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Amy in NH

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Posts posted by Amy in NH

  1. 1 minute ago, Pawz4me said:

    What about a bag of the fake mossy looking stuff? I don’t know what it’s called. It would be fairly easy to put around a pot and replace as needed. I don’t think a bag is more than a few dollars. 

    That might work!

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  2. 11 minutes ago, Pawz4me said:

    I'd repot the smaller plant into another plastic container and then set it into the decorative planter. That's how it's supposed to be done.

    If you want to drill holes in the attractive pot (which is absolutely a viable alternative; you do have to be careful to use an appropriate drill bit so the pot won't crack), then you could set it on a plate that is a little larger than the pot and put some decorative stones around it so there is no ugliness factor.

    I tried the plate with decorative stones.  When the stones got wet by water pooling on the plate, they grew algae and looked crusty and messy.

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  3. Same!  I got a cello about 5 years ago because I decided I want to learn how to play it after watching a couple of episodes of Fame as a kid.  I also got a season of Fame on DVD to watch with my dancer, and boy is it ever cheesy!  I bought a couple of beginner cello courses on Udemy, but haven't done anything yet. I do plan to learn someday; I just need to find the time.

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  4. Regarding experiences and/or side effects mentioned by other posters: As an endorphin (natural "morphine") increased dopamine helps with nerve function including pain reduction, affects the temporal lobe including time perception and speech, and can also cause insomnia...

    I always took it in the morning to avoid the insomnia.

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  5. I started taking the OTC supplement GABA as a self-induced trial for anxiety and depression, to boost my dopamine levels. It's the only supplement that has helped (I've tried a bunch), and I could feel the effects of it throughout my body as soon as I took it each day. Unfortunately, the epithelial lining of the lungs contain GABA receptors, which I found out after a severe case of dyspnea which persisted until I figured out that was the problem and stopped taking it.  Gabapentin is an analogue of GABA, and can cause similar/same problem. If you have pre-existing lung problems, as I do, please be wary.

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  6. 2 hours ago, regentrude said:

    But doesn't every college have a way for students to run a degree audit and check whether they are on track and what exactly they still need to graduate? How can they be surprised at the last minute? 

    Of course the advisor should check too and address that with the students at their semesterly meetings when they plan the coursework (However,  just because I told a student they still need xyz doesn't mean they actually listen). 

    I'm a doctoral student, almost finished my dissertation, with one kid finished a Bachelor's 1000+ miles from home (with many struggles), and I did not know until reading your post what a degree audit is.  So, the fact that there are tools doesn't mean even experienced adults know how to access or use them.  High school seniors and college freshmen often have crazy-busy schedules and really don't have hours per day to invest in figuring out the websites and obscure hidden tools in them.  I can't even *find* the complete course schedule for my graduate school on a Google search, their website, or my student portal... I had to ask my advisor for the proper crn to register for this semester.  So, yeah stuff *might* be out there, but no it's not always useful.

    • Like 7
  7. My kids who are not diagnosed ASD but are definitely ND had hormone related rages at that age.  They felt the surge and it took some self awareness to redirect themselves toward something like exercise that would help them regulate until it passed.  We also had screen battles at that age, and discontinued all computer time for a couple of years until they could handle it with more maturity.  I imagine that's harder now, with screens so much a part of everyday life, so I'd be sure to find and facilitate other outlets for the special interests.

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  8. On 1/1/2023 at 6:25 PM, prairiewindmomma said:

    That's very similar to the one we have

  9. Haven't read all of the responses...

    Rechargeable batteries lose charge more quickly in colder temperatures, so we store ours in the office, but I'm seriously considering moving them into the cellar-way where the (in-the-house) tools are kept.  I have purposely acquired over a few years a comfy number of nice Tenergy rechargeable 9V, AAA & AA, along with smart charging banks and C & D adapters.  They live in a decent battery case from Amazon when they are not either in use or charging.

  10. We got a Big Blue whole house filtration system for a little more than you're planning to spend for one sink.  It improved the taste, and also cut down rust and scale in our toilets and tubs, and the laundry looks cleaner!  If you look around a bit, you can find the right combination of filters for your situation in a purchase kit, and then get less expensive knock-off filters at Amazon. It was pretty easy to install with pex, and the filters last 6-12 months.

