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Everything posted by Rebecca

  1. Thank you!!! I did grape juice because that is what the recipe called for!! I trusted the recipe. I am sensitive to carbs- so that must be it!!! What combo of fruit/veg do you use? Off to check that link. -Rebecca
  2. I have tried to do this using Blurb. They have a program for it. It is called BookSmart. However, I had trouble and it wouldn't work. I am hoping to try again. I also have probably four or five years and pictures. You could try it and see if it would work for you! -Rebecca
  3. Why do I feel like falling asleep shortly after drinking a green smoothie? This is what was in mine (I drank about half of this): 3 large handfuls raw spinach (at least three cups) 1 large cup frozen wild blueberries 1.5 cups 100 percent juice grape juice 3 large strawberries, cut up 1/2 avocado 4 ice cubes I have had this twice and both times- about an hour later- I feel SO tired and like I have to take a nap. Is it a blood sugar thing? Is it a thyroid thing? Help! I was so excited to start drinking green smoothies! -Rebecca
  4. Thank you for continuiing to reply to this thread! I have been thinking about it a lot and planning to write and ask more. Sheri (ilovemy6kids) can you share your spreadsheet? I would really, really like to see it or a sample of what it is like. LindaOZ- your flow sounds a lot like mine... Martha- I don't have kids in the community college stage yet. O My. We don't use classical conversations. It is too cost prohibitive for our family with the other needs we have. But thank you for sharing all those resources and ideas STM4HIM! We have had a whirlwind year and we usually school year round. I am getting ready for our next term and also trying to figure out where I want to go "from here on..." One thing I struggle with is how to fit in and schedule all the different things that need tutoring. I need it to be simple- but dense and nutritious- like good food! No wasted time or fillers! Simple, wholesome, good. I am not good at following a MOTH like schedule with all of the kids. We are good with checklists. However, the reality is that not having things planned (in a grid -like form)- then there is a lot of conflict (i.e. someone needs the computer and someone else is on it) and that does increase all of our stress. I prefer rhythm and routine. But the reality is if we don't start by such and such a time- then I WILL run out of time and someone will not get their meeting time with me.... Anyone have any advice, suggestions? My kids have been schooling very independently and it is time to move back into more of a true routine. I am also trying to figure out if I should continue to school lite this summer or not. This I will ask my husband's opinion!! So many thoughts, so many heart's desires. I am at the point where I have littles, middles, and bigs. Really just thought out loud a bit here. I hope it makes sense. It is nice to have the replies. They tend to be scant on these topics- but I know I AM NOT ALONE!!! -Rebecca
  5. Are there any NC landlords on this board? If so, could you please PM me. I have some questions! Thank you! Rebecca
  6. Just wanted to chime in- because I had a c- section after 6 vaginal births. It was shocking. Shocking, I tell you. Your recovery will be totally different. It is a valid concern. You need to be prepared for it to be totally different and have supports in place for yourself and your family. You will have to take care of your physical body on a whole new level. There is incision care on top of all the other recovering from pregnancy. I usually leave the hospital after 24 hours - in fact, I just had a VBAC with baby 9 and that is exactly what I did. I was in the hospital the extra day with my c-section. I did have twins- so I know that added to it- but I also react badly to narcotics and I had to stay another day. If you know your personal response to codeine, morphine, and other narcotics like percocet (and it is a good one)- it will go much smoother for you. I took a tylenol/ibuprofen combo for weeks after I came home (again nursing twins- it added to it) but I hurt. It hurts and you need meds. Everyone I spoke with in real life who had had a c-section told me to take the medicine. You will not be on your feet the way you are used to being after a vaginal birth. It is a totally different experience. I feared it, and it was hard, and my husband and I did NOT like the experience- but it was what had to be- and so we went through it and we came out the other side. You will too. Feel free to PM. Rebecca
  7. Do you order the supply kits from Atelier too- or can you get everything a lot cheaper through Michaels/ACMoore? Thank you!
