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Amy in NH

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Posts posted by Amy in NH

  1. 8 hours ago, Indigo Blue said:

    Do you

    A. Put on a long sleeved shirt or cover in a light blanket

    B. Go to the kitchen cabinet and grab a can of Raid and walk around with it, blasting it all over everything 

    C. Go outside with a bottle of non toxic repellent, give yourself a light misting, then go inside

    D. Threaten to bring out the DEET and repeat choice B. 

    🤨 Please help me.

    We don’t use the big guns inside, right? Because toxic and gagging scent and struggling to breathe and all…right? And it’s not going to necessarily kill the mosquito anyway, as all the mist and spray falls to the floor, and the tiny mosquito happily resumes flying around in the space above the floor. Right? So, if one has mosquitoes that get inside at night, what is your solution for managing  this? 

    Dh and I are not agreeing on how to use these items for their intended purposes….and this is my hill to die on because…..CAT and it’s making me gag. I’m prepared for battle over this one. 






    E. Swat said mosquitos.

    • Like 1
  2. Can you not peel it up and put it where it belongs?

    I had just put the new one on top of the old one for a many years...

    until the yard sheep came along and ate the whole pile of stickers right off the license plate!  Oops!

    I didn't contact anyone or get a new sticker, and we didn't have any trouble with it.

    We don't have sheep anymore.

  3. 17 hours ago, katilac said:

    [g]iving time to work on assignments, asking students if they had any issues with assignments, these are perfectly reasonable ways to run a writing class.

    Students should be working on assignments outside of class time, and getting instruction and one-on-one help during class time.

    A remedial student wouldn't know if they had any issues with the assignment?  If they turned in their best work, and it wasn't up to regular-college par, they probably think they did a fine job?

  4. Haven't read the responses.  No, I have not changed my views on what is right or wrong, and I do not hold personal allegiances above morality.  Let's just say that these past 5-6 years have caused some major changes in who I consider friends and family versus those who I only tolerate in a civil fashion when necessary but avoid the rest of the time.

    • Like 1
  5. 19 hours ago, Joker2 said:

    This is interesting because it’s not crazy easy here. When Ds looked into actual surgery just over a year ago, the requirement here was still 12 months of therapy and letters from his therapist and his doctor. He also had to be socially transitioned for at least a year, as well as being at least 18. I’m a bit disheartened to hear it might be too easy to make permanent decisions in places. We all benefited greatly from therapy during those first few years (we did individual, parent, and family therapy) prior to, and in the beginning, of hormones (which we also had to have documented therapy and letters to start as well).

    This was the case for us, too.

    Edited to add, since this has come up a few times here:
    My kids never went to school, so social pressure was not a factor.

    Without any particular regard or mention of gender or sexuality, they have always been told that our desire was for them to grow to become their best authentic self - whatever that ended up being - just to always do their best to make the world a better place in their own way.

    My kids were exposed and encouraged to learn life skills and hobbies that have been gender-defined as both masculine and feminine since they were infants.

    • Like 6
  6. On 6/6/2021 at 9:50 AM, Melissa Louise said:

    Great. And my kid is doing much better after psychotherapy and treatment for co-morbidities, and no transition. Anecdotes take us nowhere. 


    Given the large number of suicides amongst the young transgender population, I think anecdotes are important.  My kid was one of the suicidal ones until she came to an acceptance of herself, and 10 years after beginning transition and living as her authentic self she is no longer suicidal and is now living a happy and productive life with plans for further transition after new medical procedures are perfected.  We went through lots and lots of normal therapeutic counseling and anti-depressant trials that did squat before she finally started to transition which improved her outlook on life.

    If you feel you get cast as a TERF, perhaps it's because that's how you are presenting?

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  7. On 6/5/2021 at 12:14 PM, prairiewindmomma said:

    Do you have, in your circle of relationships, trans or non-binary people?


    People you have conversation with who know some degree of detail about your life and you theirs?

    (I once saw a trans person or my friend of a friend thing would not fit this.)

    I am totally curious about this after reading the pronouns thread. 

    My oldest child is non-binary - they/them pronouns.

