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Amy in NH

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Posts posted by Amy in NH

  1. 4 hours ago, TomK said:

    Once upon a time, it was fairly easy to separate a person from their politics. For most, it was one of those topics you simply didn't talk about in polite company and everyone knew that. Oh, people still talked politics, but you could also agree to disagree and then not see someone's political views outside of a bumper sticker on their car ever again.

    Then social media rolled around. 

    While it's great for so many things, it's also used by many to express their political views. That's certainly their right, of course, but there's a dark side to that. It makes it harder for people to ignore those differences anymore. It pushes them to the front and center.

    My best friend and I don't share the same politics. We used to, but I grew a different direction. We don't really talk politics face-to-face because we know we disagree on it and we don't want to jeopardize the friendship over that. However, she still posts this stuff on Facebook which makes it much harder for me to ignore. I've been tempted to unfollow her, but she posts just enough other stuff--stuff we both enjoy and like talking about--that I don't.

    I'm someone who discusses politics for a living, so getting into political debates on Facebook is the last thing I actually want to do. I'd rather stir up hate and disconent when I'm being paid for it. 😄 But the truth is, though, I do think we'd be better off moving political discussions into private rooms on Facebook meant for the topic. Yeah, even those social commentaries we all probably do from time to time, especially because so many of those do have political overtones. At least for some people. 

    After all, none of us want to lose friends over this stuff.

    It's especially hard when someone who has known you for so long says they can't see how anyone who thinks like you can be a good person. It would seem to me that the friendship is long over, though, if she can actually say something like that to you.


    I guess it's a matter of deciding who is actually a friend.

    I use FB as a political timeline blog, and I've overtly invited others to unfollow me if they don't like it.

  2. On 8/14/2020 at 3:36 AM, PeachyDoodle said:

    Yeah, we've talked about it. I asked her if she could accept that I am still me even though I have different beliefs than she does, and those beliefs haven't changed who I am. If anything, I have become considerably less rigid in my worldview as I have gotten older, and I don't think I hold any beliefs now that are more extreme than they were when I was 20. (Not that I was ever an extremist, I don't think.) She basically said that there is no way a person can hold my views and still be a good person. 


    [deleted by moderator]

    • Confused 2
  3. On 8/6/2020 at 7:22 PM, Quill said:

    ”I’m not pointing my kids towards college, anyway; it’s much better to learn a trade.”


    Kids who grow up to work in the trades will need a lot of math. 

    If they eventually move into an estimating/project management/office position, they will also need good writing/communication skills.

    If they are going to be working in a licensed trade they will need to pass a high school graduate equivalency exam (GED/HiSET) so that they are even eligible to take the licensing tests, which again include a lot of math.  And the tests are written/computerized, so they need to be able to read and comprehend well. 

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  4. On 8/6/2020 at 4:30 PM, Forget-Me-Not said:

    Telling people to join HSLDA. 
    Edit:  I know they can be helpful in some circumstances, if you’re the right “flavor” of homeschooler (and Christian 🙄), but mostly I think they prey on fears about legal troubles that are mostly non-existent. 


    In our state they have been trying for years to remove details from the homeschool law, that were written By homeschoolers and put in place to Protect homeschoolers from over-reach by school districts and the DOE, in order to make the law more ambiguous so that they are needed to step in when districts over-reach.

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  5. 22 minutes ago, Medicmom2.0 said:

    This.  One of my good friends has a toddler with a trach and vent.  He’s severely brain damaged from a birth injury.  They haven’t stopped traveling at all—Atlanta, Ocean City, etc. since the pandemic started.  Her older two kids will be going back to school full time since our local school is opening five days a week. 

