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Everything posted by neveryoumindthere

  1. I was goign to suggest Walmart as well. My dd was 5lbs (fullterm) and wore her preemie clothes for over a month.
  2. Can someone PM me? The suspense is killing me and I've tried about 20 times now and can't get through.
  3. First of all, HUGS! Guilt is not needed in this situation at all, action is! You *are* an awesome mom for reaching out to a community of posters and looking for other resources/ideas to help you in your situation. I commend you for that. I have a different take because of my own experience. My dds were exhibiting *very* aggressive, defiant behaviour for so long. I was at my wit's end. I was struggling with my own SEVERE postpartum depression on top of it all and while researching info for my own health, I learned SO much about the links between diet and behaviour! The BEST book I have read on the subject was The Mood Cure by Julia Ross. (www.moodcure.com). There is a questionnaire on there, that you can take. They have a clinic ($$$), but really, any naturopath could help with much of the same information. I'm really NOT trying to simplify the problem to "just a food thing", but I am here to tell you that with correcting our nutritional deficiences with my own research and the help of a naturopath and chiropractor, I have turned my life and my 2 girls' lives around and we are COMPLETELY different people, especially related to our behaviour and brain chemistry. Traditional Chinese Medicine is another one that helped SO quick but I don't know as much about. Something else to look into is EFT (emotional freedom technique) with a practitioner. Perhaps he has some emotional issues and certain things 'trigger' certain behaviours. Releasing those negative emotions from the body, may help him to relax, and let go of thigns that may have otherwise triggered negative behaviours. I'm praying for you *hugs*
  4. What is your diet like? and does the pain also include bloating/gassiness at all? I'm asking because I tested through a lab called enterolab.com on my own and found out that I had celiac/gluten sensitivity. The pain was really bad and mostly it was in the evenings, after meals. Also you mentoined you avoid lying on yoru left, as far as I understand, lying on your right IS better for digestion so I wonder if that's playing a part. Just some ideas. Hope you figure it out soon. I had YEARS of health issues and went to several docs, no one helped until I did my own research and finally shelled out the money for a naturopath and it was worth EVERY cent and in the long run way cheaper than all the trips to the other docs. Hope you're feeling better soon!
  5. Eid Mubarak to you too Kate! No fasting for me this year as I'm pregnant AND nursing. For Eid we'll pretty much be doing something every day, we'll be attending prayer Friday, then a big gathering at the masjid and the next day a big group of us is going to a sports center where the kids will be divided up into teams for dodgeball, baseball, football etc. and the day after we may be going to a big Eid carnival and *possibly* Monday I'll be attending another sisters' party :) Can't wait :) I've been feeling a little (ok, a lot) down imaan-wise lately so I'm hoping seeing all the sisters day after day will give me a much needed boost insha'Allah. Take Care
  6. Hi, Does anyone know where I can find audio/book samples of SSRW? Also, what would I need to purchase, just the Teacher's Manual and Workbook? Thanks in advance!
  7. Hmm. I never thought to ask front desk for assistance either. So glad I read this thread!
  8. ooh I would be SEETHING. I'm not sure I'm much help. Likely I'd sit there for so long thinking about what is the best response. In any case I have my kids "make amends", because I realized making them say "I'm sorry" was worthless because they might not mean it at the time. So they have to figure out what would be the best way to make amends with their sibling. The last time that happened around here, dd1 told her little sister that she coudl borrow her 'pretty stuff' which I thought was awesome because she really knew that little sis would be thrilled with that. HTH
  9. I am on #4 and had the WORST nausea this time around. I was seeing an acupuncturist for somethign else entirely and after ONE visit the nausea was down about 80% and after my 2nd visit it was gone for good! It's been a month now of NO nausea at all!!! Ginger, and vitamin b6 are some remedies I've heard of/tried. But really the acupuncture was awesome. Hope you feel better soon. Nausea really is awful.
  10. No, I don't have another resource for maps/activities, except the one that nova mama just posted!!:) I was just trying to decide whether or not I'd even do the activities. I have a 6yo, 4yo, 1yo and am due with #4 in a few months time (read: I'm beat! lol) BUT, on the other hand, I'm not the type that would just think up some great idea for an activity to go with what we've learned and my 6yo is a busy-bee, always wants to be doing/learning something.
