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plain jane

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Everything posted by plain jane

  1. We do have pick up time. Every day. And then 15 minutes later you'd never know it. :-/ ok. Maybe more than 15min. 30? Lol Oh but my kids are oh so willing to offer help oh about 2 minutes before bedtime. ;). Sigh.
  2. I'm having a hard time coping with this on-going issue in my home. I don't know how to fix this or if it's even possible. What's the problem? I am the only person in my family who cares what this house looks like at any given time. Wait. Let me correct that. I am the only person who cares enough what the house looks like to do anything about it and frankly, I don't know how much more I can take. Are other peoples' lives like this or is it just mine? My kids, my husband, they just drop thing anywhere and everywhere and won't pick up a single thing. They'll step on hand towels that have fallen on the floor and dry their hands on their pants (kids, not dh so much :001_tt2: ) rather than bend over and pick up the hand towel that slipped off the holder. They blow their noses and leave tissues everywhere, and this is my 12 yo! Yes, she would die if I told her friends but at home, when nobody is looking, it's ok? My husband, he's great. He does many repairs around the house and saves us a lot of money. But he never cleans up after himself and puts his tools away. Never, ever, in all our years of marriage has he ever put a tool away after doing a job without my asking first. The kids are the same. I have set up and organized this whole house, books, toys, everything. Everyone knows where 95% of the stuff in this house goes yet nobody makes it go back where it belongs without my asking first. It's not ok. :mad: It's just not. You would think my house looks trashed all the time but it doesn't. Because I work my butt off to ensure that it doesn't. But it's an awful lot of work picking up after 6 other people. Yes, I make the kids get involved, but nobody does it on their own accord. I'm tired. So very very tired. I really needed to vent.
  3. That's the exact same thing we do! Same rotation and all. Except we don't always play games. Every 4 special nights a child can choose screen time and watch a movie or play video game with mom and dad. Some weeks they choose puzzles to do or we bake together (or Easy Bake oven lol). In the summer it can also be a bike ride or outing but I find I'm less ambitious when the weather is cooler. We also aim for a family game night each week. We play lots of games around here. :)
  4. I'm assuming those are the ages of the kids, not the number? I've had kids those ages, and these games have worked for us: Apples to Apples (had to read the cards to my 4yo but he still really enjoyed playing) Carcassone Life (we got the anniversary remake of the old edition) Gameright games: Sleeping Queens, Too Many Monkeys, Moose in the House, Hiss, Zeus on the Loose (are the ones we have. I try to add one each year or so) Magic Layrinth
  5. I'll share my experience. My kids love having a marble run. There was one at the locally owned toy shop- a Quadrilla, which they played with every single time we went there so dh and I finally caved and bought them the same configuration: Quadrilla Cyclone. It got knocked down all time time and the kids got really frustrated with that. Plus, I've always had a little one so the blocks had a tendency to "run off" and get lost. :thumbdown: It got to the point where the kids wanted to play but the frustration of setting it up only to have it knocked down was too much for them. A big issue with this was that I had and again now have a toddler who took deviant pleasure in knocking down the creations (or sometimes, they were just accidentally knocked down by the toddler wanting to play like the bigger kids). The kids stopped playing with it :( but missed being able to. I think the struggle of fending off their towers from little toddler was too much for them. They liked it so much, however, that dh and I caved and bought the same marble run again (it is the biggest set by Quadrilla so you get the most pieces with it) and this time set it up with the main configuration and used wood glue to hold it together, just like the one at the store display that they played with all the time. We spent hours setting it up and gluing and put the set out under the Christmas tree, this time we added a special table we used only for the marble run and dh built a ledge all around the table so that the marbles couldn't run off and end up everywhere. The table was plenty big for the main configuration