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Amy in NH

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Posts posted by Amy in NH

  1. 13 hours ago, I talk to the trees said:

    Why the bleepity-bleep would anyone want to stay in an old bungalow in a residential area anyway?

    I'm renting an airbnb residential house for one night next weekend in a non-tourist city.  My dd will be participating in a dance competition 3 hours from our house, and her group was assigned an 8am stage time.  One of the other dancers cannot afford a hotel room, and the split cost of this entire house is much less than getting one hotel room for the night.  I'd rather take my covid chances with one dancer who dd spends weekly studio time with, than with an entire hotel full of people.  We will be getting to the airbnb late Saturday afternoon, and leaving for good mid-morning on Sunday.  There to eat and sleep only - no party, no outdoors noise.  Maybe you'll get lucky and find the same sort of airbnb guests stay in the house next door to yours...?

    • Like 6
  2. 42 minutes ago, Bootsie said:

    I find that annoying, also.  I have been asked to give some times that I am available, but then the person is so slow getting back to me that I have planned something else during one of those time slots by the time the person has gotten back to me.  I am not going to give someone a number of options and then keep my calendar clear until I hear back from them.

    Another thing that annoys me is when making a doctor's appointment and I say when I can be there; they make the appointment and then say "plan on arriving 30 minutes early..."  if I just said I can be there 3:00 or later (because I have to pick a kid up from school), don't make my appointment for 3:00 and then tell me to be there at 2:30.  

    Very annoying!  I got a phone call at the end of last week that dd was due for her annual physical - called back to schedule it, and they're 6 weeks out.  For the past 15 years they've scheduled only 1-2 weeks out, so I mention my surprise, and they offer me next Monday.  DD has a full schedule on Mondays, but I can just barely squeeze her into a 2pm appointment, so I take it.  I get a robo call 30 minutes later to confirm the appointment that I JUST made, and it's telling me to be there at least 15 minutes before the appointment time?!  When I can just barely get her there for the scheduled time? To sit in a waiting room during a pandemic?  I think not...

  3. Not on the spectrum, but I listen to the music first; I like a lot of instrumental music, as well as vocals performed in languages I don't know.  I will not listen to a song if I don't like the music - melody, harmony, & rhythm.  Musicianship is also important to me, and excellent playing is something that will keep me coming back to an artist.  Lyrics can make a good song great.  My favorite artists consistently have a combination of all three: interesting composition, technical musical skill, and meaningful lyrics.

  4. 9 hours ago, Calizzy said:

    Have you ever sent a child to summer camp where they didn't know anyone? I went a few times as a kid but it was always with my church group. 

    Yes, all of my kids have been to week-long summer camps where they didn't know anyone.  They made new friends and discovered new interests.

    I once heard a college counselor state that the kids who were most well-adjusted entering college were the ones who went to summer camp...


  5. On 2/11/2021 at 12:06 PM, historically accurate said:

    I read that her normal product is Got2B Glued Styling Glue. Looking at her normal product's labeling, it actually says spiking glue, not styling gel. It's extremely unfortunate she chose to substitute with Gorilla Glue, and I definitely wish her the best on removing it, but I can sort of see the jump to well, glue is what I use - it can't be that different to use actual glue. It'll just wash out like my water-resistant styling glue.


    Got2B Glue: https://www.amazon.com/Got2B-Glued-Spiking-Styling-Original/dp/B000142OC2

    We actually use a "hair glue" product here to set dd hair for dance performance.  It literally says "hair glue" on the product.

    • Like 4
  6. So, I haven't read the article.  But I wanted to say that the title of this thread was my ex-dh and me.  We started dating when I was 15 and he was 18.  I was a good student who graduated early and went straight to college while working a job; even though he was brilliant, the structure and authority of school did not work for him at all, and he had trouble keeping jobs.  It wasn't until a few years after he had dropped out of high school that he discovered his true passion and became passionately autodidactic.  He tried to get a job in his field-of-choice, but no-one would take him with only self-taught knowledge.  So in an I'll-show-them fit of pique, he enrolled in community technical school and aced all of his courses, transferred the associates into a bachelor into a master into a doctorate.  It was between the bachelor and master that our relationship ended.  He went on to chair a university department, but he has always maintained a bad-attitude, intellectual snobbery, and poor people-skills, so after ~10 years he was forced out.  Rumor has it he was nearly fired at the next university too, but at that point our grown-kids cut him out of their lives, so I don't know what has happened in the past few years.

    DH was not a good student, either.  He knew as a teen that he wanted to go into the trades, and has become an expert in many facets of building.  He has been a good employee, and naturally moved into foreman positions starting at a young age.  He now does estimating and project management after 30 years working in the field.  He has had problems with communication, but he has worked on it over the years and improved quite a lot; he is still working on it.

    Self-awareness and a desire to improve oneself make all the difference.

