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Everything posted by Homeschooling6

  1. Not their (R&S) Reading Program. I'm trying to decide between ETC & R&S Phonics. I'm going to have ds use The Reading Lesson for reading right now.
  2. I have the ETC books. I am trying to decide if I should go with ETC books or Rod & Staff Phonics. R&S looks so complete. Is ETC for phonics or spelling? Would both be overkill for a 2nd grader? I know I should go with one or the other. What do you all like about either of these programs. I have both programs on hand but still can't figure out which one to use. Like I said, I like R&S thoroughness. I like ETC is more independent. I can hand it to him and he can do it on his own. I guess part of my decision would be what is ETC phonics rules or spelling rules or both? Help me decide;)
  3. My 5.5yr. old is starting Kindergarten tomorrow :D I can't believe it. I was planning to use a used Calvert K math book that was his older brothers. We never completed it. Now I'm thinking if I should just go ahead and get the MUS Primer for him. Is Primer worth getting? Would you just use what you have and maybe some online worksheets and start with Alpha next year? Thanks!
  4. What level of Singapore Challenging Word Problems would correspond with Epsilon?
  5. We are starting Tuesday:001_unsure: dh is off tomorrow and we are going to clean the house:glare:
  6. Thanks for the info on the testing. I talked to my dh today and told him I would really like to school Josh for 5th & 6th grade so he can finish Delta, Epsilon & Zeta, complete Rod & Staff English 5 and 6, practice more with reading and writing. He said it what be fine, so I am going to buy some of the Spectrum workbooks, print out the TAKS test. We are studying SOTW Vol. 1 this year and next year use SOTW Vol.2 but I am going to him listen to Vol. 3 & 4 through out the next two year on his own. It looks like the ps teaches a lot of American History. I might go with a more traditional science course, still not sure. I really want to do Sonlight 5 so we'll see about that. You all have been so helpful and I thank you for your kindness with taking the time to help me out:)
  7. My kids enjoy Dinosaurs of Eden by Ken Ham The Great Dinosaur Mystery & the Bible by Paul S. Taylor What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs by John Morris & Ken Ham Life in the Great Ice Age. Not really about dinos but a good book;) If you go to answersingenesis.org they have coloring books, book and dvd's.
  8. These test; are they what the student is taking at the end of 5th grade? So I need to make sure he is learning what is in these test through 5th grade, correct? Also as I was searching for Singapore Science at christianbook I found A Reason for Science do you think this would be a better choice than using SL 5 since it probably follows a bit more of what the ps is doing? Thank you ladies,
  9. Thank you ladies for your help and encouragement. I actually did find the Spectrum Test for Texas after I posted and that is the one I would use. Hopefully I'll get another year to teach my son. If my dh wants are dc in public school before High School, I am praying that I can teach for 6th grade and then maybe for Jr. High they can go to ps. I really want ds to finish two years of R&S English and at least get to finish up with Epsilon and Zeta, improve his reading and writing skills before entering the public school system. I'll have to show dh what I would like ds to finish before ps. I am printing out the Texas requirements from both links provided and will look all this over. The math for the test he hasn't done yet. We have been using MUS with some R&S. I see him using this more in the next year or so. Our school district is one of the top 10 in Texas and is even going to be noticed in Washington DC so I want to make sure he is prepared. When we lived in CA we lived in the district with one of the worst schools in our county, so dh didn't mind me homeschooling.
  10. Thank you ladies for the links. These are nice.
  11. Is there a link to the first Vol.?
  12. Thanks for anyone who answers. I know I'm not the first one asking. The only reason why I'm some what concerned is my ds might go to Public School for 6th grade and up. Every time I see the State Test it just doesn't seem like we are where we ought to be. For the record we do, do school. In fact my kids have continued to do math, reading and some grammar through the Summer. Not a full load. I called it "Summer" school:001_huh: Beginning Outlining & Outlining Rod & Staff English 5 Math-U-See Delta & Epsilon Spectrum Geography 5 Spectrum Test Prep 5 Vocabulary from Classical Roots All About Spelling starting with level 1. Hope to complete at least the first two levels. History we are using a combination of MFW/SOTW/Kingfisher & Science is Sonlight 5. My ds knows history (we have done 2yrs of Ancients & 2yrs of American)but we haven't memorized dates so I'm going to add that in to. Once he's done with begging outline series I will have him outline books I plan to purchase "What Your Fifth Grader Needs to Know" I'm feeling a little stressed about this or maybe overwhelmed. If I was able to continue homeschooling I would feel confident in what we are using. My son struggles with spelling. He currently spells at a 2nd grade level and his reading is at a fourth grade level. Comprehension is high 8th grade but it's the reading level that I'm worried about. I hope for him to continue improving this year. I will still be homeschooling the rest of my kiddos up to 5th grade. My dh wants the kids in public school before high school:confused: What do you all think? Will he be ready for public school going into the 6th grade. Thank you in advance for any advice you may have. Please let me know if we are missing anything. Almost forgot. Here in Texas if they don't pass the TAKS test at the end of the year, they don't pass that grade.