and a perfect height for the kids (was an end table). The kids were thrilled and loved it. That marble run, once glued in place got hours upon hours upon hours of play. So we gave the pieces for the other set away. (regretting that now) I'm not sure why my kids didn't enjoy playing with the marble run. Perhaps they were too young for it at the time? They build with other toys, but admittedly, not as much as I hear about other kids on here. Perhaps we do not have engineers in our family at all. :p Anyways, that glued marble run was a total hit. Until the cat started sleeping on top of it. :001_rolleyes: The weight of the cat and the kids constantly pushing him off was too much and the glue eventually gave out and the marble run tumbled into what seemed like a billion pieces everywhere. It never got played with again. :( I saved all the pieces in a bag, hoping the kids would build it again (they ask for help to do it) and I've asked dh to build it again and glue it for them but he never seems to have the time (something else always comes up). So, now I have a bunch of marble run pieces that nobody plays with. :toetap05: They love the idea, but my experience has not been like that of some of the PP. My kids didn't love the challenge of setting it up despite loving playing with it. Some of the wood pieces have broken, from being moved around and some of the smaller parts are probably missing. I'm going to try to convince dh to set it up for Christmas again but I'm not sure we even have enough parts anymore. :willy_nilly: It was, and still is, a great toy and I would buy it again. :001_huh: But perhaps I will wait until I no longer have toddlers/ young preschoolers in the house. Those little guys don't seem to be a good match with toys like this. :001_tt2:
  6. That's the thing- they don't know how it plays on the Wii. And it's an expensive gamble. :unsure: Darn it. Maybe I will find a Wii U with extra Mario games and do as you suggest. I liked the thought of bundling it all together. But then I guess I need to buy the Mario games. :wacko: :001_rolleyes:
  7. I have a question for you. My kids all really like the Skylanders games. We have the first two but not the swap force version. The kids play on PS3. We also have a Wii on a different tv because the kids enjoy Mario. A lot. Well, our Wii died earlier this year and they are asking to replace it (after my asking and asking what they all want for Christmas this year). I'm thinking of getting the new Wii U. I've seen it bundled with the new Skylanders game for the same price and am tempted. But... Dh (and now the kids) think Skylanders is best played on the PS3 for better graphics and better remote. Sigh. Help me make a decision. Skylanders on Wii or PS3. If I got it in Wii then potentially all 4 could play at the same time- 2 on each gaming system since they run off different tvs. But I don't love the Wii remotes as much and we have not found rechargeable battery packs that last so we have been using AA batteries ($$$). PS3 remotes charge via USB to the machine AND a child can play while they charge!! However, the thought of getting it bundled in with a new Wii U appeals as it would save us the extra cost of an expensive game. Also, since they want Mario (some of the discs got damaged by the toddler and need replacement) is the new Wii U worth it or should I just get a cheap mini Wii and replace their broken games? Just how great is the new Wii U?
  8. What you want is a cat who is like a dog. :) Try a Devon Rex. They play fetch, come when called, "talk" to you, follow you around, eat the crumbs off your floor and like water. Plus they snuggle and purr too. Win-Win. Who needs a dog?? Lol
  9. My kids enjoy this game as well as the solitaire chess game but the name of that one escapes me at the moment.
  10. I haven't played both- my dh plays Labyrinth with the kids. This is what my kids say: -somewhat similar but very different -Labyrinth is more of a strategy game while Magic Labyrinth relies more on your memory and luck -Magic labyrinth is more for younger set - not overly young, 8/9 and younger. My 12yo prefers labyrinth but likes both My four are torn as to which is their favorite. The vote is spilt. I think it's worth owning both. :)
  11. I was coming here to recommend this game. All my kids love it. We also have this one and it is very popular with my 7yo: Magic Labyrinth: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B003RDJYMM/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1386868386&sr=8-1&pi=SY200_QL60 I don't think that is the best price you can find it but it's the quickest link I could find on my iPad.