    I asked her and she stated that they believe the benefits of not isolating outweigh the risks, even to the baby.  She’s not uneducated at all; she has an Ed.D and understands the science, but they are not going to isolate at all.  
    People have to weigh their own risk vs benefit and comfort level.  My comfort level doesn’t extend to a week at Ocean City, but our levels of Covid are nearly nonexistent here so I am comfortable going out to a restaurant or to church.  I spent today outside at my grand parent’s estate auction with over 200 people and no one socially distanced or wore masks. Everyone has to decide for themselves, but I agree it is hard on the kids to watch others doing fun things.  My kids want to know why we aren’t vacationing like their neighbor friends, especially since we don’t have family members who are high risk.  I just explain that while they’re comfortable with it, we are not at this point.

    Which would be fine if they weren't possibly spreading it everyplace they go.  It's not a personal risk assessment - it's making a public health decision for everyone.

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  6. Our dance studio shut down in March and reopened with precautions two weeks ago for limited class offerings. 

    They have a limit of 6 students per indoor class now, when they used to have 14-15 in a class.   Outdoor classes, which are new, have a maximum of 9 students.

    The students wait in their cars in the parking lot.  They are invited to come into the studio one at a time, with masks on.  There is a one-way flow of traffic through the studio, so they enter through the back door, remove their shoes, use hand sanitizer, and go to a designated marked spot in the studio to put on their shoes.  They have to be at their spot before the next student is allowed in.

    They can remove their mask for class.  They each have their own barre.  There is no across-the-floor. 

    Students must wear their masks to leave class one at a time, and exit through the front door.

    The studio must be aired out and wiped down between each class for a minimum of 15 minutes.

    My dancer takes a shower immediately after we get home. 

    Given that three members of my household are going to work every day, I think the risk to our family of catching COVID at the dance studio with these precautions is low.  Infection rates in our county are low right now, but with all of the tourism opening back up I am more concerned that people will be bringing it from other states than that we will get it at the dance studio. 

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  7. On 6/20/2020 at 2:20 PM, saraha said:

    Thanks for all that info!

    How are New Hampshire residents feeling about tourists being there? We are not planning on eating in anywhere, or going inside anywhere, just doing outdoor things, or if we have to, just taking scenic drives. Is there a spot you recommend for going to the ocean? Or would that be better to do in Maine?

    We're not thrilled that people may be bringing COVID with them from other places and spreading it around here.  Also, these are small towns with limited resources; It is frustrating to think that people are coming on vacation and buying up the groceries which are in limited supply and sometimes unobtainable for families who live here.

    I recommended York Beach because it is touristy.  If you want an untouristy beach I'd stick with Wallace Sands in NH.

  8. I live in the White Mountains.

    The hiking in the summer is crazy in Franconia Notch and over the Kancamagus.  The state has had to put up barriers to keep people from parking alongside the interstate highway.  It is definitely bumper to bumper on the hiking trails.  July 4th weeks are the absolute worst in terms of tourists.

    We bring visitors to the Flume.  I would skip the tram to the top of Cannon this year because it is enclosed.  Lost River is also very nice.  The Cog Railway is expensive, but you can open the windows to keep your COVID risk down.

    Yes, you can do a day trip to Maine this year.

    If it were any other year, this is what I would suggest:
    NH: (1) Drive over the Kanc for brunch at Red Fox (bring your appetite & make reservations); 302 to Cog Railway; Mt. Washington Hotel
    NH: (2) Breakfast at Polly's Pancake Parlor in Sugar Hill; Chutters in Littleton, walk Main St & covered bridge; Hike Arethusa or Zealand
    NH: (3) Flume Gorge; Cannon Tram; The Basin; Old Man Memorial; Profile Lake/Echo Lake Park;
    NH: (4) Tax-Free Shopping at Tanger Outlet in Tilton; Concord - Christa McAuliffe Planetarium; Boutwells Candlepin Bowling
    ME: Odiorne Point Seacoast Science Center in Rye NH; Drive up Route 1 to York Beach & Nubble Lighthouse
    VT: Eat at Red Hen; Ben & Jerry's tour; Rock of Ages tour, Morse Maple Farm tour
    MA: Freedom Trail; USS Constitution Museum; Old Town Trolley Tour (hop on/hop off)


    • Thanks 1
  9. 11 hours ago, Happy2BaMom said:

    It is insanity.

