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Amy in NH

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Posts posted by Amy in NH

  1. On 3/30/2022 at 11:41 AM, skimomma said:

    We decided the best course of action was to continue to live like college students and devote all of our extra income to paying off the loans.  We continued to drive our ancient cars, did not vacation, lived in a cheap apartment furnished with hand-me-down furniture, delayed starting a family, etc..... and paid them all off within two years.  Then started to live like proper working adults.  I know many MANY people who make far more than we do that are still paying on their student loans (25+ years later)

    I would love to understand this better and feel less resentful about it.  

    I guess there are some questions in my mind:

    1. Do you think young people, like your daughter, should be limited in their educational opportunities based on finances, or should they be encouraged to reach for the best educational opportunities they can attain without regard for their family's wealth?

    2. Do you really want people who come after you to suffer those stresses you endured?

    3. Can you turn your bitterness over your own lack of opportunities into compassion for the future generations of students (your children and grandchildren included)?

    4. Do you think the high cost of education and resulting 25 years of student loans stifles the economy (ie. people's ability to attend post-secondary school to begin with, start a family, or become a homeowner), and if so is that a price you think society should bear because you struggled in the past?

    Personally, I feel like education should be free for everyone who sincerely wants to learn - so free education for anyone who continues to show growth as a student.  And I think it was wrong that you were forced to pay for your education - I'm sorry that happened to you.  And the past is behind us, so we should find some acceptance, let go, and move on.  And continuing to do wrong things as a society because we were wronged does no-one any good while preventing growth.

    Research in many fields has concluded that society benefits on all measures when citizens are more well-educated.  It is my educated opinion that free education (which amounts to canceling current student loans and not creating new ones - gotta start somewhere) is the best way to accomplish this.


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  2. 2 minutes ago, Sneezyone said:

    It probably has something to do with the ableism tag flying freely in the thread. Alopecia, while difficult, doesn’t affect any major life function.

    Aside from the ability to grow hair and wear it in the way others do, and the resulting psychosocial consequences such as depression and anxiety.

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  3. 2 hours ago, KSera said:

    I feel like no one is actually reading my posts about this, but just keeps repeating the same thing over and over. It's pretty awful to me to hear someone double down that if someone is self conscious about their hair loss they should have to wear a wig, otherwise making cracks about it is fair game. I have said multiple times, those of you saying she is clearly okay and proud of it because she went public and shared her new look very obviously don't get it. You don't. And that's okay. I'm glad you haven't been there. But you might think to listen to those who have who are saying, no, that's not what that means and people shouldn't have to cover up their medical conditions if they don't want anyone to comment on them. Again, the stupid slap thing was wrong and I'm not commenting on that, but the comments about how she should be glad to be compared to Demi Moore, and that she should wear a wig if she doesn't want comments and that obviously she must be proud of it because she decided to go public show a profound lack of awareness or compassion about what people with this condition go through, and it might be wise to listen rather than continue to say things that come across as extremely insensitive.

    Some people are unwilling to confront their enculturated able-ist biases.

  4. Will Smith wrote in his autobiography about how he was traumatized as a child by his father's regular abuse of his mother. He has felt like "a coward" since his inaction as a 9-year-old watching his mother spit blood after his father punched her in the head.  Perhaps standing up to someone bullying his wife has allowed him to gain more self-respect.

    Chris Rock made a documentary about the importance of hair to black women.  He should have known better.

    There is a lot more history and context than many people recognize.  Will's reaction may not have been right, but it was righteous.


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  5. 21 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

    It was assault, pure and simple.

    Yes, it was verbal assault that wounded someone, followed by physical assault that probably didn't wound someone.

    How long do you think the hurt will last for each of the "victims"?

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  6. On 3/14/2022 at 11:41 AM, Spirea said:


    On 3/14/2022 at 1:15 PM, Lady Florida. said:

    I'm curious too.

    Over the years, my sister's family (NM) and my family (NH) have vacationed together in different places around New England.  We agree on a rental house and split the fee.  I had always been the one to book a place in the past, and I'm pretty sure I had always used Airbnb but not 100% positive.  Last summer was the first time we had done this in a few years, due to Covid.  We looked at places on the coast of Maine and Cape Cod.  She decided to book it this time, and forwarded links from both Airbnb and VRBO. 

    We settled on a VRBO, and she reserved it by paying the week's rental fee using her credit card.  Then she got an email from the owner that they had increased their price, but not updated the website.  She contacted VRBO about this bait-and-switch fee, waited on hold for more than an hour to speak with customer service, and they told her it was within their policies for an owner to raise the rental fee even after someone reserved a listing.  She asked them to please cancel our reservation, as we were not willing to pay the higher rental rate.  She was disconnected by VRBO customer service and had to wait on hold for over an hour again for VRBO to tell her the contract was between her and the owner, and she would have to request that the owner cancel the booking but that he was not obligated to do so.  It took multiple contacts over more than a week, and she was in the process of going through her credit card fraud department, for the guy to agree to cancel the reservation and refund her money.

