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Everything posted by fractalgal

  1. That was a smart move, and I bet you can feel a huge weight lifted off you. :)
  2. I am still not sure what I am going to do yet. I am not happy with either of the major parties running at the moment. I would like to know more about the third party candidates. I have to ponder this for awhile.
  3. I try to understand the pro-choice reasoning, but I simply cannot. It would send a chill down my spine if my mother told me she was pro-choice.
  4. I think you missed the point of my question. How does abortion protect women if you are aborting an unborn daughter who would become a woman eventually?
  5. :iagree: If abortion protects women, what about the life of the unborn daughter?
  6. :iagree:Wealth is not about your income level, but what you do with that income. You can have a low salary and save much of it and be better off than someone with a larger salary that doesn't invest wisely.
  7. This was the highlight of the article. Mickey Mouse tried to register to vote in Florida this summer, but Orange County elections officials rejected his application, which had an ACORN stamp on it.
  8. I couldn't resist this one. :lol: http://www.tampabay.com/news/politics/elections/article852295.ece
  9. Obama is apparently now distancing himself from ACORN. It is frustrating that ACORN is using OUR tax dollars to commit fraud. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122394051071230749.html?mod=djemEditorialPage
  10. :iagree: it's very distressing. Does Obama not think he can get elected on his own without the help of fraud?
  11. I disagree. Do you not remember how far the stock market dropped immediately after the bailout plan passed? The market knew then of the US Government's plan to re-capitalize. I agree with the poster who said it is a correction to the overselling from the previous week. The bailout still angers and bothers me. Lately the media has been going on about how the bailout is going to help us. I'm not buying it.
  12. When I was in high school, I know there was a stigma with it. Isn't there a stigma with everything in high school? ;) When I was in college and while I was working on my doctorate, the number of American women in my classes got smaller and smaller the higher up it went. However, my mentor was an American female. She was great. I got to know many wonderful mathematicians from other countries, both female and male. Perhaps you were fortunate and went to a good school that encouraged women in Math.
  13. You can use math manipulatives or draw a picture so that they can see what is being taught. Another idea is to have them reverse roles with you. They can teach you the concept *after you have taught it to them.* One of the best ways to learn an idea is to have to teach it to someone else. Proofs don't really come up so much in the elementary ages.
  14. Another possibility is that it could be Lyme's Disease. I'd have it checked out.
  15. We are using Kolbe's Literature Program. It is very thorough. Kolbe is Catholic, but there are many choices for the books if you are not. It's also a bit pricey.
  16. Right now I am using Rod & Staff, but my daughter is not liking it as well as I thought she would. I've considered Growing With Grammar. Can you compare it to Rod & Staff? Is it about the same, just without the religious angle?
  17. An solid English Grammar curriculum for a third grader? Thanks for your help!
  18. I find math to be not only incredibly important, but also very beautiful. ;) Thanks for pointing out the Nobel Physics and Chemistry prizes - I will point that out to my kids.
  19. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/10/education/10math.html?pagewanted=1&em This is why we need to encourage our kids in Math.
  20. I don't see anyone here sweeping it under the rug. How about next week we focus on Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae?
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