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Posts posted by kristi26

  1. Interesting. Seems like MANY of us are great at researching....wonder which came first--the homeschooling skills or the researching skills :)


    For me? The researching skills. Before homeschooling, the research craze of choice at my house was cloth diapers. :lol: Ask me anything about cloth diapers and I can probably tell you. I had enough diapers in various types to diaper three babies comfortably...only I had only one child in diapers at the time. Obsessed would be the word you're looking for...;)

    • Like 4
  2. I'm good at editing papers and articles. I can fix your grammatical and sentence structure problems; plus I'm a natural speller so can see the spelling issues.


    ETA: I'm also really good at researching things...I get interested in something and just research it to death. Lol.

    • Like 3
  3. I don't answer the door at all, unless I know who it is. I don't care if the person on the porch can see me, has heard us, or the kids have waved at them, I just don't open the door unless I know them or am expecting them (plumber, service person, etc). They leave eventually.


    This is what we do as well. I don't open the door for people I don't know unless I'm expecting them for some sort of service (appliance repair, cable guy, etc).

  4. we have had chickens for 4 years, but we were recently reported to the county by a mean neighbour who was mad at my DH about something trivial. The county officer was sorry, since we have almost 3 acres in the middle of the country and many of our neighbours have chickens--but she said that since it was reported, they have to deal with it. 


    So we are sad. My DH built a wonderful, sturdy coop because we have predators around here, but we've only lost 2 in the last 4 years and one was to a neigbour dog.


    They produce about 50 eggs a week, but lately haven't been producing at all--maybe they know they have to leave this weekend. :(


    What sucks is that the law is in the process of changing, but not soon enough for my girls.


    Somehow, I missed this post. :( I'm sorry to read it. Do you have to get rid of them because you aren't allowed to have them?  So sad. :grouphug:

  5. Wow, I didn't even think about the night housing to protect against predators! Thanks for that!


    So if we build a chicken yard in front of our coop, do we just bury the chicken wire a few feet under ground? Is that what is being said?  We are planning to clean up the old wooden shed in our backyard. It needs some repairs and to be cleaned out, plus we are going to cut the ventilation window in back to be bigger and add a small chicken-sized door to the side...does that need like a cover over it of some sort? What? Doggie door? Something else?

  6. These were very helpful posts, thank you! 


    Now that I know we can have them, I can tell you that our neighbor across the street has chickens and actually offered to incubate some eggs for us! :) I think it'd be awesome to get his chicken's children over here. Lol. The only issue would be that I really don't want the hassle of a rooster.  I think one neighborhood rooster is enough.


    So for the chicks, did you do the whole red light thing? Could we put them in a kiddie pool in our enclosed back porch while they grow?  Would that work?  


    And our area does get cold winters. We're in PA. 

    • Like 1
  7. We are leaning toward getting some backyard chickens now that we've moved to a place that we can actually have space for them. I am 99% sure that we are perfectly allowed to have them here (I have a call into a township guy to make 100% sure).  We like the idea of having fresh eggs and the kids really enjoy animals (we only have two guinea pigs as pets at this point)...


    My questions at this point:


    1. What do you feed them? How often?


    2. Is it better to just get pullets and be done with it or should go from chick (I believe our neighbor would give us chicks, honestly)?


    3. If we buy chickens, what kind should we get?


    4. Do they smell?


    5. How often do we need to clean their space?


    Thanks for humoring me here. I seriously know nothing and am not getting a ton of great hits on google. ;)


    ETA: I just heard back from the township guy. We definitely CAN have chickens!

    • Like 3
  8. Hakim's History of US is technically a series of textbooks but they read much nicer, if that makes any sense.  They don't READ like a dry textbook...that said, we own all of them but didn't read them much this year as we studied modern history. :glare: We ended up using lapbooks from Hands of a Child a lot, biographies, videos, historical fiction from the time period...

    • Like 1
  9. At this point in time, these are our plans for DS for 7th grade (it could totally change! :lol: ):




    Math-U-See Pre-Algebra




    Apologia Chemistry and Physics (this is a co-op class)




    Beautiful Feet Ancients


    Language Arts:


    Writing class through our co-op to include grammar, using KISS, and vocabulary

    Glencoe study guides downloaded from online with summaries of each chapter

    Copywork/spelling will be taken from his reading plus from the vocabulary list




    Artist studies using some Kindle books I already own (don't remember the name right now)

    Various art projects (this is my artsy kid)




    Trumpet playing with lessons from Dad

    music at church


    * We'll also do lots of read-alouds as a group as my kids seem to enjoy that.

  10. I love being married to Wolf.


    I don't know if I could handle being married to anyone else, though.


    I'm a wee bit too...unique...to get along w/someone long term, that isn't really tolerant and patient, and willing to put up with my special brand of crazy. I think any other guy would've been driven round the bend by me long ago, or driven me there.


    Add in the whole RSD thing, and yeah, it takes a special kind of tolerant to not want to kill me in my sleep.


    I feel this way about my own DH. I really give him a run for his money sometimes...or maybe in this case it would be more fitting to say "a run for his sanity." ;) 

  11. Yes, I love being married to my husband. He is my best friend.  He is awesome with our kids. He is great around the house. He still makes me feel like his number one (aside from God, of course). We also love doing pre-marriage counseling for couples getting married. :)


    ETA: I have been married to the wrong person before.  My DH now is actually my second husband.  We are celebrating thirteen years of marriage in just a few days.  When I was married to the wrong person, it sucked. But he (husband 1) was also pretty abusive, so there's that... :leaving:

    • Like 3
  12. Part of eating heart-healthy, I assume, as DH has to do this, is eating low sodium right?  Anything from a can or a box will likely be overrun with sodium, which I'm sure you've noticed. ;)


    These are the recipes I like for quick and easy tacos and fajitas (cut the salt added in half):


    Fajitas: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/fajita-seasoning/detail.aspx 


    Tacos: http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Taco-Seasoning-I/Detail.aspx



  13. I'm looking at switching all of my DC from MUS to MEP.  DS5 will be simple as he hasn't REALLY even started MUS yet (he is finishing up kindergarten, so will start at MEP year 1 next year if we switch).  I'm really actually wondering about the other two.


    For DD9, I'm trying out year 2 with her today as that is where they seem to start multiplication.  She is doing the first few lessons with me to see if we like it.


    But DS12, what do I do with him? He is finishing MUS Zeta right now (last lesson this week) and is ready to go to pre-algebra.


    Reasons for switching:


    1. MUS works okay, but no one loves it. And honestly there are days when it causes meltdowns for DD9.

    2. We never use the blocks. Ever.

    3. I rarely even look at the guide...



    All thoughts on this welcome! Thanks!



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