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Country Girl

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Everything posted by Country Girl

  1. Thanks for the info on using the Nook outside the US..... definitely a drawback for that unit. I should still be able to access our library but since their ebook collection is pretty small, it really isn't a compelling enough reason on its own to get a reader based on that. Thanks for the help!
  2. Thank you everyone for the suggestions.... I knew could count on you:D! Unfortunately, the sewing option is out:blushing: but I'll check out ebay to see if I can find anyone else who is trying to split a set. Kitten18, where were you able to purchase only one of the Bitty Twins? Can I do it online or would I have to find an actual store? Also, thanks for the suggestions of other dolls to check into; I'm going to do just that! Thanks!
  3. We want to get the kids an e-reader for Christmas. We are moving to China in Feb. and need something to take with us that will allow us easy access to books for them to read. I'm torn between the Kindle, with access to a larger ebook store, and either the Nook or Sony with access to epub format. I'm cheap, and want access to as many free (or cheap) books for the kids as I can! Our library does have small collection of ebooks (only about 350) but hopefully they will get more in the future. Have those who use their library for ebooks found that there are many kids books in the collections or are they mostly current adult fiction (which it kind of looked like to me on a brief inspection of our library's collection). Are there plenty of free sites that have books for the kids that are readable on the Kindle? Or are most of them epub or other format not read by the Kindle? I think I've ruled out the Kobo from Borders because I'd like the additional feature of the audio player that is on the Kindle, Sony, and Nook. Also, since it is intended primarily as a reader, I want to stick with e-ink technology and I'm not interested in the color ones out there or others that have a backlit screen. We also want one with Wi-fi but not 3g since it wouldn't work in China anyway. Any thoughts on which one would best fit our needs or another one I may have missed? Thanks!
  4. My daughter wants a boy doll for Christmas so her girl doll can have a brother like she does:001_smile:. Problem is, the only boy dolls I can find are the Bitty Twins from American girl and we really don't need 2 dolls (especially for that price:scared:). So, does anyone know any other place I can find a boy doll for her? Thanks!
  5. I know CyberMonday is over but still wondering if there are any good deals out there.
  6. Hedgehog, I just wanted to thank you again for all of your help. I ended up going with the green beans and raita as side dishes and the entire meal was a HUGE hit. I would have updated you sooner but this is the first day without company in over a week.:willy_nilly: Thanks!
  7. Now that family is gone, I finally have some time to update everyone...... it was great. The turkey was definitely more moist and more flavorful than normal. I usually think turkey is pretty bland (and dry) and was planning on only eating the ham I made. But once I tasted the turkey, I changed my mind and even went back for seconds on the turkey. Thanks to everyone who gave me advice and encouraged me to give it a try. Thanks!
  8. We currently use iTunes to load and sync our iTouch and iPhone. We would like to get the kids their own mp3 players for Christmas, but I was wondering if we have to stick with Apple products since we use iTunes? I would rather go with a different brand that is a bit less expensive (I've seen several of you recommend Sansa). We want them so the kids can listen to audiobooks and music. We don't need video but I think I want a screen on it so they can scroll through their music and book choices to pick what they want to listen to. We'd like to stay under the $50 dollar price limit and the only iPod in that price range is the shuffle but I don't see how the kids could pick and choose what they listen to on that one. I'm thinking the SansaClip or Fuze could be a good choice, but again, how does this work with iTunes? Any help for me or other recommendations? Thanks!
  9. Oh my goodness Hedgehog, these look great! Thank you so much for taking the time to type them up. And nope, you aren't too late...... I'm planning on serving this on Sunday and will be heading to the store today or tomorrow to get ingredients. I think I'm going to do the cucumber raita and then one of the cauliflower recipes you gave me. If I'm feeling ambitious, I may also do the green bean one or the sweet potato one too because they all look so yummy!
