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Everything posted by mlgbug

  1. he was takig claritin once a day and was very cranky, but hes a cranky person to begin with. now since he goes for the back prick he cant have anything
  2. my guess is the Steroids are getting out of his system. things are bad again :(
  3. SO COOL, ou library had Get ready for the code : a primer for the explode the code series. Book A / Nancy Hall. so ive NEVER seen ECT> I LOVE IT! Gabriella loves it. its wonderful. i want them all, this one is easy for her but i figured we would play with it anyways. ive just used a page diver with a dry earase marker.... i wish they had more. but so worth it
  4. from what i understand excema can CAUSE vitiligo.....since vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder. the damage from the excema causes the term vitiligo.. but she isnt dry itchy or anything. her white patches are just growing and appearing.... the odd thing is i noticed the first white patch on her arm right after her fever disorder (PFAPA) went into remissoin.....so im tryign to see if the 2 are related.
  5. Gabriella my 4 year old might have vitiligo :( it broke my heart. im afirmed more that homeschol would be good. she doesnt need to be tormented. ill take pics with my phone tomarrow, maybe there are some skin doctors here. we went to the dermatologist today, we are doing a steroid foam for 4 weeks to see if there is an improvement. if not he is gonna do a biopsy but said it will hurt her so he is hoping not to. this is our 3rd dermatologist. they all say excema. i dont know. she was sick as a child with a fever disorder, thats in remissoin now this is something else she will have to overcome. parenting is so tough. and yes I thank God things arent worse, but sometimes its still hard as a mom to know that people will look at your child forever and wonder. it isnt on her face, yet. her arms and legs and now starting her back. it all started a year and a half ago, in one small tiny spot. who knew it would turn to this
  6. gabriella didnt know them at all. well a few of the capitals but that was it. so its fine, we started right after she turned 4 and shes doing great.
  7. i was just re reading my own thread! we are at lesson 32 and doing good. she still sounds out the words then reads them, but i think thats still okay. she is getting confident. we use to do it was a night time lesson, i moved it to morning/afternoon. i also printed out a 100's chart and she gets to do a sticker in each box. this has REALLY helped~
  8. so we have some awsome fome dice. i was wondering what can we do with them? for a 4 year old??? ideas please
  9. hes been on oral steroids for 5 days and has taken claritin everyday for the past 5 days. i dressed him for the first time and he didnt itch that bad. usually he is in sleepers so he doesnt itch. he seems to be doing good, not sure if its the sterioid or the claritin. we shall see. is it bad for the kids to take claritin or zyrtec everyday??? i opted for claritin cause zyrtec is 6 and up and hes just about to be 2
  10. yeah i signed up for the forums but still cant access them?
  11. Elimination diet may be worth a whole new thread. but, does his skin need to be clear before we start? how long do you eliminate each food? i mean i find it SO HARD but, maybe with some guidance. im not sure how long it should be before his skin is clear. if i had a camera id take some pics. oh with my phone ill try!
  12. since 7:30 hes woken 5 times telling me he is itchy. ill be sure to keep updates
  13. okay now ure killing me, we are out of ink!lol
  14. tell me more about the paint chip game! i was suppose to go get paint chips for a phonics game but, well, no car, no ride, no home depot :(
  15. Its 12:36am and well, dh went to a party. who knew they had keg parites for 27 year olds! HA! he didnt drive and we are 20 mins from town, so im not sure if hes comming home tonight..... im lonley.
  16. self confidant and strenght. i dont want my dd to make the same mistakes i made, and i dont was ds to be one of those guys that ruined me
  17. thats a good thing. ds ALWAYS asked since about 15 months. he has found my inlaws boold pressure pills, vitamins on the floor. weve been lucky. always respond with :thank you for asking
  18. i cant decided. then do i just get letters and numbers for me? where do i order from?
  19. any recs? i know leapfrog has had them out....would be for dd
  20. what size map is it???? id like to be able to get all the disk on the map together and all....ideas?
  21. Madaline... ideas for us? cause i am the worst person to get ideas!
  22. ha. im thinking the same, yet eating some yummy bkue tositos chips and drinking a diet pepsie :)
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