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NicksMama-Zack's Mama Too

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Everything posted by NicksMama-Zack's Mama Too

  1. It's pretty clear that the end-game is to deem guns a public health issue and give CDC jurisdiction to regulate them for the good of public safety. I am not surprised that a spokesperson from Everytown is quoted. Just verifies that the "research" supports an agenda. Michael Bloomberg throws a couple of million in the bucket, the NRA throws a million in the bucket.....
  2. Lisa, here's an article from 2010 that explains how lax some jurisdictions are in sentencing illegal possession of firearms. https://www.baltimorebrew.com/baltimore-mayor-stephanie-rawlings-blake-on-tougher-penalties-for-illegal-gun-possession-2/
  3. So. Call me crazy, but can't the CDC collect gunshot wound data from hospitals treating patients and post-mortem reports? Not sure how the NRA is keeping that from happening. I think the FBI does ballistic research, I'm sure they'd share it with the CDC. Can you point to a link about the research the CDC wants to conduct but can't?
  4. Well, since I was informed that the transfer of the rifles from the roommate to tge shooter was done legally via a FFL, the roommate has not committed a crime. My statement that you bolded was my not so subtle way of indicating that there is a fair chance that although there are hundreds of laws regulating guns, they are not always prosecuted to the fullest extent and sometimes not at all.
  5. Gunshot wounds are not diseases. I'm pretty sure you know what causes them.
  6. The FBI collects crime stats, any researcher can extrapolate all kinds of data. I am curious what kind of research the Center for Disease Control is doing on something that's not a disease.
  7. I am a gun owner. I own guns for both enjoyment and self-defense. I practice at a local range every weekend. I have attended gun-safety classes, have held a concealed weapons permit for 20+ years. I probably have more ammo than you'd approve of. I live in an area full of federal LEOs and military. I feel safe in my home and really only carry when I am uncertain of the security of the area. I am willing to answer some of your questions and clarify some of the misconceptions about firearm to the best of my ability if you would like.
  8. Is the ATF going to conduct home checks to insure compliance? How will they know which homes to enter? Will you have to register your firearms? What if you don't have minors in the home? If I have my firearm holstered instead of in a safe, will I be subject to frisking? How does this work?
  9. In light of the recent decision by our Secretary of Defense, I do think it's only fair that 18-year old women be required to register with the selective service. Why do women get to opt-out if it has been determined that they are qualified to perform the same duties as young men?
  10. Many states already have existing laws against leaving an unsecured weapon accessible to children.
  11. Have you researched either of these technologies? I have and there is no way I would utilize either one with my self-defense weapon. Smart guns have yet to be adopted by LEOs, it's an untested technology that I wouldn't want to depend on. Plus, smart guns ($1800+) are unaffordable for most people at this time. http://www.geekwire.com/2015/people-like-idea-smart-guns-feasibility-safety-questions-loom/#disqus_thread If the problem is securing loaded weapons, a simple safe will do the trick. http://shop.opticsplanet.com/gunvault-microvault-portable-pistol-safe.html?_iv_code=UB-GF-GVMICROVAULT-MV500-STD&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=plusbox-beta&gclid=Cj0KEQiAkIWzBRDK1ayo-Yjt38wBEiQAi7NnP9ydXspFlg4QW-K0MX7bBW48qzCs452cYbf4eEyPIK4aAoso8P8HAQ
  12. *Personally, I prefer holsters. Not sure how law enforcement would endorse the purses as a regular purse could easily be modified to holster a weapon.
  13. Thank you, you are correct. I found a link citing an ATF report.
  14. The handguns were purchased by Farook, the rifles were purchased by his roommate according to the Washington Post. I wonder if Farrok legally obtained the rifles from his roommate. In California, they would have had to do so through a FFL. If not, they broke the law. http://smartgunlaws.org/private-sales-in-california/
  15. Well, I just read that the SB shooters obtained their weapons from a third-party. In California, it is illegal to transfer a firearm between non-licensed parties. Therefore, the shooters broke the law just taking possession of the weapons. Somehow, the law didn't keep them from committing mass murder. Now, let's just see how long it takes for the other party involved in the transaction to be charged, prosecuted, and jailed.
  16. I'm not sure how gun control measures apply to criminals. Someone enlighten me. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/guns/procon/guns.html I'd like to hear how those in favor of a total ban plan to confiscate the estimated 1.8 billion firearms currently in circulation.
  17. Interesting nytimes op-ed regarding reclassification of "mass shootings" that mentions your source, shooting tracker.com http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/04/opinion/how-many-mass-shootings-are-there-really.html?mwrsm=Facebook
  18. http://abcnews.go.com/US/fbi-swamped-gun-background-checks-black-friday/story?id=35529149 Apparently, plenty of people are submitting to background checks. Every licensed seller at a gunshow performs a background check on each and every prospective buyer using the FBIs database. IME, private sales are rarely conducted at gunshow as I believe it's frowned upon. Private sellers usually make a copy of the buyers drivers license and ask to see the buyers concealed weapons permit (meaning they have been checked out by the state) before completing the transaction. No one I know wants to sell a gun to a felon.
  19. I'm not a fan of open-carry as it freaks people out. However, I see a few people here and there open-carry in as I live in a heavy military and LEO area and it doesn't bother me at all. Most people I know conceal carry if they carry at all. I have seen photos of Israeli teachers with rifles slung across their backs. Apparently, it's the norm there.
  20. I believe that "assault Weapons" as you've defined fall under the National Firearms Act and are strictly controlled. I can't think of a mass shooter that used an assault rifle, yet the term is used over and over to describe any scary-looking black semi-automatic rifle.
  21. You can reload empty shell casings. All the talk of limiting ammo just creates more stockpiling of ammo. After Sandy Hook, there was talk of reinstating the Assault Weapons Ban and talk of banning high-capacity magazines, consequentially, the sale of AR-15s and hc magazines went through the roof. Just a week ago (Black Friday), a record number of background checks, required to buy firearms, were done - 185,000 in a single day. I'm sure that record will be broken very soon.
  22. Would you mind defining "assault weapon" for the sake of future posts?
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