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Amy in NH

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Posts posted by Amy in NH

  1. On 9/18/2020 at 10:45 PM, klmama said:

    I've recently read and heard several people use the expression "pot plant" to mean "a plant in a pot."  It's startling and very confusing to me, because where I grew up "pot plant" always meant a marijuana plant, while a plant in a pot was a "potted plant."  Is the use of "pot plant" to mean "plant in a pot" a regional usage?  If so, where?   





    A pot plant is marijuana.  A potted plant is a plant in a pot.

    Calling a potted plant a pot plant is just lazy or ignorant use of language.

    • Confused 1
  2. I didn't get to read your post before it was deleted, but got the gist from other responses.  Our three kids who are still at home - two over age-18 and one minor-teen, are asked to leave the house on a regular schedule for a few hours twice per week so that dh and I can have the house to ourselves for some necessary alone-time.  They are all welcome to live here as long as they'd like, so long as they respect that this is a legitimate need for us as a couple.  I'd say your college-age kid is not so young and naive that you cannot have a frank discussion with him.

    • Thanks 1
  3. We have a drive-up testing site in back of the hospital of our nearby small city.  They take insurance, or offer a financial aid application for those who don't have any.

    Do you not have anything like that near you?

  4. 1 hour ago, PrincessMommy said:

    what do you put it in?  I have some psyllium husk and put it in water and it turned to nasty mush.  It was undrinkable/inedible.  I 've been using Beneifiber but I am worried since it's wheat based.  Everything I run across regarding hashis says to eliminate wheat.    But, it has been a game-changer for my diverticulitus.  


    I use the psyllium husk capsules because they don't have any sweeteners.

  5. I've done a 28-day water fast once a year for three years.  I was overweight, so didn't need to worry about going into ketoacidosis/starvation.  The problem with a 24-48 hour fast is that you've just gotten past the hunger and into the regenerative phase of your fast when you quit.  If you decide to do a longer fast, make sure to do a lot of research first.  Add salts/minerals to your water so you don't end up electrolyte imbalanced, etc.  The worst part is the nasty tongue...

    • Like 1
  6. My kids would not be playing with those kids anymore.  Not even a few times/year. 

    I would let the mother know that too many incidents happen when the kids are all together, and it's just not working out.  You don't need to give specific examples - it will become a he-said/she-said thing and the other mom will become defensive.  I'd guess that they are all egging each other on, and they seem like a bad influence on each other.  Just no.  Find a new babysitter/mother's helper, and sever all ties. 

    That's my $.02.

    • Like 3
  7. We have this bidet seat, which comes for either a round or oval toilet bowl (so make sure you are ordering the correct one!)

    We really like the bidet features, but the soft-close lid broke at 15 months - no longer under warranty - and costs $60 to replace.  It is a thin-plastic, sloped lid, so it couldn't be sat upon.  It is a specialty connection to the seat, so it cannot be replaced by something from the hardware store.  The plastic near the hinge attachment separated, so now it makes a loud snapping sound every time it closes.  I contacted customer service, and this is a known design flaw.

  8. It gets down to -30 here occasionally, and -20 regularly, but only during the coldest part of each morning, not for whole days at a time.  When we kept chickens, we had a caged heat lamp chained, tied, and affixed in 3 different ways so as to minimize the risk of the coop burning down, and we had it on a timer so that it was on only during the early morning hours.

    Chickens lay according to the amount of daylight they get.  If you mess with their lighting using lamps/bulbs, you can often extend their laying period, but it comes at a risk of taxing their physical resources.

    • Like 2
  9. On 8/10/2020 at 1:18 PM, KathyBC said:

    I saw the photo. I read his explanation of the photo. The 'scandal' is a large part of why I avoid organized Christian groups. The fact that secular folks wield the same judgmental pitchfork when it suits them is ironic. Of course this is all from a distance, the guy could be a slimeball for all that I personally know.
    Has it come up yet that in fact Liberty did not contribute to some explosive Covid growth? I read they followed protocols on campus, and had results that did not stand out from the general population. That seems more relevant and hopeful.

    The pitchforks from secular folks are not about the action, but the hypocrisy.  My secular friends are outraged that these jerks have used fear and oppression and a rigid morality they don’t even adhere to in order to bilk many many millions of dollars out of earnest Christians, while at the same time condemning secular folks for doing the same actions or even those less morally objectionable. We care that he is now blaming this all on his wife instead of taking responsibility for his part.  And we care that they influence politics with their professed superiority and religious legalism, knowing that their followers will do as they are told.  And we also care that they will just go cry crocodile tears and be forgiven by the devotees who will keep sending money.