  13. Have her draw or cut out nouns & proper nouns and paste them into a homemade book called "My Nouns" just staple some paper together. Maybe she could decorate the front cover (first page) with stickers.
  14. Is it worth $60.00+ dollars:001_huh: or should ds just outline CHOW, SOTW and other books:). I'm probably crazy to be thinking about it.
  15. Is this the Kingfisher History Encyclopedia that is easier to outline or this one HERE? Thanks,
  16. I guess that is what AAS is Teacher Dependednt not intensive. I don't want to sound like I'm being lazy. I don't mind sitting down with my kiddos and teaching a lesson, but a I look over all our subjects and how all my students still need me (dependent ;)) I'm wondering how to fit it all in. With math I was going to have 4 of my students use Singapore and my oldest continue with MUS, but now I'm deciding to use MUS with most of them because they can watch the dvd:001_huh:and of course if they need help I'm here. I'm using singapore more as a supplement. I'm trying to figure out what subjects I can have the kiddos do more on their own. Off to A&P website tonight. Thanks ladies.
  17. I am wondering how A&P compares to AAS. I currently have AAS but am also looking into getting A&P for my oldest son Josh. Because AAS is very teacher intensive (at least IMHO) I am looking for something just as good for some of my students. Is A&P a little more independent. I would like to use A&P with my 9 & 10yr. olds and AAS with my 7 & 8 yr. old students. My oldest son Josh (10yrs) is the one struggling with spelling. He spells at a low 2nd grade level. If he would benefit more from AAS at what age can my other students use A&P. Hope I'm making sense. I shouldn't be asking questions after 10:00pm:001_huh:but it's the only time I have:glare: Basiclly I want to know if A&P can be done mostly independent with great results and at what age can this be started. Pro's, con's any infor:D Anyway any help is much appreciated
  18. Yes, they are considered twaddle. For two months my son 10yr. read mostly the Boxcar books (I know bad mama). His reading level was low 2nd grade. After the two months of Boxcar books his reading his high 4th. Still not at a 5th grade level but he's getting there. Now that school is starting up soon he can continue reading the Boxcar books but I will add readers that are more of a challenge. So I like twaddle:D. I don't think it's wasted reading. I read lots of books to my dc and as they get older so will they, but for now my goal is to establish a joy of reading and a love for books. I don't read these books as read alouds. Only the first in the series to get them hooked then they are on their own ;)
  19. I used MFW's and farm last year and it was okay. I gave it away. I have WP's and I like the looks of it better. Haven't used it yet. Hopefully we'll use it this school year. Unless they improved the gel one, I have heard that they die quicker. One of the speakers from Women of Faith said they have no purpose to live ;).
  20. Oops! Sorry it was Christine. I printed all four years out. Thanks Christine:D
  21. Paula, Thanks so much for taking the time to post this. Blessings,
  22. Thanks Crystal, this helps. I am trying to figure out with what can I have Josh & Annette do independently without hurting them (education wise:001_smile:)
  23. What do you all use to boost your dc vocabulary? We are currently learning Greek roots. Next year we will learn Latin roots. Wondering if doing Latin & Greek roots is considered vocabulary. When my kiddos took an online assessment they scored pretty low in this area. Thanks!
  24. My 5th grader just started with Stone Fox this week. We did most everything orally, but this coming week I would like for him to write everything out. Do you have your dc write the answers? My ds reads at about his grade level. Maybe a high 4th grade, low 5th. Should I still sit with him and have him read to me? I think I might have him read every other chapter to me, just to make sure he is reading all the words correctly. My 8yr. old dd who reads at a 6th grade level is also using Stone Fox. Is it okay to let her read the chapters on her own? I guess basically I'm wondering if they are a good reader is it okay to just have them read the book and answer the questions? Thanks
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