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Everything posted by mlgbug

  1. How to teach them fun? where to buy some games? what worked for you? Gabriella can sound things out great, but how do i get her to remeber the sight words???
  2. anyone have them. im so young, so pretty (at least i think so) but this is the route i must take....since i cant afford implants! here is the thing, my worst fear is my husbands smart ass remarks. ug... but i could get the pretty teeth i dreamed of right> just sulking here
  3. yep hes been there. everyone seems to think everything will "come together in time"
  4. well he does have a poor attention span but does communicate. make sese? he wont play catch with u but will sign all done when he is done eating
  5. but like woke up one day and started to talk? completly. from baby babbles to language?
  6. okay its just so hard. and i know there are many components. he in in school 5 days a week (like a preschool for kids who recieve servives) and then he goes to daycare where his therapist also go. i feel so bad for my sister. her fustration. and i feel guily, here i am with my 2 year old who talks as good as my 4 year old. its relieving to know that there are others out there who have talked past 3/. but he has no momma or dadda clearly either...well he says momma momma when he is mad but will say that to his dad too
  7. interesting about the phonics pathways. but, how do you teach a child to read that cant talk or say they sounds or words your asking them to?like if i tell my 2 yea old aaa or shshshsh he can do it. this child cant. he would make anotehr noise and go on about his buisness
  8. i made an apple pie and a pumpkin pie with the kids tonight. it was fun and there goes the hips!
  9. they are working on signs with him. i wish it was introduced earlyier. thats the thing he is sooo fustrated and i can only imgaine everday life. but he is gettnig the basic signs down. he has no diagnosis yet. he recieves speech, aba, physical for muscle tone and motor skills. and thereapy for like skills like going on the potty and such
  10. yeah but 3 years old???? hes been in therapy since 22 months.
  11. my newphew just turned 3. he still has no words. he babble, and sounds like he is talking. he recieves ABA and other therapy....and he isnt autistic. so, my question, did anyone ever have a child turn 3 still with no words, none at all....and then begin to speak? hearing is good, vision, and he does go get his shoes if you ask ext. but doesnt talk english or anything we understnad.... thanks from the concerned aunt :) __________________
  12. my newphew just turned 3. he still has no words. he babble, and sounds like he is talking. he recieves ABA and other therapy....and he isnt autistic. so, my question, did anyone ever have a child turn 3 still with no words, none at all....and then begin to speak? hearing is good, vision, and he does go get his shoes if you ask ext. but doesnt talk english or anything we understnad.... thanks from the concerned aunt :)
  13. you know, abcs, counting songs, ect... anywebsites?
  14. So Lorenzo (ds2) is a new 2. but i know, i want to let him be 2, but i want hom to learn in the process. he jus tturned 2 a week ago :) but can count to 15, sing his abc quit well and is trying to recognize letters and sounds.(from fridge magnets) what can i do to keep him engaged and learning?
  15. so after considering world geography. i wanted to start with teaching the US states, capitals ect to my K'er. any good programs for this? is this a bad idea starting with the states? all input please. thannks
  16. how is this? good as a geography standalone? whats it like? thanks!
  17. those are awsome, and awsome price, but $8 for shipping!!!! ic ant do that
  18. thats a good idea but for some reason I HATE PLAYDOH. with a passion. i NEVER buy it. the smell, the mess, it drives me insane :)
  19. she WANTS to learn. like a magical power will make her learn. she cries to learnto read, but hates the fact that she does have to sit down in order to learn. its not gonna happen..... thats where im stuck. i have a child wanting it soooo bad, yet, doesnt want to try
  20. i have been doing the paint chip phonics games. and she is sooo lazy. like emabarred to show what she knows and whats shes able to do...
  21. they wont use tape for me either. but always offer to le tme purchase one
  22. we are doing HOP K right now. shes gotten through i think 4 books. but still she isnt pleased. i got a tough one.
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