  7. 14 hours ago, Roadrunner said:

    85% of teachers teaching in person? 
    Here only private elementary schools are open. Wealthy families have increasingly migrated to privates because of this. Every public school has been shut since last March. 

    That's funny, because it's the other way around here.  The private schools have been Zooming day students, with residential students attending in person, but all of the public schools have been open.

  8. 3 hours ago, Roadrunner said:

    Sorry. I understood we could discuss beyond this district since the article also mentioned outside as well. I bow out. 
    Quoting from the article:

    “School unions across the country have balked at returning to in-person classes, arguing that it is still not safe for them to return to work due to the pandemic.

    However, some data suggests that fears of contracting the virus in a school setting have been overblown.” 

    If they're talking about the data that is being reported by state departments of education, I can tell you that what NH is reporting for our local school districts is just WRONG.  I have had parents send me copies of notices they have received from the schools their children attend, where my own kids could attend if we wanted to enroll them - there have been multiple cases in multiple schools of students and teachers coming up COVID positive.  Nothing is being reported in our local newspapers, online, and it's not listed in the state records of school COVID cases.  It's infuriating, really, that kids on sports teams and in vocational centers who are playing/learning with other students in multiple towns are positive but no-one is hearing about it so that we can make more informed community health decisions.  The schools aren't closing or going hybrid - it's all status quo.  

    And contact tracing is nonexistent.  My husband was exposed at work to full-contagion COVID by his two employers.  They tested positive on a Friday - but we found out from my SON'S employer three towns away early on Monday morning.  No one contacted us to either tell us or ask us who we had been in contact with. 

    I think the teachers are right that it's not safe for any of them to be teaching in person right now.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  9. My entire nuclear family has been left out of multiple weddings when the entire rest of the family was invited.  I guess cutting 6 people off the guest list was that important?  For my cousin's wedding, a lot of the family I hadn't seen in many years traveled to my part of the country; dh & I took the kids to the location the day after the wedding to visit those family members we wouldn't have a chance to see otherwise.

    I'm sorry you're dealing with that.  It would eat me too.

    • Sad 6
  10. My ds has been tested times through the Google/Verily program at his employer's request - the employer set it up for him, and he self-isolated for 3-5 days each time until he got the result.  The first time was because he went on a trip out of the region, the second because my husband had a direct exposure at work which potentially exposed us all, and the third time because he called out of work sick due to a stomach complaint.  It was free each time.  Not sure how it relates my son to a Google account since the employer did the set-up, but I figure in this day and age if someone really wants access to our info they'll get it somehow.  Privacy is an illusion.  Perhaps Google will do a big research study - that would be interesting to read.

  11. I've been using Gigi Hard Body Wax for a few years.  Not sure why you wouldn't want to use this - it works just fine? 
    It hurts the worst the first time, but it's not bad after that.  And I agree to wait until you're not on your cycle.

    1. Use a waterproof pad or towel under the warmer and covering whatever surface you're working on to avoid getting wax everywhere.
    2. Set the wax warmer on the lowest setting - you don't want it super-runny or it will be difficult to manage.
    3. Oil yourself wherever you are planning to wax - the wax will stick to your skin if you don't.  I like vitamin-E oil.
    4. Brush your body hair around first so that it is standing up-ish for the wax to adhere better.
    5. Oil will take off the wax-bits residue too.
    6. Use a lighted magnifier and good tweezers to get the stragglers.

    There are lots of Youtube videos...

    • Like 2
  12. Just now, Scarlett said:

    The car had not been reported stolen.   

    They would not have known that.  Knowing they were running off with the car without consent, which is theft by unauthorized taking, they would assume it would be reported stolen, and changed the plates to avoid detection.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

    Wait.....you would not be concerned if your daughter asked you for money to get home at 1 a.m, someone sent you a naked picture of her at 2 a.m....and you had not heard from her since...and her plates had been switched out? 

    Asking for money "to get home" and sending the naked picture sound like someone is partying hard.

    Someone partying that hard is not likely to come home until they've sobered up.  It could take, at the least, multiple days for a party like that to end.

    Plates would be switched out to avoid having the car, which has been reported stolen of course, from being found - because they want to keep it for the duration of the party.

    Sounds like your niece needs some tough love.

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 2
  14. 11 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

    Really?  It isn’t  common knowledge that dancing is often tied to being pimped out as a prostitute?

    No, it is not.  Lots of people like to dance who have nothing to do with prostitution.

    • Like 5
  15. 1 minute ago, Scarlett said:

    It isn’t her  car.  It is her dads.  And that is really the part that is blowing your mind right now? The fact that he did that is all that is leading cops to where she might be right now.

    Honestly, if my 19 year old were that troubled I wouldn't be letting her take my car?

    I'm sorry that your niece is not making good decisions for herself.  My nephew doesn't either.  But they are legally adults, and they need to be allowed to make and learn from the consequences of their own bad decisions without enabling and getting in the middle of their drama.

    Best wishes.

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