    • Like 1
  11. My 17yo dancer was recently assessed for hEDS by a specialist who diagnosed her with Generalized Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder.  The diagnostic criteria for hEDS has changed recently in an effort to find the genetic marker, and after it is discovered they will go back and retest everyone with GHSD.  So even though she passed on the Beighton Scale, she didn't with some of the new criteria.  She's since been to PT three times for subluxing shoulder and hyperextending knee at dance, and hip while climbing.  The specialist told us that swimming is the best sport to strengthen muscles surrounding the joints, which is necessary to hold them together due to failure of the connective tissues.  Also, apparently ~80% of professional dancers have hEDS or GHSD.

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  12. It really depends on my relationship with the people.  I used to fold my best friend's laundry that was in a laundry basket in the living room when I stayed over her house.  I would totally run a load of my own adult-kid's laundry, or my grandkid's laundry, if I were staying with them and they were really busy.  I wouldn't wash my inlaw's clothes, but if I were staying with them I might throw in a load of sheets or towels that I had used.

    • Like 3
  13. I have the same problem when it comes to sides of a car, or directions to turn a screw - right and left make no sense as it's a matter of perspective. Driver/passenger side & counter/clockwise work best for me, because I can never remember which is which, but those don't work for beds. Therefore I'd have to say the left side of the bed is the side left over after I've gotten into it.

  14. I use PrimoPDF, which is free, to combine multiple of whatever document into a single pdf.  You choose PrimoPDF as the printer, and print your document to It.  During the process, it asks you to save the document to a file.  The first document gets "printed" into the file whatevernameyouchoose.pdf.  The second document you "print" into the file by choosing the file you created, but then it asks if you want to overwrite or append.  Choose append.  You can continue to add documents of any size onto the end of the PDF you create this way.


    I hope that wasn't too confusing as it's quite easy to do.

  15. We also live in a tiny town in a rural area.  We can have packages delivered to the one wee general store in our town, or have them held at a dropbox location (like Walgreens) in a bigger town 15 minutes away.  Are you 100% positive there aren't ANY places a short drive away that would hold your packages so that you can avoid having deliveries on your property?  If so, I agree with others that you could move the box to your porch instead of at the end of the driveway.

  16. We pay around $60 per costume - it's less for the younger kids and more for the older ones.  We know at the beginning of the year, at registration, what the costume fees will be.  I would refuse to pay $180 for one costume unless my kid were doing something specialized and professional (like an international competition).

    When my kid, who now at 17 wants to become a professional ballerina, was three - her studio at that time had parent-volunteers make the costumes in the waiting room.  The tutus were tulle strips looped onto elastic waistbands.  We hot glued some flowers onto the front collars of their own regular black leotards. Each costume cost about $15, and they were super-adorable!

    $180 is just unreasonable and unnecessary. 

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  17. When they were 14-16 I set up each of my kids with a checking account with both of our names on it.  I got them debit cards on their account, which they could use anywhere as a credit card up to the amount that was in their account (it will be declined if the amount is more than they have).  The only fees happen if they use the card at an ATM not attached to their bank.  I was able to set up online banking with those accounts because my name was on them, and it allowed me to transfer money to them when they were away at college.

  18. We used that recipe to make Stained Glass Gingerbread Lanterns last year.  It was something I had been wanting to do for probably 15 or 20 years. 

    I had some templates that I had saved for all that time, which took a lot of time and patience to cut using exacto knives.  I also spent a fortune on colored isomalt, and got some tiny cookie cutters to make cut-outs for the "glass".  We put battery votives from the dollar store inside.

    They weren't perfect, but I loved them just the same.  We filled the cooled cookies on parchment with crushed isomalt, instead of heating it and pouring, and some of it didn't melt right.  Here are a few of the finished panels:

    Lantern Heart.jpg

    Lantern Moon.jpg

    Lantern Snowflake.jpg

    Lantern Snowman.jpg


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