    My second child is transgender - she/her pronouns.  "Coming out" as a mid-teen ~10 years ago was not a surprise to us, and we were able to find an appropriate therapist and endocrinologist to help her through the process (which is ongoing).

    They both changed their names as young adults, have accepting and supportive friends, and are comfortable in their identities.  Some of their friends are also trans, queer, etc.

    In the past couple of years DH & I have developed a friendship with an older adult couple - one of whom is transgender but is not out with their own family members, so their pronouns (and gender presentation) change depending on the situation. 

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Carol in Cal. said:

    Here in CA we have all the restrictions on guns that people want nationally and it doesn’t play out preventatively as far as the data show.

    Well, yeah, because you can go to any other place and get the stuff that's restricted in CA.  It needs to be national.


    • Like 3
  9. We haven't had dressers in bedrooms for 15 years.  Our laundry room is a family closet.  We put 6-foot-long shelves from floor to ceiling along the wall across from the washer and dryer.  Each family member has their own shelf, with two fabric bins at one end for socks and underwear.  Everyone has their own neat piles of jammies, pants, shirts, sweaters/hoodies, and it's easy to see what you're looking for.  Plastic tubs under the shelves hold sheets and blankets.  Next to the dryer is a folding table with a 3-compartment laundry sorter/hamper (lights, darks, delicates), and next to that is a bar for hanging clothes, with a shelf above it for more bin storage.  I love that I can wash, dry, fold, and not have to tote piles of laundry all over the house, and there is nothing hanging out of dresser drawers stuffed so full they won't close.

    • Like 5
  10. Way back when, I bought a Family Grain Mill and Bosch Universal mixer (the old one) due to reviews from the hive. 

    Tramontina cookware.  Silpat.  Kindle.  The Instantpot saved my life the winter our kitchen was torn apart. 

    I think I will try some Vionics to see if they help my plantar fasciitis, and I'll check out the Affinity software while I'm at it.

    Can't say I'm entirely enamored with the Dupray Steam Cleaner, though.  It seems to require just as much elbow grease to clean the walls as if I just used a bucket of hot soapy water with some vinegar.

    • Like 1
  11. Three times in the past 5-10 years I have yawned too wide and my jaw dislocated on the right side.  I felt something quickly move out of place and get stuck, and then I couldn't close my mouth all the way or touch my teeth together.  It is very painful when it happens, and then super uncomfortable until it slides back into place.  The first time it happened I went to the ER, and the jerk doctor told me that no my jaw wasn't dislocated - even though I obviously couldn't close it.  I argued with him until he went to look at his medical books/websites, and he came back to say there is a very small disk in the joint that probably slid out of place.  He prescribed me Valium - a muscle relaxer - to take at bedtime, and it slid back into place while I was sleeping. 

    Due to some other symptoms, subluxing joints as a child, unusual flexibility for an out of shape person my age, and recently POP, I think it might all be related to EDS, although I haven't been diagnosed.

    • Like 1
  12. I remember watching the news as a child in the 1970s, when it was still required to be factual, and every night seeing kids with stones fighting soldiers with military weapons who had invaded their neighborhoods.  IMO, Israel needs to give the Palestinians back their land and allow them to govern themselves.  I am not anti-Jewish, but I AM anti-whatever-horrors-the-Israeli-government-has-been-doing-for-the-past-50-years.

    • Like 2
  13. 23 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

    Yes, I'll do so, although I don't really like the "doormat" phrasing at all. I've never done this before and would rather not be lectured because I'm not immediately able to figure out how to avoid issues. 


    I could definitely believe that this is how they behave, although it's hard to see how anything would have resulted in a kid who doesn't seem to understand what addition IS. She does have learning disabilities, by the way. 


    Again, I certainly agree with the gist of your message, but I don't appreciate the tone. I value myself plenty. It doesn't mean I have experience with this. 

    Over and over again in this thread, and others, you have avoided creating and enforcing boundaries.  I understand that you are learning how to do this, and you have also made excuses for this family throughout this thread while minimizing the way they are devaluing you.  I'm sorry if you take offense at my language, but I stand by it; you are coming across as someone who does not value yourself enough and allows others to walk all over you. 

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