  8. Thank you! I am interested in everything...from how chores flow throughout the day to when you tutor your different grades. Also, please share favorite curriculum...I was going to say for the higher levels- but really I can benefit all levels. LindaOZ- when do you fill in the planners? Thank you!!
  9. I know there are some moms who school large families. We school year round- but in the fall- I will officially have six students from 8th grade to K and I am in a state that has a compulsory age of 5 now (which is my K child). I also have three littles. I could use some fresh ideas and perspectives. If you have BTDT or have any advice- I could use some! Thank you. Rebecca
  10. We are new to Maryland and getting situated with the new to us requirements. What do you use for health and physical fitness requirements for early elementary as in kindergarten thru grade 3? Also- what do you use for health for the older grades? We have always covered health- informally- in the context of our life. My older children use an ERG (rowing machine) three times a week- and that is what I would list for them for phys. ed- but I don't have anything for my younger children. Thank you!! Rebecca
  11. that you can buy at the regular grocery store? Does anyone with dairy and tree nut allergies have treats they buy for Easter from the regular grocery store? I know we can have DumDums and Twizzlers. I am wondering if there are any other tried and true treats that others have had success with. We usually make our own PB cups using Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips and Smuckers PB. We also buy a small amount of chocolate from Amandas Own- however, I would like to add a bit to the selection this year. Thank you for any BTDT experience, Rebecca
  12. Hugs! I saw a lot of people wrote what I was going to say... it gets better by 6 months. ;) I know that seems like eternity from 8 weeks old. I also have a large family and it was just hard. I relied on a lot of people offering help in the first several months. The first three months in particular- were really tough. I despised tandem nursing and only did when it was absolutely necessary. So- I spent a lot of time nursing those first six months! The sleep deprivation in the first two months was beyond anything I could ever imagine. Hang in there- and try to enjoy them and your other children- in spite of the undone things. This really helped me. I took pictures of them every month on their birthdays in special outfits- and focused tight on them in (ignoring the dishes, dust, and dirt in the background!) -Rebecca
  13. I read your blog, JudoMom. I really enjoy it. :) My blog is Offerings. I do write about all those precious moments, cute things my kids say, recipes, etc. Not too much about our schooling and curriculum choices- but a bit sometimes. Wholehearted Christian in content. When things are busiest- I tend to post about once a month. I try for more though...
  14. My son is in seventh, using HOD- and as of right now- I do think he will continue with the program through high school. I do not feel too worried about the fact that it is new and "unproven" although I do think about it frequently. I don't know if this helps... I do plan on having him be a major part of the discussion as we plan high school and he will have a "say" in the program we choose, etc. I, personally, have always felt very reassured by Carrie's approach and focus. I know she plans to prepare her own sons for their futures as leaders and providers for their families (with being prepared for higher level education part of that focus).These goals match mine and so I have felt comfortable with that. However, all things are subject to change over here... and we are still one and one half years away from 9th grade. ;) HTH, Rebecca
  15. If you listen to Hymns- do you have a favorite collection or album? I would like to invest but I am not sure where to start. Thank you! Rebecca
  16. I have tried to reply to this thread three times. Words fail. I am so, so sorry.
  17. I think this has some great practical tips on how to implement this for your son! Also, just encouragement- this will probably be a growth process. Your son will grow into this responsilbility- and it will take time.