    • Like 10
    • Thanks 9
  10. 36 minutes ago, Selkie said:

    Shipping chicks via the post office is actually quite different than riding for a few hours in a climate controlled vehicle while being watched over and cared for by an attentive human. 

    Why do you think it costs extra to ship them?  Because they aren't put in the uncontrolled back of the truck with all of the other parcels.  The problem comes when they arrive at a transit center where packages are moved from one truck into another, and the climate is not controlled for a short time. 

    The current problem is because, with the stupid political crap going on, the post office is no longer able to guarantee overnight delivery, and live animals would sit in the transit center for too long instead of moving directly to the next destination.

    Do you think I'd have my eye on chicks while I'm driving?  Not shut off the car while I'm stopped at a rest area or to eat at a restaurant?

    Lemme guess: You're a vegan, and any relationship we have with animals is inhumane in your opinion?

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, kokotg said:

    It's overnight mail, so it's not like mailing a letter or something. Our chicks spent less than 24 hours in a heavily padded box with 5 other chicks and were healthy, happy, and downright perky when we opened them up. I don't see how their experience would have been any different if they'd been transported any other way. Sitting in the dark huddled with other chicks is kind of what baby chick life is supposed to be like. I'm sure I'd feel differently if we hadn't always had good experiences, but I have extremely spoiled chickens, and all evidence is that they were perfectly healthy both emotionally and physically when they got to us. 

    We have ordered chicks this way.  Despite all the naysayers, it really is not inhumane treatment.

    It is no different than if we had traveled to another state to pick them up - they wouldn't be running around our vehicle on the way home; they'd be in a nice cushy box with straw bedding and air holes.  We just pay someone else to do the traveling for us.

    2 hours ago, dmmetler said:

    Snakes and lizards are often shipped Fed Ex, as are other exotics.  They're very restrictive as to when they can be shipped (not too cold, not too hot) and have to be shipped overnight. All live animals that are shipped Fed Ex go through one station here, which has the job of opening, providing water, and feeding mammals and birds. One of my friends works in rewrap and says that they actually really like snakes because they are so easy, but birds are extremely difficult, since while they are supposed to be packaged so they do not have to be taken all the way out, about half the time they have to try to get a bird back in a new container because that wasn't done. There is also a person in my local herp group that is contracted to take animals when their packaging has been damaged and Fed Ex cannot find an inner label, while they track down where the animal is supposed to go. He also sometimes gets animals that have been shipped under false labeling (including, once, a Javanese Dragon Snake, which is a CITES listed endangered species) while Fed Ex figures out what to do (that one ended up in a zoo, and I suspect the shipper ended up with federal charges).

    Fed Ex also regularly ships animals between zoos, but usually those travel with their own caregiver.

    My daughter recently got a pet snake this way.  They were very restrictive on the weather for the entire shipping route.  The snake was shipped ground with special handling, in a snake-bag, in a padded container with airholes.  She went out in the evening, and got here the next morning.  We were at the pick-up center before she was, to make sure she wasn't in the box any longer than absolutely necessary - probably 10 hours total.  She spends much, much more time than that sitting in her dark hide.

    I wouldn't order any live animals, or anything time sensitive from USPS right now.  We live in a rural area, so do a lot of online shopping, and we have definitely seen a delay in packages and other regular mail getting to us in the past three weeks or so.

    • Like 5
  12. 11 minutes ago, PeachyDoodle said:

    I'm confused. Are you confusing me of being these things? Because I'm not sure what I've said here or elsewhere that would have given you that impression.

    I'm not saying that you hold these beliefs or are a bad person.  I'm saying that these are the types of beliefs that would make me believe that someone is not worth being a friend.

    For someone else it may be a different line in the sand.  If you don't hold those beliefs, but your friend does, maybe you want to examine your desire for a continuing friendship with her.

  13. 2 minutes ago, sassenach said:

    Geez. That’s not what this thread is about but thanks for driving the issue home. 

    Actually, it kind-of is. 

    I have personal experience with ending friendships due to "politics", so I shared it.

    If she finds her friendship ending due to political disagreements, she can choose to re-examine the beliefs in question or just back away. 
    I understand that she believes she has every right to her own well-considered opinion,
    but it may be important for her to know that if it is an opinion stemming from a lack of compassion or human rights then others will not see it that way or be forgiving,
    even if there is previous relationship history.

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