  10. Sounds good to me, but unfortuantely peas are off the menu too for allergy reasons.
  11. Green beans sound good. We have an Indian grocery store in town and maybe they would have the spice mix.
  12. Oh, good point, I hadn't thought about how much more room you'd need.
  13. Can I also add another question? How many players can play at the same time? Is the max 2? Thanks!
  14. I like the possibility that it will cook faster. With such a big turkey, it would be nice to shave a few minutes off of the cooking time. Thanks everyone for the tips and recipes., it really sounds like I can't go wrong with brining. I'm excited to give it a try!
  15. Just bumping to see if Hedgehog or others have any other suggestions. Thanks!
  16. Thanks for the input and the link. I looked it over and am going to pass it on to my dh. Thanks!
  17. I know the Kinect is very new, but can anyone give positives/negatives compared to the Wii? We thought we were getting a Wii for Christmas for the kids (and thanks to you all who gave me the "Buying Guide for Dummies" and helped me figure out what we needed to buy) but now this Kinect thing came out and I'm more confused than ever. Just to re-cap why we want it...... we are moving to China in a couple of months and the kids won't be able to play outside nearly as much as they do now (We live on a cul-de-sac with an acre yard and own a big acreage nearby. So currently, any free time is spent outside running around, riding bikes, or at the acreage helping Dad). We are hoping buying a game system like this will give the kids an indoor activity they can play but that will also keep them physically active. Any thoughts on which might be a better fit for us? Thanks!
  18. Thanks for the recipes and tips on how to brine it. I'm thinking it might be cold enough that I can brine it outside in a cooler so I don't have to use up precious fridge space! Another question, has anyone ever used a roaster to cook their turkey rather than their oven? I know my mil has done this before but I never have. Any tips? She said it doesn't brown very well this way..... any ideas how to remedy that? I will be cooking a turkey and a ham so I was thinking if there was a way to free up oven space that would be helpful too! Thanks!
  19. Yep, I think a veggie is the missing component. We'll have tons of food so I wish I could share with everyone..... wouldn't that be fun to have a meet up with all kinds of great food!
  20. Come on over! I'm still working on perfecting my naan recipe so I can't vouch for how good it will end up (if anyone has a great recipe for naan that they want to share I'm all ears!). However, we love the Chicken Tikka Masala recipe and I always end up cooking way too much food when we have company so I'm sure there will be enough of whatever it is I end up cooking.
  21. Well, I'm pretty new to Indian food in general (but have loved all I've tried) so I'm not even sure what to request:001_unsure:. Can't do peanuts due to allergies, but that one looks delicious. Maybe something with cauliflower or chickpeas (I love chickpeas). Something easy and able to make ahead of time is even better:tongue_smilie: but not required. Oh, and can't do green peas either. Anything else I could add to the rice to dress it up? Thanks!
  22. I am making Chicken Tikka Masala, naan, and rice for family coming this weekend. On a normal night, I would call this a full meal, but for some reason, I feel like I should serve something else to go along with this for guests. Any suggestions? Or maybe I could just dress up the rice some way? Thanks!
  23. Perfect! Thank you all for reassuring me that by brining a frozen, grocery store turkey, I wouldn't ruin it! Keep the recipes coming, they all look good and I love variety! Ohhhh, I'm looking forward to turkey!:drool: Thanks!
  24. This year I want to brine my Thanksgiving turkey and am looking for any tips people may have. I'm not new to brining, I love to use this method for chicken and pork chops, but I've never done it with turkey. Does anyone have a favorite brining recipe or method? Any tips for dealing with a 20lb turkey? Does it matter what type of turkey I have? I was looking on the Pioneer Woman's blog and noticed she has a recipe but says do not use it with frozen turkeys because they have been injected with a salt solution. Anyone have any experience brining a frozen (not fresh) turkey? Will it turn out too salty? I don't think I can find a fresh, 20lb turkey locally without having ordered ahead. This is my first year hosting the Thanksgiving dinner for my husband's family (normally it is only our own small family or maybe my parents too) and his family is full of good cooks. My worst fear is ruining the turkey!
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