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Amy in NH

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Posts posted by Amy in NH

  1. On 3/4/2021 at 6:20 PM, Ellie said:

    I have to say that it isn't the parents' job to make sure that their children get to meet up with their romantic interests, KWIM? They are two young people, neither of whom drive. They wouldn't be the first to have to  talk on the phone, or even write letters, because they can't be together every moment. 


    On 3/4/2021 at 6:43 PM, BusyMom5 said:

    At 15, I think you are making more effort than I would.  


    I've been thinking about this, and Imma present an alternative viewpoint here. 

    If this is not your job, then whose is it?  Teens are not waiting to "grow up" to become sentient people with emotions and needs that suddenly matter when they reach a magical age - they're living their lives, which they have little control over.  They didn't ask to be born (or adopted) into your family, nor to become your burden.  Yet here they are, reliant on you. 

    Not only did you choose to bring them into your world, but you also chose to educate them at home (presumably - this is a home education forum, after all), away from their peers.  If they cannot get their social needs met through regular interaction due to our parental choices, then it also becomes our responsibility as parents to facilitate their social/emotional outlet. 

    A lack of empathy and compassion toward the social/emotional needs of teens is apparent to them.  A lack of effort on their behalf is also noticeable to them.  Mental illness is oftentimes chemical, but sometimes it is despair over a lack of autonomy.  They are telling you they are suffering, and if you do not support them, or otherwise dismiss their needs, they can break. 

    There are only a few short years where we have to make personal sacrifices to meet this obligation. 
    And they will remember that we cared, or that we did not.

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  2. 5 hours ago, kristin0713 said:

    Unnecessary risk as others have said.  I did know a girl on another board several years back who lost a baby during an unassisted (by choice) birth.  It was not her first baby; IIRC, she had a large family and had birthed unassisted before.  I'm not anti-homebirth by any means. I had two water births with midwives in the hospital and would have considered a homebirth with a midwife if we had a third. 

    I had a midwife-assisted homebirth with my third and fourth.  Dd, my fourth unmedicated birth, had shoulder dystocia, and would have died if not for the skill of the midwife.  If we had had a hospital birth, there is a very good chance they would have broken her collarbone.

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  3. There is a severe housing shortage in Northern New England. 

    People are cashing out their expensive housing in New York and Connecticut (etc) and moving up here to outbid locals, paying cash, so that people who have lived and work(ed) here cannot find a place to live.  Lots of investors are also buying homes as AirBNBs, or vacation homes that sit empty a good part of the year.  Add to that the skyrocketing cost of building materials, and even if you could find a piece of land a modest home will cost way more to build than what your average worker can earn in this region. 

    A single-mother-of-4 friend of mine just got evicted when the owner of her rental house sold, and she literally cannot find a rental; She and her kids are currently transient between friends' homes. A single male friend who is a masseuse at local resorts is about to have his long-term (20+ years) rental house sold when the owner passes from a terminal illness.  Another friend is being evicted from a rental due to the owner selling, and is planning to move down south.  It's just crazy up here, and I don't predict it will improve anytime soon due to the lack of new affordable housing stock.

    • Sad 8
  4. The very best pillow for support IMO is latex foam.  I used to be able to get them for $35 each at JC Penney or Sears, but they seem to have gone WAY up in price!  Here is an "inexpensive" one at Amazon.  They do come in soft, medium, and firm.  I think medium is just right, but YMMV and it's a lot to pay if you get it wrong.

    My husband really loves a hotel-quality feather pillow I got him for a Christmas gift after a stay at the Hyatt Regency in Orlando.  I copied the pillow manufacturer off the tag in the hotel and found it online.  It IS very comfy.  Here's a link to that one.

    FWIW, my chiropractor recommends sleeping on your side with an extra pillow between your knees to keep your spine in alignment.

    Good luck!

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  5. Time spent together, doing community service and life-skills activities like cooking, building, etc.  IMO, there is no better way to build character and useful skills than modeling and learn-by-doing with adult mentors who can guide through rough spots (in knowledge and skill AND inter-relational).

