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Everything posted by mlgbug

  1. do you get the school work ready the night before, do you get a whole week ready? do it in the am? I am a mess. i try to prepare in the AM which i HATE but want to relax at night.... just seeing
  2. and i have OPGTR but i feel like compared to that, 100 ez is so incompete....the rules are explained in 100 ez as they are in opgtr.....but yet i love the stories in 100ez...ad i dont know where to start in opgtr since they are so different....im scared to drop it...
  3. yeh sounding words out is amazing.lol. today she did mother, brother, father, hunting, and she sounds it out then says the word. when she reads a sentence, if she gets to a word she sounds out, shell soud it out, say it, then re read the sentence to make it fluent....
  4. she started out making short sounds, now she blends the letters to make her sounding out a word sound like an actual word..... we have gone slow, very slow. took a few months off too. shes just getting so down onherself when she doesnt sound it out. but like we are in sets 2 and 3 of the bob books, she sounds out a few words not many, and when she doesnt sound them out she is thrilled...when she does then she gets mad.
  5. and NOT have a fluent reader???? we are at lesson 65 and STILL not fluent. ARG! we are also going slowing with OPGTR starting behind where we should be...using tiles, and playing the games....like ing, ang, ung, fishing game.... but come on! Im gonna loose it.... then i wonder if maybe working with the common sight words, yes they can be sounded out bit of she memorized them...woiuld it help with fluency?? talk to me veterans :)
  6. totally agree.... but i do understand the kid.... I WAS a production of WHY NOT TO SEND YOUR child to PS., i did it all, sucummed to all the peer pressure, and well we dont need a list.... BUT my dream was to go to college to play soccer, and i know it probably wouldnt have happen if i was homeschooled....not that it was an option.lol. BUT then again i Did get a scholorship to ANYWHERE in the country.....and didnt go since i fell in love and got ON THE RIGHT track :) (thanks DH!)...
  7. SO we started Little House in the Big woods yesterday, DD4 is TOTALLY into it. i mean she loves it. we only read chapter one! tell me about the study guide?? She is trying to make a tree stove like they used in chapter one out of a toilet paper roll. ill have to post this one later in my blog! but i can tell these are a great for her to listen and comprehend.....so far so good :) Thanks for the Rec HIVE :)
  8. Well, the first kid did love to be homeschooled and he admitted that 2 years ago, he wouldnt have been ready as a person and he said something along the lines about his faith wasnt built to where it was now, and he now confident he cound be in school but still be him...he was the football player....i liked their family. it was nice to see the mom and dad reading the bible to the kids, even though they were seniors in hs. the boy i think
  9. i took this from my blog post the other, i am so proud, i keep re reading it. share yours too! Today was our second day going to church at Our new parish. We always use to go with my DH's family to a Spanish mass, but i felt the kids would do better going to English Mass and may begin to understand more. So we are going to a local church the next town over from our new house. Today was the second week and Bonita always picks where we sit. Of course, its FRONT row, but i make it 2 isles back :) After mass today, a lady came out of her way to tell me i had such well behaved children. I felt so proud.... At the kids dentist the other day, DS2 began to cry halfway through th cleaning (he was in the chair alone), I told him "Okay you need to stop crynig and finish" he took a deep breath and said "okay mommy" and he let the dentist finish. Her comment "Your doing a great job raising these kids mom" I feel so proud that they are mine :) DD4 also read a story to her daddy from 100 ez lessons, a long story and sounded out like 1 word! IT was INCREDIBLE. she is very monotone but WOW SHE DID IT FLUENTLY!
  10. my dd does this. we just started copywork, i make it up....and put a dot at the starting point to remind her to start there and go down
  11. True life: im homeschooled. DH has a tv in his office at work and gave me the info.....ENJOY
  12. the half books have some great activities. like, fill in the blank of a sentence with a word bank, and sentence building/writing..... we are moving into book 2 but are going to do the 1 1/2 along with it, but selective pages
  13. JUST SO HAPPY HERE! we are moving into ETC2 tomarrow along side 1 page of selective 1 1/2
  14. are these nice to own? I think id love to get them one day to have in the house for the younerster...... like the grade 1 and 2.... just wondering since i got my seton catalog in the mail today :)
  15. OMG i forogt we had the big box set of BOB books. the large one with set 2 and 3 mixed. Advancing beginiers and Word families. I showed dd and she took out book5, read it without sounding out and said, HA mommy, i really can read! DUH CHILD!!! Ill have to look for collection 3 somewhere, i know we got this one ages ago in sams club
  16. thats beautiful and so true for our house! We have SO MUCH FUN! And its good the kids are so youn, they dont know. and DD even 4 understands if i say no when she asks for something, she somehow understands and just say "its okay mommy, maybe next time"
  17. How do you handle it? We have never been well off, and always had a struggle, but we just found out DH is gonna be paid for month! (family buisness and the workers have to get paid in tough times before he can :( )savings are limited, bills are piled..... how do you stay positive? im not down, just unsure of whats to come.... at least i had a great ebay sale that i WANTED to go for AAS, but, it will have to be this weeks food money :) Im awsome a coupon clipping, we dont spend on alot of things other than food...... just kinda sucks, i was so excited to get DD AAS and possiblt Artistic Pursuits.... but everything happens for a reason.....i look foward to cruise down this hill rather than trecking up it :)
  18. honestly, i wish they would sleep in. i wish i could have peaceful morning coffee. its liek if i get up at 5, they do, if i get up at 6 they do, i cant beat them! And at night, they wake every 2-3 hours for random things so....id like PEACE :)
  19. aww thanks! I really enjoy doing daily updates and DD already loves going through it from begining :)
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