  11. Have you all found the activity book to be especially useful? or would I be ok using just the text? I'm using religious resources for the bulk of history and using SOTW to fill in the gaps, and give the kids an idea of the type of lifestyle of these periods..so mostly a 'filler' WDYT?
  12. You are most definitely not alone. Typing one-handed feeding the baby but wanted to send *hugs* I'll be back
  13. She might like the exercise ball but that would drive me absolutely NUTS! My thought was to get those computer chairs for spinning at dinner time, rather than have her get up and "go for walks" in between each bite :dizzy: perhaps it would work during 'school time'.. Honestly, it seems my 'plan of action' is to just let her play and not do anything with her, because I get really frustrated to keep having to lure her back into the room where we are doing any activities. :shy:
  14. Thank you everyone! I've decided to go with CLE. She likes workbooks and it looks like the one I'd enjoy teaching the most. Even though I have a feeling she'll fly through it that's ok with me, we'll just start the next level earlier. I'm now looking into RS for my touchy-feely 4 yo...............but that can wait... :) Thanks again!
  15. Another fellow 'curly' here: pure aloe vera gel works well, and so do jessicurl products hth!
  16. What curriculums work best with these kids? I have a 4 year old that is generally 'spirited'...CONSTANTLY moving and touching things. Auditory is her weakest style, but visual is just OK. She's definitely a K-learner... For me, it's challenging, because I'm more of a low-energy, mellow, do as little physical work as I need to in order to get a job done etc. The constant touching and wiggling really gets to me, but I obviously want to embrace her style/personality and work with her to bring out her very best. Right now and for a long while now, we are just at odds with each other, because I don't have directed hands-on activities for her. It is all just so exhausting to constantly think up stuff for her to do because I'm like girl can you just :chillpill:?? lol She enjoys cooking, but I can only handle so much "help" before I get totally stressed out, when I'm in the middle of cooking or just needing to get something done right now. So, I know about doing rice/beans in a big storage bin, cooking, playdoh, dishes, having her set the table/other age-appropriate chores (I did teach her to do laundry and she is super excited about that). Painting I avoid, it's just TOO much for me to handle I want her to at least learn the sounds of the letters this year, and to associate those sounds to the proper letters..what are some approaches to learning to read that would work with an active girl like her. She knows most of the abc song but it means nothing to her..she basically only identifies the letter 'o' By the way, she's not interested in starfall.com :) but is very handy with the computer. She just focuses on the 'game'/'fun' aspect of it though and/or wants 'videos' :glare:
  17. No advice but I'll be checking in for replies. I'm in the same boat. 6yo reading at a grade 5ish level, if I even say the word phonics she literally runs away.lol
  18. Hi, I'm trying to decide on a math curriculum for my 6yo dd and I've narrowed it down to these three. She is vey visual and a strong reader and though I could be wrong, it seems that pictures/bright colours etc distract her. She adds most things to 12 in her head, mostly out of laziness to get her manipulatives out, though she'll sometimes draw sticks or something to figure out a problem. I prefer for her to still use manipulatives most of the time though. She is constantly *bored* and always seeks some project or busywork, her brain is constantly seeking more of something.. Also, for saxon, when I did the placement test, she placed in saxon 1, since she's not strong on time/money (but we've never worked on them), but I read on here that saxon 1 was too easy. Of course I can't find the post now that I needed it. Comments? Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
  19. References to Jesus don't bother me, generally, but referring to Jesus as God or as dying on the cross I would omit. I was actually really happy to see them using 'God', so it's not that it has to be totally secular. hope that makes sense :)
  20. Hi, I know there is another thread about CLE, but I had a specific question about content. I did look through the samples, but only saw a couple of examples of things that I'd leave out because it totally conflicts with our religious beliefs about Jesus. Can anyone tell me if there is a huge number of references to Jesus (peace be upon him), If there are just a few examples then I can skip/tweak them, but if it's a lot I may have to rethink getting the program though it looks pretty awesome otherwise. or even better, anyone know of a secular alternative to CLE that is just as thorough?
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