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Amy in NH

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Posts posted by Amy in NH

  1. On 11/26/2019 at 11:04 AM, teachermom2834 said:

    Well the times we have attempted to assign and explain that I needed help providing enough to feed everyone he said “it clearly is a burden to feed my family so we will come watch you eat and stop for fast food after.” 

    Nice, huh?

    Also he has very sincerely stated that his presence is his contribution. And he is dead serious. We are so blessed he joins us!! 

    He is nearly 50 yo so I don’t think he is changing


    I would uninvite him. 

  2. I used to love Planet Fitness.  I wish there were one in my area.

    Also, I'm not sure why a church would have a fitness center or gym?  I thought the purpose of a church was for the religious group-worship of it's members, not to compete with businesses in the community with an unfair tax exemption?

  3. The construction company my husband works for is booked for months, and sometimes years, in advance.  They turn down a lot of work.  They take filler jobs sometimes, but they are never lacking for work even in the winter.  If this guy put you ahead of other customers who have been waiting, and did so on short notice, for a good price, then you probably owe him a "thank you for fitting us in".  It's also possible that he is giving you a price break that you aren't aware of because you are friends.  The fact that you never acknowledge that he is doing you a favor is probably grating to him.  Perhaps he will be "too busy" next time.

    • Like 7
  4. 43 minutes ago, dirty ethel rackham said:

    This is when i needed multi-focal lenses (bifocals.)  I wear progressive lenses that have no correction in the reading section, some correction in the "computer screen" section, and my distance correction in the top section.  But, my distance vision is bad enough that I can't find my glasses when I need my glasses.  I tried multi-focal contact lenses, but my eyes are now too dry to wear them (plus, I couldn't seem to get the right prescription where I could see both near and far.)


    Honestly, I hate wearing glasses, so I'm avoiding the bifocals.

  5. I'm nearsighted, and I've needed glasses for distance since I was 16.  But now I can't see close up with my glasses on, which means I don't wear them unless I'm driving or watching television (which is rare), so almost never in the house.  It is quite disconcerting how dirty my house is when I put the glasses on!

    • Like 1
  6. On 6/23/2019 at 9:48 AM, moonflower said:

    I'm surprised, sort of, by how relationships just seem to fall off and not be replaced.  I read somewhere that as you age, you lose connections sort of systematically until you die.  That the peak of connection is actually childhood or young adulthood.

    I had friends in HS of course, and to some extent in college.  Since then my friends have dropped off and the friendships I do have are shallower; also my dad died. and I was closer to him than anyone but DH.

    So I guess I'm surprised by how lonely it can be.


    This happened to us, and we've made a conscious decision to get out more to meet people.  We've joined a few adult get-together groups where we meet at a restaurant or bar and have drinks and/or food and just chat a couple of times per month.  We limit the time we spend doing this because we still need to be here for the kids left at home, but I imagine we could go out more when the kids are all grown.

    • Like 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, moonflower said:

     especially since psychology is supposed to be the most popular major in college


    Psychology and Psychiatry are totally different.  A psychiatrist is a medical doctor with all the education that entails (doctorate with residency, etc.).  A psychologist is a counselor or therapist who cannot prescribe drugs, usually with a bachelor or master's degree.

    • Like 10
  8. 43 minutes ago, Dotwithaperiod said:

    It sounds gorgeous. I was in Massachusetts last week and saw some of the most beautiful flowering trees. Most were pink. They resembled a dogwood, but I had no idea that those grew in the north. To me, dogwood = the South. My son has the pics on his phone, maybe I could send one to you and you could tell me what it is?


    Crab apples

    • Like 2
  9. It's been raining and raining here, but we've been working on it slowly but surely on the off nice-days.  So far we've:

    put lots of discount perennials in the flower gardens.  We'll see what makes it!  We were excited to see a bunch of clearance stuff from last fall actually took this spring - yay!

    shoveled the 5-year-old manure out of an old barn and put some on the raised beds.  Turned, covered with landscape fabric, and planted yesterday.  Only a couple more things to go in the beds on the next sunny day.

    weeded the asparagus patch which is producing about 5 pounds every other day.

    pruned back the old raspberry canes.

    Not in that order.  Looking foward to watching everything grow...

    • Like 2
  10. 7 hours ago, Ema said:

    Fill in the blank! For me right now I need him to go through his old CDs from junior high when he was mad at that world. Small two bedroom house, 6 people, we need all the space we can get! What is your DH’s collection that drives you nuts, or you just want to downsize? And what are your  techniques to get your way?

    There are a lot of posts here, and I really haven't read any of them, so forgive me if this has already been suggested...

    Load them into a desktop or laptop that you can use as a music server, hooked up to the stereo or a nice bluetooth speaker, make a backup copy of them all on an external hard drive, then sell them to Newbury Comics.  Or just buy a Spotify Premium account and sell them.  Either way you'll still have access to all that music without it taking up space.

    • Like 2
  11. I haven't read any of the other responses, but wanted to say that I have engaged in that exact sort of behavior more than once in the past few years when visiting childhood neighborhoods with my mother in MA and again with my husband in PA.  We drove up and down a few times and pulled over on the side of the road to determine if which house is the right one, rehash old memories, talk about changes to the neighborhood and particular childhood house, etc.

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