    I've only ever had (multiple) good experiences with Airbnb, but I'll never use VRBO again.

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  7. 15 minutes ago, Frances said:

    I trust every single person on this board knows and fully understands that American Christianity is not a single block, but multiple denominations with wildly divergent beliefs.

    AND unless the dissenters speak up, the rest of us only hear the loud ones who are "tainting your brand".  It's no wonder all Christians are lumped together when we only hear the ones pushing the fictional Groupthink.

    • Like 5
  8. On 2/7/2022 at 7:09 AM, Carrie12345 said:

    I have a plan to plan.

    We were originally planning to be in our house this winter, so I had plans to start from scratch. Then it was looking like late spring, so I started to plan for that.  NOW we’re looking at summer, which is a real challenge.

    I got some grow bags and will attempt some things to start here and move over. I don’t have high hopes. I’m already hit or miss as it is.  Potatoes and herbs are on the list. Anything else is up in the air right now.

    I will be making an effort to at least prepare my future garden area, but I’m not allowed to interfere with the house work going on, so my time will be limited and involves some heavy equipment. I’m feeling really discouraged. There’s almost no way we’ll get a fully protected (for a mostly unattended) garden in with weekend work only.

    When we moved into this house, 15 years ago, it was midsummer and my kids had 4-H gardens.  We knew we would be looking for a house, so they planted in rubbermaid tubs that spring, and we just picked up the tubs and moved the garden.  We still got a decent harvest that year of beans, radishes, carrots, and tomatoes.

    On 2/7/2022 at 8:13 PM, itsheresomewhere said:

    They are on Amazon.  I use a mix of organic soil, homemade compost and a Guinea pig/rabbit poop fertilizer ( DD does show animals so lots of it here). I fill the bags to the top as they will settle a bit over time. I have been using these bags for over 10 years back when you could only get them from a special garden store online. 

    For the sweet potatoes-  I take a tomato cage and put it upside down.  I train the vines to grow around it and now you have some beautiful green topiaries. 

    I tried this last year with bags I purchased from Amazon, but the bags I got were made from a tarp-like material and we didn't get anything worth harvesting.  The plants grew well for the first few weeks, but I don't know if they got too wet or too hot?  I gave up on the idea of doing it again, but now I'm rethinking the type of bag?

  9. Could the CVS floor be tile over the top of concrete, and maybe the other job had a better/different type of subfloor that absorbed walking/standing impact better?  You can quickly google concrete floor impact on the body to see if that lines up with your pain.

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  10. Many years ago I started taking anti-anxiety medication to alleviate emotional upheaval which was causing me to be completely dysfunctional during a horrible custody battle.  It was such a huge relief to feel that constant adrenaline dump dissipate.  A couple of years after the whole thing was over, I stopped taking the medication because the anxiety had been situational.  Except I didn't realize that I still wasn't feeling anything until I suddenly "woke up" - like a sudden jolt from a sound sleep that makes you sit up and gasp - about five years later.  I realized then that I had actually felt dead inside during those intervening years, but I just didn't recognize it until I finally felt alive again.

    You can feel alive again too, but don't expect to ever be the same as you were before.  In my experience, crises situations, or traumas, make us grow and change faster than smaller, more manageable life challenges.  It will take time for you to understand and accept your new self.


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  11. I don't review things very often, but a couple of times when I have had serious problems with a product, and the maker's customer service was less than helpful about fixing/exchanging it, I've written an Amazon review to warn other buyers about the problem - and the review was deleted by Amazon every time (like 2-4 times).  So, just because they've deleted someone's review doesn't make them an untrustworthy reviewer?  And now I don't bother reviewing on Amazon anymore.

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  12. I once heard an (NPR?) interview with a woman-mechanic who gave the advice to get a new (different) vehicle when the repairs will be more than 30% of the value of the one you have.  But in this market - oof.  My 19 year old is ready to buy a car, but he's still driving our old one for a while longer.  I'm hoping the chip shortage will let up soon, too!

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  13. 6 hours ago, kbutton said:

     the most my pastor said while these vile lies have ripped through my church is something like, "Don't fall for that conspiracy theory nonsense." That's it. A one-liner, timed mostly as if it's not real, and he just wants to not be bothered to have to deal with it. People who still attend tell me that every Sunday is like the pandemic is not happening. They don't talk about it at all.

    Doesn't it make you more pious, thus better than everyone else, if you don't live a "worldly" life?

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