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Country Girl

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Everything posted by Country Girl

  1. Oooh, something new! It sounds good, I'm off to check it out.
  2. Yep, we are definitely excited but a bit overhwhelmed. I don't like having to order my curriculum for fall this early..... that's a long time where I could change my mind;).
  3. Just wanted to bump this up in case anyone had any additional input or any new resources to add. We will moving in about a month and I'm planning on ordering our curriculum for next year before we go to avoid shipping costs. Thanks!
  4. Has anyone ever used any of the Fluenz language programs? Are you able to compare it to the Rosetta Stone program? Do you feel one is better for adults (or older students) versus kids? Thanks!
  5. Oh, please share.... which books did you load on it?
  6. THe quiches sound good but I've never really done a quiche. Any good recipes?
  7. That's a good thought, then I could cover all my bases.
  8. I must have been posting at the same time you were so I didn't see this before. That is a good point you make about having the food professionally prepared. I was thinking that wasn't a possibility since we live out of delivery range for everyone but maybe I could pick up a cold cut tray, veggie tray, etc. the day before. I'll have to check with our grocery store and see what options they have available. Thanks!
  9. Thanks for the suggestions. It will just be our family and 2 (possibly 3) trainers. I don't think there are any restrictions. I like the soup/sandwich idea. It is cold here, so something warm sounds nice. Which would be better.... a cold cut tray or something like egg salad (or both??) with a choice of a couple of breads. What about soups? I make a pretty good crockpot chili but we tend to like our food pretty spicy so I'm afraid that may not appeal to everyone. Any thoughts on a good combo of soup and sandwiches? Thanks!
  10. For our upcoming international move, my dh's company provides us a day of cultural training. The training will take place in our home and it will be an all day event. Since we live in the middle of nowhere, I need to provide lunch for the day and don't have any ideas. Lunch at our house is normally just left-overs, but I don't feel I can serve that! So, does anyone have an idea of something I could serve for lunch that can be prepared ahead of time and would be appropriate for this situation? Thanks!
  11. A desperate bump. Has anyone even perused the website and have any thoughts? Thanks!
  12. I am trying to set my blog up differently and was wondering if someone there could help me out. I would like to set it up so not all of my posts show up on the first page you come to. I currently have labels for my posts and links that take me to all posts with the labels. What I'd like to do is set it up so only some labels show up on the home page and the others can only be accessed by clicking the link to that label's page. Is that possible to do? Thanks!
  13. We just had to put our lab down this morning. He stopped eating and drinking and when we had blood work done yesterday, we found out he had a very advanced case of a rare form of leukemia and there was nothing we could do for him. So, the vet recommended euthanasia and we knew it was the best thing for him. We've had him for 12 years so it was a very hard decision. Sorry for that saga (I'm a bit emotional right now and really a basket case). But what I really wanted to tell you was that he had MAJOR incontinence issues for the last year (and after last night we learned that they were likely caused as a result of the leukemia) that we chose to deal with as best we could since he was still happy and otherwise healthy. We chose not to use medicines because of some of the scary side effects they caused. But I did find a product that was a life saver for us in the end. Here is a link: http://www.amazon.com/Coolaroo-Large-Steel-Framed-Brunswick-Green/dp/B000P7JKD6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1296253397&sr=8-1 This bed allowed the urine to drip through so he wasn't laying in a puddle of his own urine. I placed a plastic/rubber boot tray underneath it to catch the liquid that passed through. Since the mesh of the bed is rubbery coated, I could spray it off with disinfectant and empty and clean the boot tray. This kept him dry (for the most part) and the house clean and smelling good. HTH!
  14. CalikoKat~ I am so sorry to hear this and you will be in my prayers. I am struggling through the same thing today. I called this morning and made an appt. for this afternoon. I hoping the vet may have a some good news for us, but I really think it is time and I don't think our 12yo lab will be coming home with us. Hopefully you don't have to go through this alone and can work it out with your husband. I knew I couldn't do it myself and so waited to make an appt. until dh could be there with me (plus he wants to be able to say good-bye too). Know that you aren't alone and I'll be thinking and praying for you! Take Care!
  15. I use big bags of small styrofoam pellets that I buy at Menards (like a Lowes or Home Depot). They are very inexpensive (I think about $7 to fill a bean bag full). I don't remember what they are technically called but they are in the insulation department. I think they are used as blow in insulation. HTH!
  16. :lurk5: I'm going to give this a bump too. I just came across this mentioned in another thread and am trying to figure out how it works, and how it may fit into our day. I'd love to hear input from anyone!
  17. Thanks for sharing how you use this program. I like it! My ds is only 9yo, so like yours, I don't think I'd do all 25 but he may be able to handle half. Bonus of this method is that several of the days of the week, I wouldn't have to dictate since he'd be writing sentences for the next words. I will definitely keep this method in mind if I do end up going with SS. Thanks!
  18. I just wanted to update that my first batch turned out pretty well and I have a second batch going right now. I would say my first batch was slightly thinner than the fat-free plain stuff I usually buy but not too bad at all. I think I may try straining this second batch a bit to see if we want it a bit thicker but I don't think it is necessary.
  19. I got the e-mail, but I was just wondering if anyone who has had both versions could comment as to what the differences are? The "old" version has worked for us so I'm not sure if I want to spend the money to upgrade. Thanks!
  20. Haven't used these (we aren't there yet) but I've looked at their middle school program and think it looks great. Here is a link to their HS Chemistry package: http://logosscience.com/chemkit.html
  21. Susie, Thanks for sharing. I think you are the first person I have come across who has used this program so long and so far. When you say there are still challenges, do you mean the book is still challenging him and helping him learn? Thanks!
  22. Thanks for sharing, it is interesting to here other ways to use this program. I was kind of wondering if it would be possible to combine dictation with the spelling lists and it sounds like it is working for you. How many words/sentences do you do a day? Thanks!
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