sure what it is for sure. she has looked into Abeka before but could belive the $ but honestly i think she would adapt whatver.... hope this helps?
  7. So i met a local homeschooling mother in a worser (is that a word) financial situation than i am in. She has twin girls entering K and a 1st grader and 3rd grader now. They are going to begin homeschooling this month. She has nothing, and doesnt know anything. but willing to try anything. she may keep the 3rd grader in PS until she can get a whole Curc. together.... I have been able to pass along the little that i dont need, HOP, the ETC primers i bought for ds (ill just have to rebuy them in a year) but she is at a loss. She has no internet and can only get web access through the library... i am trying to ebay things to get some $ to buy stuff for her kids, but its hard, and im not doing good myself.... so i am asking if you have anything to get rid of, i will help to pay shipping as it allows. i would love to get this all together and wrap it up and make it a true Hive gift. I have spoken highly of all of you! thank you all
  8. true....maybe have both on hand? just in case? im afraid the big one will be too overwelming for her, and i would like for her to learn to do it herself....kwim?
  9. really whts the reason? is it large print though for little eyes>
  10. i was thinking the same....then again i was considering getting a childrens dictionary, cause when we do readalouds dd is ALWAYS asking me differnet definitions, and then i could teach her to help me find it and we could learn it together. maybe start a index card file and review when we have learned???
  11. really??? ill have to look. what age is it for?
  12. last night. what a wonderful show! really they are such a beautiful family. i love the way their children behave, like children yet with the utmost respect for others. really wonderful. i would love to have 19 kids. what a blessing they are to the crzy tv world we have. the girls always so fashionable in their skirts to! love them, i think i am hooked/
  13. when should u start a vocabulary program? i see wordlywise is a popular one, but, i think its expensive right? what other ones are there?
  14. im in. its a real genuine smile i wanted to share. i also updated my template and made a new post!!!
  15. leapfrog vote...and we used 100 ez starting when dd was 3, almost 4..... while it did get her blending and reading FAST, it leaves gaps i feel. id go with OPGTR....or something else/
  16. put fist together with thumbs in the air. (knuckles touching)is makes a bed, dd ALWAYS does this now
  17. when do you have kids memorize flash cards? like 1+1, 3+2 ect.... thanks!
  18. okay awsome to know thank! now lets say the 1st grade one....is it for a reader already.....or would K be for a reader finishing up 100 ez lessons and in ETC book 2?
  19. okay ds is 2 and nows all his sounds, and we are working on identifying them....so this may good for him around 3.... hw do the workbooks compare to ETC? would i get the WHOLE kit for K?
  20. is this as good as using OPGTR or 100 ez??? im thinking ahead for dS, who i htink wont enjoy OPGTR or 100ez...... im thinking for K.... do you need the WHOLE kit? any info...THANKS
  21. i THINK that was it....i have it comming from netflix. thanks! and the other one, the first animated one, that one we are getting through the library! :)
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