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Posts posted by kristi26

  1. Is there any chance that mom's phone died completely and, in the meantime, her DD got grounded/phone taken away so she isn't returning the texts AND that mom is a flake and forgot OR that she thought it was this Friday not this past one? Like a whole series of problems kind of a deal.  Maybe they also couldn't pay/didn't pay their phone bill so they got shut off for awhile?  Just a thought.  I'm dying to know what's going on as well!

  2. Is there one yet? I did a search and couldn't find one, but wanted to share my current ideas! What do you all think of this for my youngest?


    History/Geography: Ambleside year 1 with oral narrations here and there, maps to go with Paddle to the Sea


    Math: Math-U-See Alpha with online games for practice like those from Shepperd Software, Math Playground, and Turtle Diary


    Reading/literature: Books from the library plus the Ambleside year 1 list


    Phonics: Explode the Code, starting with book 3


    Spelling: McGuffey Spelling (free public domain book) possibly


    Handwriting: I'm thinking of going with "A Reason for Handwriting A" not positive though


    Science: some nature study, also Apologia Zoology 3 with his sister


    Art: I have these fun books that I got when they were free for Kindle called "24 ______'s Paintings for Kids" and plan to use those for study and inspiration.


    Music: He's on our Kid's Worship team at church.


    Too much? Not enough? Any better ideas for anything that will be free or low cost? Thanks! :)


    What are you all planning in first grade?  Maybe you'll give me some other ideas too! :D



  3. I said sad. I meant it as in "I'm sure some poor older person was horrified to lose control in a public setting like that and they will probably never swim again. Getting older can be heartbreaking."


    This was exactly how I interpreted your phrase.

    • Like 1
  4. Not really "Dear America" but has she read "The Book Thief" yet? So good! It's about a girl in Nazi Germany from the perspective of a poor german girl. Very good read in my opinion.


    ETA: "The Help" was really good too! And what about "To Kill a Mockingbird?" Not sure of your religious affiliation, but the "Christian Heroes" series has been a good one as well.

    • Like 1
  5. I actually just "unfollow" the people that are making me crazy. Lol. On a different note, have you seen those shirts come through your feed about calling oneself a homeschool mom because awesomely amazing super talented ninja is already taken? I homeschool and those shirts bug ME. Lol. (No offense to anyone who thinks they're wonderful)

    • Like 1
  6. My older two will drink it at a restaurant anytime we go out (which is usually a few times a month).  DD sometimes orders soda, but often gets water with lemon (like me, lol). YDS doesn't like soda OR juice (except apple juice, go figure). He likes tea, water in a bottle, and chocolate milk.  He always gets chocolate milk when we go out. And like PPs have said, they all get their sugar in other ways too! Lol. YDS may not like soda, but he loves chocolate and cheese (not together, haha).


    I find that stat hard to believe as well, though I guess I'm not hanging out with big soda drinkers either...

  7. As I'm reading through some of these, I'm realizing that I have several of my own "flops" to add to this list:


    - SOTW: Oddly, my children didn't enjoy this one. :ohmy:

    - FLL: Oh. My. Word. SO slow...

    - TOG: It was just way too much. I love the concept. The idea is amazing and I wanted to love this, but even with a hard copy, I was way overwhelmed by it all. :(

    - LOF: I actually love LOF and so does DD (he makes her laugh), but there isn't enough practice and she just doesn't retain a lot of the lessons.

    - Singapore math: This one turned my "math okay" ODS into a math confused child quickly.

    - IEW PAL: I really wanted to like this one too, but YDS and I struggled with it for awhile before giving up on it.

    - 100 EZ Lessons: So boring

    - LLATL: This one actually reduced my school loving MDS to tears more than once.

    - KISS Grammar: It starts out great but quickly gets too complicated for the younger kids (though I may try it again with MDS now that he is middle school age...maybe)


    I think that's it for now...can't think of any others ATM. 

  8. So the other thread on Beast Academy has me looking at it for DD for next year.  First, she is just finishing up MUS Beta this year though she is in third grade.  She has also read through LOF Farming, if that is any indication of her math abilities.  My questions:


    1. Would Beast Academy 3A be a good place for her to start knowing the above information?

    2. How quickly are you to move through each unit?

    3. Would 3A and 3B be enough for the year or would she truly get through all four in a school year do you think?

    4. Can this stand alone or is it a supplement?


    Thanks! :)

  9. Sooo jealous! !!!


    My turn soon, peeeasse. ;-)


    I hope tomorrow's inspection goes well! As, I have my eyes on a dream home too.......but scared it will sell before ours.


    Congrats! !!!! Well done, happy that dreams do come true!


    Hopefully it'll work out for you as well! There was actually another offer on this house at the same time as ours went in! But they took ours!!! :)

    • Like 1
  10. First :grouphug: Been there. It sucks!


    I'd start with a shop-vac to suck up the bulk of the excess water.  I'd wipe down the walls with disinfectant. Then I'd borrow a carpet cleaner and clean that section of carpet several times. I'd also apply some sort of disinfecting cleaner to the floor in the bathroom. 

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