  12. I'm sorry things are so hard for you all right now. ((Hugs))
  13. I usually use rum. Sometimes, however, I skip the eggnog. ;)
  14. :smilielol5: My then 3yo watched that movie. We all liked it. (there's my unpopular opinion for this thread). :leaving: Anyways... for the longest time, whenever I would say no to something he asked, the little turdball angelic son of mine would say, "well, my Other Mother would have let me". :lol: (in his little sing-song voice). Sigh. Drat that Other Mother. :lol:
  15. Well there is plenty left to buy, I just don't want to buy it. They really don't need it. It's not because they have absolutely everything. ;) Or anywhere near. I don't want to spend money for the sake of spending money yet I want to make Christmas special. I just want to keep "stuff" to a minimum while creating that excitement feeling on Christmas morning for the kids. I guess I am having a hard time coming up with how to do that when there are no "wow" gifts that any of the kids would like. Don't get me wrong- it really isn't because there is nothing left to buy. We just don't watch commercials on TV that invoke the want for things to buy. ;)
  16. I just got a call from the hospital and a spot opened up for one of my kids to have surgery next week. It's a 4-5 hour procedure and requires about 4 days in hospital. It's not essential to life but it is critical that it get done as soon as possible. Thing is, my other kids have several performances this weekend (that they are IN, not watching). They have been looking forward to them and while none of them are in leading roles/positions, I can't say that they wouldn't be missed. However, none are the "only" one in their roles so the show will go on without them. There are a plethora of "bugs" going around right now. The kids will be back stage for hours for 3 days in a row and at different venues (different things going on) and I am very concerned they will pick up something and bring it home and then my other child will not be able to have surgery. I also need to make sure that I don't get sick as I would like to be in the hospital. If one of my guys gets a stomach bug and I get it while looking after them, even if the surgery child doesn't get sick, it really throws things off, kwim? I have spoken to the other kids and they understand the need for their sibling to have surgery. However, I feel guilty for keeping everyone home from these performances. OTOH, I think I may feel guiltier if they do go and bring something home and surgery gets put off. Dh has a job where it is very difficult to have time off and the timing of this couldn't be better as it corresponds with time off for Christmas= he can be here so one of us can always be in the hospital while the other is home with the kids. I don't have anyone who can stay with the other kids during a 4 day hospital stay at this time. The timing, despite being right before Christmas, is actually quite good. I suspect we got in because of a cancellation due to the proximity to holidays. I realize the kids could pick up something anywhere so the plan would be to stay home starting now and lie low until after the surgery. There would have to be no play dates or outings but we could do our baking and crafts, etc. Last thing I would want is to make them skip their performances only to pick up the flu from a shopping cart handle. :huh: Dh is used to changing clothes and showering when he gets home so it is less likely they will pick something up from him. Also, in all our 10++ years together he has only been sick (including colds) about 6 times. Odds are good that dh won't make my surgery child sick, but of course, there is no guarantee. But I feel so guilty. It puts everyone else's lives on hold. I don't think they will resent their sibling as they understand the importance of the surgery. The ones that don't are too young to care if we don't go out or not. And the surgery child, well, I've tried not to include them in these types of discussions because I certainly don't want them to bear any guilt. The guilt, if any, should be mine. :unsure:
  17. But what about the ones who are not asking for anything? :confused1:
  18. I wish I could get a new board game. They love board games but we have so many. Like almost 100. Not kidding- dd12 counted. Ack. Dh almost ... well ... let's just leave it at he wasn't amused. But I do like a new board game now and then. ;). Obviously. Lol :001_tt2:
  19. They all already have swimming stuff. :unsure: I thought about that want/need/wear/read thing. For two of them, there is nothing they want. One wants an iPad app (but iTunes card is out of the question as I still have $80 in iTunes card from my iMac purchase). They all have more clothes than they need. How that happened, I'm not sure. But one more article each will put me over the top. Lol. Unless its underwear. Lol. There are a couple of them that could use new underwear. ;) Need? None of them "need" anything. Ugh. And read, we'll that's a given. They do each get new books for Christmas but that never the high point of the morning, kwim? Sigh.
  20. I normally love Christmas shopping for the kids and I spend a great deal of mental energy on exactly what to give each of them. It's something I have always enjoyed and I actually look forward to getting them that "perfect" gift, even if it means hours upon hours of scouring websites and shopping malls and TRU sales. This year, however, I'm just not feeling it. Maybe it's because I have so many kids, but there are so many toys now. Too many. And there is nothing left to give, if that makes sense. There is no big, cool gift that any of the kids want. In fact, if you ask them what they want, one will say Lego, but not a specific set, another says elastics for the Rainbow Loom lol. How's that for a "big" gift- a couple packages of rubber bands. Ha ha ha I have no idea what to get any of the kids. There is nothing they need. We can't go on a trip as dh can't get time off work and I have no desire to take them on my own. So what to do? I saw an air hockey table at Costco and thought they would all enjoy that but it's a $400 gamble (or $300 I can't remember) on something that nobody has explicitly said they would like, kwim? Plus it would take up a lot of room. I do think they would love it and use it quite a bit. But.... I thought maybe a WiiU but nobody is really asking for that either and my boys have more screen time than I would like. They do love the Mario games and I know they would be thrilled but they also tend to fight once they get on the video games (and cry and all sorts of ridiculous behaviours). The only other thing I came up with was the new Skylanders game but they already have the original and Giants and have not yet completed either of those. And again, nobody is asking for it. I feel at this point dh and I will be spending money just for the sake of spending money and I really don't want to do this. I despise random "stuff" even at Christmastime. I'm not sure what to do. I want to make Christmas special but there are no gifts that anybody wants. I did offer a weekend away at a GWL but due to activities and such, it would be the end of January before we could go. Hardly a Christmas present and a long time to wait for little kids. Plus, since we dicussed it, it would hardly be a surprise. And the level of excitement over it is... lacklustre at best. I'm just not picking up that Christmas vibe this year. Can anyone help me out? Commiserate?
