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Posts posted by kristi26

  1. The Keurig machine does make coffee boiling hot. I use the reusable cup filter instead and use my own coffee. So no need to buy k-cups.


    This. ^^


    Our coffee comes out very hot every morning.  I burn my tongue if I'm not careful, it's so hot.  And we have a refillable K-cup that we can use that works just as well.  We don't always use it, honestly, but we do have one. They are easy to use and easy to clean.

  2. BTDT too!  In NC!  We ALL got rabies shots.


    So far in our current house we have had 4 snakes, many field mice, a bat, and a squirrel.


    Now we are on vacation and I can add scorpion to the list.


    I think I attract these things.


    Yeah, we ALL got rabies shots too. :( That was actually the second bat of the month.  The first was the reason everyone else had to get shots.  It was chilling in the bathroom upstairs while everyone else was asleep.  I have no idea how it got in or who it had visited as they slept.  And since we couldn't catch it (and didn't think to do it at the time anyway), everyone had to get them.  Such a fun family event. (Note sarcasm, lol)


    We've had a mouse in here once ten plus years ago.  I grew up in a house that had field mice regularly and it appears we are moving to a new one that gets field mice.  DD actually thinks she'll be allowed to play with any she finds. Lol.  So gross and not happening.


    Other than that, nothing super interesting has been in here. :)

  3. That's horrifying.


    I'm glad he's not suffering any effects from the bites, but wow--I don't think I could get back into bed. I still check under my pillows every night 25 years after leaving home because occasionally as a kid I'd find a spider hiding there. DH knows I won't get into bed without doing "the check". **Shudder**


    I get this ^^  A couple of years ago, I got into bed and felt something moving in bed on my leg.  I had DH turn on the light only to find a BAT on my LEG.  *shudder* I still run my hand up and down the bed and check for bats when I get into bed after that. :(  (For everyone's piece of mind, I got rabies shots afterward and we got the location of the house fixed and "bat-proofed" so that it can't happen again)


    OP, I am so sorry your DS had to go through that! It sounds awful! Glad he's doing better now though!

  4. PreK here is just a lot of fun and games, nothing formal at all.  We watch educational videos, play board games, play with letters, take it easy.  K is not much different.  We add a little bit more formal stuff like practicing writing (we like HWOT a lot here) and DS5 is enjoying the BOB books just like DD8 did at his age.  We also play with math manipulatives and have been reading through the "I Love Math" series from the library (which he loves). We're playing games like the card game "Word Train" (I think that's what it's called), "Obstacles," "Rory's Story Cubes," "Dinosaur Math," and more. I need to change my siggie because it isn't really accurate now.


    In first, DD8 and I did the Magic School Bus for Science, read some fun History picture books for History, made lapbooks to go with books she chose to read for LA, EtC for phonics, and used MUS Alpha.  In second, we went through Apologia Astronomy together, read some more fun History picture books for History, made some more lapbooks (this time mixing some that I chose and some she chose), added spelling, and got through the first half of MUS Beta before taking a break and finishing the year with LOF.


    My plan with DS5 for first (and it COULD change, trust me): MUS Alpha, Ancient History picture books from the library to go along with the Ancient History that DS11 and DD8 will study then, EtC for phonics, books at his level to read aloud for reading plus lapbooks to go with them, Apologia Land Animals with his sister (he will mostly just listen).


    I try to just go with the flow and see what is working and what doesn't.  If it doesn't work, we switch it out for something else. :)  HTH!

  5. Up until this year, none of my DC had a cell phone.  They were all homeschooled and so, rarely had a need for a cell phone.  But then DS14 got into a school in a semi-major city thirty minutes from our house and has to ride the public bus to get there and back again.  So we got him a Tracfone that he uses only for emergencies (in other words, to contact me so that I know he is alive :lol: ).  If he weren't going into the city, he still wouldn't have a cell phone. :)

  6. I live in the South and have never experienced the weather about which you are talking. It always has fascinated me though. Last winter the temperature got down to 12 degrees as the lowest low, which caused the public schools to delay school because of kids waiting outside for the bus. People don't have the clothes for such temperatures.