  18. I am so sorry! This could be where the "rubber meets the road" for your family. I have seen and can see how this can become a huge problem in families. I think you need a lot of wisdom if you are dealing with a DH who isn't completely on board as well. I thought that Jamboree link was great. That is exactly what we would do and expect to do... work with the council to make arrangements to bring and store all of our son's food... just pertaining to that particular link- my allergy son is also very allergic to treenuts- and that alone would make him unable to eat their food based on what they wrote. Very interesting.. One other thought I had- I think self advocacy develops individually in children and it can't be forced. Eventually they do need to become completely responsible for their food and allergy- but the time table for this seems individual and while it can be encouraged- it cannot be assumed by a particular age...I was counseled this years ago when I was trying to train my son to self inject his epi pen at around age five and he was clearly not ready. The nutrtitionist who counseled me was food allergic herself and her two children were as well and she said that they take ownership when they are ready and that age can vary from child to child (obviously five was too young!! not sure what I was thinking with that...) Yet, even when my son is an adult and his own advocate- he will always have our family on his side- aware and supportive and trained to help him. I was also taught that an allergic child should always have a buddy who is trained to use the epi-pen (in a public school setting this is a classmate) that can administer in the case of an emergency- when the child might fail so fast they cannot adminster themself. This is some more food for thought. It is unfortunate because this really isn't a situation where you want to just take the chance (depending on how severe your child's allergies really are..) I know we certainly couldn't. Rebecca
  19. I absolutely agree with this and this is one thing that makes me really concerned as we venture into Scouts. In fact, I have talked with my older boys ( who are joining at 12 and 11- our food allergic son is 10 and will join next year) about this using the front of the Scout handbook where it talks about abuse issues... in other words, the handbook says that although Scout Law and Scout Oath say a Scout is a, b, c... in certain situations- you do not do a, b, c, you handle it differently. I feel food allergies fall into a similar category because they are potentially fatal. My son's are- especially his milk allergy which is extremely difficult to avoid. I find it ludicrous to put pre-teen to teenagers in charge of cooking for an anaphylactic child. I do not even let some adults cook for my child. It is shocking unless you live the life- the amount of error and mistakes that are innocently, innocently made. That would never fly and we would find another troop that would work with us on this issue- and my son's are well aware of this even if they love the troop. It is so sad- but this is how we have had to live for years and years. It is a different life. Another mom on this board recommending contacting the special need portion of your council for help in working with this issue. We will definitely do this if necessary when my allergic child begins his journey. Sadly, I would also like to just say gently- in the world- there are people who get and people who don't. It is so hard. If your Scoutmaster doesn't get it or doesn't have an attitude to truly be on board- you need to find a different troop. You just do. In my experience (with church groups and co ops and so forth) there WILL be another option that will work it might just take some care finding it. It is worth it. This is my two cents- but it is pressing for me as this is my reality too- and although everyone's mileage may vary- I would NEVER let my eleven year old so- or even my almost 13 year old assume complete responsibility for this fatal allergy. Rebecca PS please excuse the typos - no time right now to go back and fix them all! I am sorry!
  20. I found it really helpful. I did like it. I do have a BA in English/literature. I used it to teach a literature class at a co op and it went really well. I really like that you can use it with younger ages. I taught 9-12 year olds using it. So, I replied to this thread even though I did like it. ;) HTH, Rebecca
  21. I think HOD is CM- inspired. If you look carefully, I do think you will find more CM than you listed above in your post- but it is okay if it doesn't suit what your heart truly wants. AmblesideOnline and Living Books Curriculum are CM pure (or more so) , in my opinion. I also think Simply Charlotte Mason and Higher Up and Further In are more true to the original CM philosophy. Living Books is a packaged curriculum. She does add in story-telling as a key component to her program and I am not sure how that fits in with pure CM. I think every curriculum provider shapes their curriculum to reflect their own priorities and values.
  22. I have heard that peroxide kills mold whereas bleach does not. Friends of ours are certified mold removers/remediators and they use a peroxide solution on mold. Bleach will remove the color/stain. Peroxide will kill it. HTH, Rebecca
  23. I really like Biblioplan. I am not currently using it- but I do think they have really done a great job with all the improvements. My problem with it was reigning in my spending on books. I just knew I couldn't stay within our budget and use it. I believe there are writing assignments and other things for high school. I am not sure about rhetoric questions. There is an active yahoo group and they are available to help and answer questions. I thought their book choices were great and meaty. When we used it, my littles really enjoyed listening and coloring the coloring pages. HTH, Rebecca
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