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Everything posted by mlgbug

  1. BORING. ive heard ofthis happeneing. but it was going SO well, now its like this me "Gabriella its time for a quick reading lesson" her "nooo its sooo boring. i just sit there and say aaaa shhshsh uuu, its boring mom" arent tehre some FUN phonics/ learn to read things?
  2. no im in there room, but not sitting at the table..... its just his hands are so darn tiny.
  3. okay so dd is ALWAYS crafting. she is 4 and uses WHATEVER scissors she wants. i give her the kids, but she is amazingly detailed and can use sharp. even at 3. now, ds just turned 2 last week. he wants to cut. but kids scissors are still big....do i just let him figure it out? i mena yeah i help him but i cant do it ALL the time..... do they sell really small ones that still cut? we have a tiny pair but they dont even cut paper and it drives him crazy
  4. so we are at 39. not doing it everday. i came across, WOW and Cow. they want them to sound it out,....but o it taught as ooooo. so ww ooo www is not wow??? just like said. ss aaa iii ddd for me doesnt make said. is it me or did anyone else have this problem??? the firdst one that bothered me was the. ththththeeeee and not the
  5. well we broke it down to 2 times a day and left the last page the HARD writing for tomarrow moring which we will then begin the easy part of the lesson 2. ill see how this works. today she did awsome but needed encouragement to continue. i didnt do her reading lesson today, just the ETC and her Math. but we went apple picking :)
  6. we have singapore earlybird science . i have to read it for dd but im happy
  7. so we happily started book one. i THOUGH we would do a lesson a day but they seem alot of work. is it intended for a lesson a day? we did half a lesson this am, and i was thinking to finish it later...or should i do it tomarrow?
  8. wow congrats! we are on lesson 39 but doing it in combo with HOP and ETC, i try to keep things moving cause 100 ez is starting to be like pulling teeth!
  9. they are great. but if your new to wrappng id go for something like a baby k'tan. same stretchy wrap, but it doesnt have to get wrapped. they are great. since stretchy can only be used for so long comfortably, its a less expensive optiuon (i have one to sell too :) ) the other thing is a mei tie, you can use it front and back with a newborn., i had ds on my back at 2 weeks ond :)
  10. absoluley thats huge, glad u told me. what are some smaller ones?
  11. i was considering this for my 4 year old. i cant get her dry, and buying diapers for her and not my 2 year old seems so wrong! plusm she HATE diapers. tells me they are for babies. but, she wont stay dry
  12. im so glad i just opened it and saw the begining pretest in book 1. i just called dd over to do it really quick and she got them all right, super fast, the only one she didnt know was qu. OFF TO BOOK 1 today :)
  13. we got DS his first lego set. (hes not ready for it but we asked for it for him for his b-day. cant start TOO early) its a 675 piece set wthat has wheel peices, people peices. its the ones for age 4 and up. not big, but not SUPER tiny. i think its like the originals. all in a nice tote box. $45. its from the Lego store here. AWSOME STORE!
  14. nice review. thanks! im kelous, where do you live to be getting to see these?!
  15. yeah she sounds out words well. she can do BOB books, and the HOP books, but sounds out every word. she doesnt read fluently.....but sounds it out then says the word. so maybe we will skip them :)
  16. i need to stop worry about finances for the future. see i have been having dd write i a wipesheet in her notebooks so id have them for her brother, and its driving both of us crazy. i told her last night just go for it, write in it. ill worry about getting money to buy his book when its time. ahh the relief, but now, im already thinking of what to buy him when i have funds! SO FUSTRATING!
  17. we got a abd b from the library. i own C then 1-2.5 ETC books.... i was working our way through the a and b but dd is bored. should i just skip ahead and let her start book 1?
  18. so we are using HWT but DD isnt getting enough practice the way we both want. we jump around the books, practicing what she wants. last night she was wde awake and wanted to learn to write numbers better. she did awsome and went to 9 in HWT i told her to take a break. but she still wants more.... shes also asking me to spell words so she can write them....i guess almost like copywork.....cause sometimes i write the letter she cant remeber so she can see it. would startwrite work for this? would it be worth it? what else can i do with HWT?
  19. anyone have one? how the maintenance? DD wants one when we move...i thought it would be a nice tough to a playroom maybe?
  20. i make lentils once a week. but, im allergic (got it as an adult one day, not sure how) so i dont eat them. but i soak over night, and BOIL for a long time. then very finly cop red pepper and onion. saute that when the lentils are almost out of water(in another pot) , add that to the lentils, keep stiring, check the salt and eat it as a side.
  21. for a begining reader... see i was thinking jumpstart K, but i want it to challenge her. so, she is reading BOB bookd, but sounds each word out. should i get the 1st grade one? anything else? thanks
  22. what are leaf rubbings???? dd is SO into falling leaves :)
  23. i want to add something though.....something more fun....maybe some computer games? she is tired on starfall right now she is drawing and listening to an audio book.....
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