    I've been reading "On the Banks of Plum Creek" to dd, and we just finished the part where Pa is stuck in a blizzard for 3 days on the prairie. I've been trying to explain what a blizzard is to my dd without scaring her, because my mom says I was worried I'd be stuck at school because of blizzards when I was her age. So have you all experienced blizzards where you can't see outside and can't go outside for fear of being lost?


    Yes, we've experienced that here in PA in the past.  I was younger, still a kid at home at the time, but yes. And if I recall correctly, it snowed a ton that year on top of that! ;)

  7. I have three years between each of my kids.  It's perfect.  The first one is potty trained and somewhat independent for short periods of time before the next one comes along.  You can ask them to get you a diaper and expect it will actually happen. Lol.  


    I disagree with the suggestion that anything beyond five years is too much.  There is a gap of nine years between my oldest and youngest.  They still play well together.  Granted, ODS is really playing with YDS to be kind most of the time.  DS11 plays legos and games with DS5 though as well.  All in all they get along pretty well.  Our neighbors have a DD10 and DS5.  They play okay together too.  All siblings fight here and there, but everyone seems to get along pretty well. :) Oh! And DH and his sister are six years apart! They still love each to this day. :lol: 

  8. Here's to a quick contract and smooth closing!


    People looking at home this time of the year are usually quite serious!


    I'm hoping that this is so very true in our case! It would be nice if we could get a deal in writing on this place quickly so we can finally put in an offer on the house we want. :) Remember, it's bank owned and they aren't willing to entertain an offer without a contract already in place on our current house. Praying it all works out. 


    Thanks everyone! :D

  9. We are looking for a new home right now! 

    I was going to ask where you lived until you mentioned your neighbor. Got those... want to get rid of yelling neighbors!!


    Hope your selling experience is smooth and hassle free!


    Haha, typically we can't hear them.  They are usually very quiet.  But there are days when we can hear her yelling- typically when in the bathroom of all places. Lol. But I stand by my earlier statement.  I will not miss being able to hear my neighbors because we share a wall.

  10. We listed our house today. :) It's been quite the interesting road, but we ultimately decided to just list the house rather than waiting until the spring.  It went on the market today...side note: I can literally hear my neighbor screaming at her adult son through my wall right now. :( I won't miss that.

  11. Mine have listened to The Cranberries with me...love them...we've also played Nirvana, Googoo Dolls, and others that aren't coming to me right now.


    On a different but somewhat related note, I lead a group of teen girls at my church and we were playing Apples to Apples the other day.  One of them comes over to me and says, "I don't know what this is." She shows me the card and it says "Grateful Dead." Seriously?  :svengo:

  12. I voted 3-4 but it really varies.  We have chicken fajita macaroni and cheese (seriously so good and easy.  Make chicken fajita filling (I add onion and finely diced carrot to mine for added veggies, also corn sometimes). Make mac and cheese.  Stir together and serve- crumbled tortilla chips on top are a favorite here) almost weekly, chicken soup, chicken stir fry, sometimes homemade chicken tenders, roasted chicken sometimes...it's cheap and easy. :)

  13. I opt for the 40+ explanation. I am forever leaving papers and coffee mugs in weird places. I can misplace a mug in less than 30 seconds walking from one room to another, and it usually takes 10 minutes to find it again. If I can't seem to remember what I did walking from one end of the house to the other (while supposedly awake  ;) ), it wouldn't surprise me that I may not remember getting up in the night.


    I also completely identify with the missing nail clippers. Hammers also seem to be a problem for my dh. They are much larger than nail clippers, but have super ninja skills to make themselves invisible when needed.


    I have this same problem with mugs and my cell phone...I lost my phone too many times to count this weekend.  I absolutely could not remember where I put it.  Repeatedly.

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