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Everything posted by mlgbug

  1. im so ecited be living on my own. and we have an awsome Garden, although i never did garden i plan on it for spring!
  2. id love to see a pic of the computer desk turned compost!
  3. DH SAID WE CAN COMPOST!!!!! yeah so we are moving into our own house soon and id like to compost. he was on bord, told me to take care of it though.... im lost.lol what do i use? what do we buy? ill have great soil, and might cut back on garbage cost too :)
  4. you see she doesnt know it ALL SOLID, but for the most part. i mean i wouldnt start till say may with that and by then i believe she will know all upper lower and sounds
  5. i only have $20. so i have to get something, that includes shipping.
  6. yeah i agree. dd is already bored with 100 ez lessons at lesson 29. so id like to continue but with something new and more fun.... now im just iusing what she knows and writing silly sentences like dad is a cat and she reads it and laughs. .... so at least shes thinking
  7. i completeley agree. the ything is they WANT to learn. they ASK me for it, and im so unprepared. today ds picked up the 100 ez lessons on his own and points to e and says eeee. points to a and sas aaaa. its like they are ready, im not.
  8. i have $20.00 pp and would like to get something for handwriting....TONIGHT! DH is at a KEg party so nows the time ladies!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Im so proud! i didnt help him. Just told him the number on the card, counted the dots, and told him to place only that many popcorn on the card.
  10. ive tried the vani cream. we have tried every steroid cream. he has to take atarax for the itch, although i alternate it with benedryl. right now we are trying claritin daily, plus the benedryl at night and a course of steroids orally. i havent seen a change. the back of his legs look like i burned him. he is itchy all over. and stays in cotton sleepers, even to play outside. poor guy.
  11. omg Christina i remember you from YEARS ago i think on diaperswappers, i remeber when you just started making things! so awsome, youl always did rock! love the blog and jelouse your in Hawaii and im in NY. i want to go surf again!
  12. i already cook form scratch so maybe it wont be bad. i just hope there is something to clear him up :(
  13. im hoping we do find something cause this poor kid is a mess. he gets reacuring staph infections from itching so deep. he lives day and night in cotton sleepers. gosh i cant imagine having to take out say dairy from his diet....isnt there ALOT of things with dairy??? i mean cereal, egg, pancakes, wow.
  14. we did this on friday, how long for results??
  15. best remedy for anything: boil peace of chicken, 1 clove garlic, 1 whole onion, piece of fresh ginger. salt to taste, these are the staples in my sounp i make 4 times a week, really helps to drin kwhen sick though,
  16. he has the prick done already for like external allergens. but ive heard the results can vary.
  17. thats nothing! when ds was born, my FIL first wanted to be there in the room for his first grandson, NO! then after the birth he came in, unwrapped my cold newborn just to see if his balls were big enough to be one of them!
  18. we are trying to get the the bottom of ds excema. its bad, bloody bad. he was to stay in sleepers so he doesnt itch. he is miserable. its been about 6 months its been this bad. there has been NOTHING to clear it. weve gone to extreme like urine therapy. so....he had blood taken for allergy testing yesterday. in 2 weeks he is getting th allergy testing done on his back... my question, anyone see a diff in the 2 test? what was it?
  19. hey how do u like the hooked on handwriting???
  20. i dont have HWT BUT my library has the TM :)
  21. mfw has always caught my eye. but i dont know if id want to save for the k program for the 1st grade. she will be 5 in may, so,....we are doing k work this year....ug
  22. i wish i could joke back. then hell say im disrespectful. arg. yeah its a cultral thing, im sure it is, but its just so uncalled for. like i need to hear that when my kids skin is bleeding, we cant find a cure or cause for the excema, dd is loosing her pigment and its not vitiligo. its just, i got a full plate. i dont need to hear it sometimes. but, i relax and do what my new guide tell me, to pray. i pray for everyone now :)
  23. ds is almost 2 and i have to lay with him and he has to hold my boob.. dd 4 i still have to lay with. when dd was 2 i had to nurse her to sleep but i was 7 months prego and vut that off. THEY STILL DONT SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT! thay fall asleep in our bed, i put them to their bed. ds usually wakes within 2 hours. i give him the paci and he goes back to sleep. eventually they are in my bed EVERYNIGHT :) dh is more bothered than me.
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