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Rose in BC

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Everything posted by Rose in BC

  1. I had to read it for our book club. Besides the depressing nature of it I found it kind of boring. The scenes just repeat themselves without resolve (which is I guess the point of the whole book). I would not choose to read this book. I'm interested in knowing why it was so popular. (My apologies to those who loved the book. I recognize everyone has different tastes.)
  2. Off the top of my head the words "very quick bread recipe" is the reason you don't have the yeasty flavour you're looking for. Generally flavour develops in longer, slower, rising processes. I have used beer, but only in pizza crusts. Why not just give it a try and see if you get the out come you're looking for?
  3. I have hot cross buns on my baking list for this week. I'm glad someone else agrees it's not too early!
  4. Well today I opened four cans from tuna stash, chopped some celery, gr onion and pickles. Mixed some mayo, salt and pepper and made tuna sandwiches for our potluck lunch. I was surprised how yummy they were. Thanks for all your suggestions. I wonder how many days in a row I can make something using tuna before the gang revolts! :001_smile:
  5. :iagree:(Love this book and I'm Canadian. Completely relevant to us too.:001_smile:)
  6. Love these ideas and recipes. Keep them coming. Tomorrow I'm cracking open a few cans and making some yummy tuna salad sandwiches for our church potluck. Thanks.
  7. My older brother and sister lived in Vancouver when I was a kid. When we visited we'd always go to murchies . . .their favourite place. Wishing I was near a murchies right now!
  8. Thanks for these suggestions. I think I'll try something today.
  9. When my dh got notice that he would loose his job (which he did in February) I went a little crazy stockpiling. One item I purchased was a case (24 cans) of tuna. It was on sale and I figured a good storing food. We never eat tuna. Not that we don't like it but we prefer salmon. Anyhow, we are the proud owner of a couple of dozen cans of tuna and are on a tight budget so I'm looking for recipes that accommodate both criteria. Any suggestions?
  10. This is usually how I eat oatmeal in the summer time when I want a cold oatmeal dish and fresh fruit is abundant.
  11. I joke with my kids and tell them I'm eating my blueberry pancakes when in fact every morning I eat the same concoction: 1/2 cup oats 1 cup water (microwave 1 minute) add 1/2 cup frozen blueberries (microwave 30 seconds) some white sugar total calories just over 200 for a filling breakfast. And yummy. I have tried other things in place of the sugar but I have made peace with myself that if I use a measuring spoon and measure out a portion each morning and count it as calories, I'll be okay. It's the only place I use sugar in that way (for example not in coffee, etc.). 1 tsp sugar has about 15 calories.
  12. I make green smoothies. I just blend together frozen fruit, usually blueberries because they mask the green, with some yogurt or milk, a few ice cubes, some orange juice (gives it a little zip) and a couple of handfuls of spinach. They have never noticed the spinach. I've even added protein powder the mix. I was so surprised at how much spinach I could add to a blender and not have the kids even notice. (Of course, stuffing the spinach into the blender without anybody noticing can be challenging. :001_smile:)
  13. Speaking of being blubbery (and I'm not even under the weather) my eyes welled with tears at the singing of the national anthem. Yeah Canada! :party:
  14. Yes I do make my own. Not exclusively though because sometimes you need the speed of the stuff from the box. My kids love it when I make homemade (especially when I make a carbonara sauce). I haven't made it for a while so I think I'll pull out the pasta roller and whip up a batch. Thanks for the reminder.
  15. They actually sent them all home last week but paid them until yesterday. Friday my dh had an unexpected hernia operation. I am trying to make my motto "live one day at a time" and not fret to much about all the what ifs. I will pray for you and your family. I have three kids 12, 13,13 who are old enough to feel all the stresses we feel. We are trying hard to maintain some sense of normal while we wait God's leading and direction.
  16. Well we're watching it live at ctv.ca. It's a Canadian feed so I don't know if it will work everywhere.
  17. Still married. And I would like to adopt one more but I'm not sure that's going to happen.
  18. Crazy isn't it. Couple that with my dh's new state of unemployment and . . . I can't believe I'm holding it together as well as I am.
  19. I'm not even sure if he'll really have bi-lateral or one side. He can only remember the doctor talking about one side and he only has pain on one side. Rest is very important. That must have been hard for you, a mom. (I remember how it was after my hysterectomy there years ago.) I can't wait until the hospital calls to tell me he's out of surgery.
  20. Is that not unbelievable? I've never heard of such a speedy call for surgery. Anyway, I was not allowed to stay. And they said he was having bi-lateral hernia (he had no idea it was both sides). I hope they clarify that with the doctor before he starts. Hopefully it's day surgery and he's home this afternoon. I wonder if I'll get any school done with the kiddies? Just rambling.
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