    Of course, one could argue that it is no more insane than packed-together unmasked protestors (of any political stripe),


    Everyone at the local BLM protest was wearing a mask.  I didn't see a single protester there without one. 

    Police weren't wearing them, though.

    And I'd guess less than 50% at the local stores are wearing them.

    I wish only the irresponsible people were getting the bad cases.

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  10. On 5/23/2020 at 8:33 AM, Quill said:

    You have a point. But clearly, he must believe it’s protecting him, unless he’s straight up lying about taking it himself, which is certainly possible, but I think, not likely. 

    The dude is a pathological liar.  As of April 14, 2020 he has made 18,000 verifiably false or misleading statements since the start of his presidency.


    • Like 1
  11. We have this one


    It has multiple settings, angles, spray forces, temperatures, etc.  We really like it, except for the seat.  It is not flat, so you cannot sit on it.  Anything you place on it is likely to slide off.  And the seat broke after we had it for 18 months.  A piece of plastic in the hinge snapped, and it clicks loudly every time it closes.  When I called customer service, they said that it is no longer under warranty, and it is a design flaw they already know about.  $60 to replace it, so we are going without a toilet cover in that bathroom.

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  12. 21 hours ago, MercyA said:

    At what age did your children receive their first cell phone, for their exclusive use? Let's restrict the poll to your children who are currently 18 years of age or younger. Please choose the average age if you have more than one child with a cell phone. 

    Thank you! 😉

    (BTW, we are planning on getting her a phone before too long, but she doesn't know that. Shh!)


    Our kids each got their own phone when they were doing activities which required us to drop off/pick up, and we needed to be able to be in touch when we weren't with them.

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  13. 15 hours ago, Dreamergal said:

    When you've cooked a 15 lb turkey and multiple vegetarian Indian side dishes because you want to be a good host and watch the vegetarians demolish the turkey and you are left with no leftovers you have a totally different perspective of what a "vegetarian" looks like. Well an Indian one at least 😂


    I have quite a few Indian vegetarian friends who are disgusted by American meat eating practices.

    But not all Indians are vegetarians, either.  Maybe your guests were not actually vegetarian, and in your ignorance you just assumed they were?

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  14. When we were training a house-kitty we bought a bunch of spray bottles at the dollar store.  She is pretty well trained now.  If she ever does something naughty at this point (which is rare), all we have to do is point one at her and she'll cringe and run away. 

  15. 23 minutes ago, AmandaVT said:


    Smaller stores could sell them still. Which, felt pretty silly, but it did seem to help traffic control. I think pharmacy stuff was purchasable everywhere, but, yeah I couldn't get shampoo at walmart, but I could at CVS. Now more stores can do curbside. We don't have a lot of delivery options in VT, which makes things tricky. 

    Many people come from VT over the river into NH to do their shopping, where we haven't had restrictions on which store departments are open.

  16. 14 minutes ago, MEmama said:

    Of course this primarily hurts the actual workers, who are now faced with either refusing to work in unsafe conditions, be fired and thus not be eligible for unemployment, or go to work knowing that it may very well be a death sentence to themselves or their family. Leaving positive change up to the company masters has never worked and is nothing but a tired myth. 

    The liability waiver is just icing on the cake for large corporations. Workers are expendable but profits are not, dontchaknow. The waivers “solve the problem” sayz the prez. The buck stops anywhere but where it should. 


    This is exactly it! 

    The reason for the order is unemployment and business liability.  They don't care about the workers, and in fact set in place policies that are actually bad for workers.

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  17. Biological imperative.  We are nothing more than a series of adaptations designed to perpetuate DNA.

    Otherwise we make our own meaning.  To that end, I think that we should all try to have the best experience collectively possible.

    The purpose of society, though, is to do all that in a way that pools our resources for common needs.

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