    • Like 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, DoraBora said:

    Um, this isn't a lawsuit.  It's a bill that has been introduced (by one of our more... colorful... legislators), but it hasn't been passed.  It may not even make it to the floor for a vote. 

    Quote:  "The bill is unlikely to pass and has already been rebuked by fellow Republicans, including State Rep. Jeff Leach, R-Dallas."

    I did not say the lawsuit was to secede...

    • Like 1
  7. Reading through this exchange it strikes me that this is a perfect example of the problem in America with people being intentionally obtuse and refusing to understand facts put in front of them.  It also strikes me as ironic that Texas was trying to sue the other 49 states and secede from the union just days before asking for this big handout to bail out their unregulated utility owners.

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  8. 9 hours ago, RegGuheert said:

    The other big issue that affects daytime production is the fact that snow fell on most of solar panels.  Texas now has over 6 GWp of solar production online (and I do not know if this total includes "behind-the-meter" solar (on people's houses), but that production will not come online when snow is covering the panels and also will not work during an outage.

    Were the solar panels not built with the proper angle to allow the snow to slide off?  There are snow-removal methods for solar panels.

    • Like 6
  9. How is it abuse to camp naked with young children?  Unless there was exposure to sexual activity, naked camping is neither abuse nor neglect. 

    There is nothing wrong with the human body.  I find the attitude that something is wrong with nakedness to be problematic.  Perhaps exposing children to naked bodies as a normal matter of course - in a matter of fact way - would cut down on their own curiosity and/or shame.  Making a big deal about being naked is more of a problem than actually seeing or being...

    I also don't see how this fact about your in-laws has anything to do with them also raising your SIL to be rude?

    • Like 5
  10. On 2/12/2021 at 11:03 AM, gardenmom5 said:


    this is my fifth teen. he meets the criteria (not recognized in the US.) for PDA.  pathological demand avoidance. (subtype of ASD.)  

    so, how would you "reframe" a teenager refusing to answer the phone? (he admitted he heard it.)  and being gleeful about it when you later ask him why he didn't?  I rushed home and skipped errands ahead of a forecasted snowstorm (which can be paralyzing here due to hills, and ice), to make sure he was up for his one online class (he was - because of my phone calls,) - because he wouldn't answer the phone.


    If your son is old enough to be taking college courses, is he not also old enough to either get himself out of bed in time or take the consequences of not doing so?  Natural and logical consequences work for those on the spectrum. 

    If you know he will not answer the phone because of his disorders, why would you get upset when he does not answer the phone? 

    If you feel the need to control his life to such a degree, perhaps you need to find better ways of checking in on him when he is not able to respond - perhaps a nanny-cam would make it so that you can see he is up without having to rush home?

    I suppose these are rhetorical questions.  Of course you don't need to answer.

  11. 12 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

    Good thing to check I suppose.  I wonder if your vents are different than ours?  That has never happened to us.  I live in the upper Midwest and we have been having temps with wind chill of around -35 for over a week.  

    Lots of places have hinged vent covers to keep the critters out - the cover blows open when the dryer starts, unless it is frozen shut.

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  12. 22 hours ago, aggie96 said:

    This is our HEB meat department tonight. What will these people do with all that meat when the power goes out? We are supposed to be hunkered down Sunday afternoon through Wednesday late morning. Not weeks. Lol!


    Even if the power goes out, you can still cook meat on a gas stove or grill.

    When I was a teen, the power went out on Thanksgiving, and we cooked our turkey outdoors on the grill.

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  13. 2 hours ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

    But to be fair I’ve lived in this house eleven years now and still don’t know all the neighbors on my block. People keep pretty close to themselves.

    Our closest neighbors are a mile in any direction, which I like because I've had bad neighbors before, I don't need anyone up in my business - do-gooders or not,  and I prefer not to live where I have to listen to people's dogs barking in their yards ALL DAY LONG (and nights too).  We've lived here more than 13 years, have never met any of our neighbors, and don't even know their names.  People keep to themselves, indeed.

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