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Country Girl

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Everything posted by Country Girl

  1. I am just bumping hoping to get more feedback. I have posted about this two other times in the past and have never gotten a response. I'd love to hear any more discussion on it, even if it is just impressions based on the samples!
  2. Thanks for the ideas. I don't know why I didn't think of looking for flash cards for individual subjects.... duh!:blushing: I could see where the Living Memory book could be helpful. I may think about buying it so I at least have most of the info I need in one convenient collection. JudoMom~What sorts of topics and information are covered in the CC cards? Those may be the closest thing to have someone else do it for me!
  3. We use MCT for grammar and I love the four-level analysis structure. However, my ds is struggling a bit and I'm wondering if diagramming would make more sense for him. So I was wondering if anyone has a suggestion for a diagramming resource we could pick up to learn how to diagram (I've never done it myself). Thanks!
  4. Thanks, I went ahead and ordered the World Book Encyclopedia. Since we are moving oversees in 3 weeks, I figured this would be a valuable resource to have on hand.
  5. Looks like there could be a market for this..... anyone want to volunteer?:D I'd be your first customer!
  6. In theory, I agree that having the kids make the cards would be better. In practice, it is even worse than if I try to do it. When they need to do them, I have to facilitate which things need to go on the card and so it is just easier if I do it myself.... however, that doesn't get done either.:glare:
  7. Thanks everyone! I saw the scope and sequence, which wasn't quite what I was looking for, but somehow I managed to miss the TOC. I think they may help. Thanks!
  8. I asked this in another thread, but thought it was probably better addressed as a question of its own. Does anyone know how the words in SWS are arranged or chosen? Are they based on phonetic rules, frequency, spelling patterns, etc? I looked on their website but couldn't find this addressed anywhere. Thanks!
  9. I know I can do this myself.... problem is it doesn't get done. So, does anyone sell ready made cards with WTM style memorization facts on them? Things like important math facts/concepts, grammar terms, history dates, etc. arranged by the age/stage they are appropriate for. This year I tried to implement more memory work into our day, and I started out well. But I didn't keep up with making new note cards as we covered new material, so memorization time got dropped from our day. It seems like such a simple, yet important thing. However, for some reason I can't get it done on my own. Thanks!
  10. Does anyone know how the words are arranged or chosen for SWS (ie. by pattern, phonetic rule, most commonly occuring, etc)? I looked on the website but couldn't find the info.
  11. Thanks for the feedback. This seems like it would be a pretty easy way to this!
  12. :lol:I'm pretty sure this is how my day would look too!
  13. Thanks again to everyone who have given me a better idea of what to expect with this program. I'm still not sure which way I want to go (SWS or SS) but this info will help me as I weight my choices. Thanks!
  14. Thanks for the feedback. Just wondering, has anyone used the DVDs?
  15. I'm trying to decide between Sequential Spelling and Soaring with Spelling for my kids next year. Part of my decision is based on the amount of involvement from me. So if anyone could give me an idea of how much time SS takes each day, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
  16. Thanks Jeanne! I checked out the link where you asked for buying advice and the instrument you end up purchasing. It looks like the Woodwinds and Brasswinds store has some pretty good pricing. Is the book you mentioned starting with the Violin Book series? http://www.rainbowresource.com/prodlist.php?sid=1299165889-557573&subject=17&category=5748 I have to admit, I'm very excited that my dd wants to learn. I too love the sound of the violin and have considered trying to learn. I keep "suggesting" to my two older boys that they shoud give this instrument a try but they've never been interested.:glare:
  17. Thanks for the feedback. Some of the reveiws on Amazon seemed to indicate that Britannica was better for adults than children, but I think I will give it a go.
  18. My 5yo dd has been asking to play the violin for some time now and we are seriously considering letting her start. However, we will be moving oversees and not sure if we will be able to find a teacher for her. So I was wondering if anyone has ever used a DVD or online course to get their little ones started on the violin. Also, any recommendations on where to buy the violin or if there are certain brands I should be looking for? Finally, what size for a 5yo.... 1/8 or 1/4? Thanks!
  19. Does anyone use an electronic encyclopedia that they would recommend? The two that seem to be top runners are the World Book Encyclopedia http://www.amazon.com/MacKiev-World-Book-Multimedia-Encyclopedia/dp/B003CWQ69M/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1299017446&sr=1-1-fkmr0 and the Encyclopedia Ultimate Reference Suite http://www.amazon.com/Encyclopedia-Britannica-Ultimate-Reference-DVD-ROM/dp/1615354336/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=software&qid=1299017042&sr=1-2. Anyone used either of these, or a different one, and can comment? Thanks!
  20. Just jumping in here to see if I can help. When you click on her "rough curriculum" link, it takes you to a yellow, spreadsheet style page. If you go to the top of that page, there are 3 links: plan (which is highlighted), notes, sheet 3. If you click on "notes" it will take you to a page with a list of books with authors, isbn, and descriptions. HTH!
  21. Thank you so much for this input. This program looks really great and I really want to do it. However, I'm still not sure how comfortable I am with taking this program into China with me. I'm sure it probably isn't an issues, it is just that this is all new to me and I know that there are boundaries we can't cross when it comes to our faith. I think I'm going to talk it over with dh a bit more tonight and get his take on the issue. Thanks! ETA: Oh, and we are planning on leaving at the end of the month. Still waiting on a few immigration things, so that could change, but we are hopeful that we will be in country by the 1st of April.
  22. Thanks, these look great! I had a couple of other questions about the Heart for China program you linked before. I couldn't find anything on the website about how long it should take to complete the program.... do you have any thoughts as to the number of weeks it will take to complete? Also, how much of it is devoted to the Biblical worldview/evangelism side compared to the cultural/history aspect of the program? Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but I'm a bit concerned since the stuff going in our moving shipment will likely be inspected at customs and I'm not sure how the gov't would respond to seeing this in our shipment. Like I said, maybe I'm just overly paranoid, but I don't want to be flagged going into the country. Thanks!
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