  21. :rofl: I thought you were going to ask how many drinks it took before it started tasting good. :rofl: :001_tt2:
  22. Care Bears. Lol I remember being so scared I ran out of the theatre. That evil face in the front of the book. *shudder*. And to think I begged and begged to go to see that movie. Second movie I remember seeing is the Black Cauldron. That wasn't any less scary for me. Lol Apparently I was a wimpy kid.
  23. I've been feeling so down about myself and my weight and I could really use some advice. I'm typically a size 4, depending on the brand/fit. Thing is, I've put on a fair amount of weight since my last baby. I am still nursing and it's important that I don't lose my supply and that my milk is nutritious for the LO so I don't know if I can do anything drastic in terms of what I eat (tips would be really helpful here). Plus, I feel hungry all the time, which doesn't help. :tongue_smilie: I really want to work out but I have a bad leg injury that won't heal and it's already challenging enough just to walk. At this time I am physically incapable of any kind of running/jumping movements as they bring excruciating pain. I attribute a good deal of my weight gain to my inability to move much (even walking at a brisk pace is very painful). I feel like a blimp all the time and it's dragging my mood down. Big time. :( I've really put on a lot of weight in my thighs, which have always been a problem area for me (and a source of embarrassment). Of course, dh has noticed that I've put on weight and while he has been understanding, I can't help but feel so unattractive. I hate feeling like this. I feel stuck because I really can't drop my calorie intake too much- when I eat less I do notice a big drop in my milk supply and I really can't work out. I thought maybe someone here may have some ideas for me. It's hard feeling embarrassed about my body all the time. ETA: I don't eat a lot of carbs, except I do have a generous amount of plain whole oats each day (for milk supply) and my gallbladder has been acting up quite a bit so I have really limited my meat/fat intake. I don't follow a strict gallbladder diet though. I seem to be coping without one so far. The only sugar I have is in my daily coffee (brewed at home, nothing fancy ;)). I don't ever have desserts or candy or chocolate and don't eat dairy. I use coconut oil and olive oil for cooking/eating. Not sure if this is helpful but thought I would add it in.
  24. I need to write a letter to the owner of a (large) business to complain about the level of customer service we received from their service dept. We have been discussing the issue with the sales manager, who can't really help is with the issue, but did reveal that what we experienced has been a common occurrence as of late and encouraged us to take it to the owner via writing a letter. So- I have a decent letter drafted but I can't seem to find the words to start it. How do I lead into something like this? Basically what we purchased is a high end specialty good, bought through a specialty store and is meant to be serviced and warrantied through them, neither of which is happening at the moment.
  25. to deal with yet another 5yo boy. :willy_nilly: My 5yo boy, like his big brother before him, is going through "that" phase. I don't know if all boys have this phase by my two boys sure have/had it bad. This kiddo cries at the drop of a hat. And not just cries, sobs and whines like a 15month old toddler :001_huh:. Example: we are eating supper. 2 yo (yes, 2 yo!!!!) takes his fork and instead of asking for it back or taking it back, out goes the bottom lip, the tears flow, the hysterical crying begins "waaaaaah I can't eat supper anymore. I have no fork. ___ is going to eat my supper." :001_rolleyes: O.M.G. It is like this about everything. Everything!!! :mad: I am. so. tired. of. this. Thankfully, since my older boy went through this at this age I know it will end but right now, in the midst of it, it's more than I can bear. He just makes the most incredulous leaps when someone wrongs him. The 2yo is reading his sticker book and he's hysterical because the 2yo will complete it all and he won't get a chance to. I run out of juice while pouring his cup and while I am in the middle of turning around to get a new carton from the cupboard, he is hysterical because woe is him he will never ever get juice ever again because mom ran out. It goes on and on and on. Ugh. Where do I find the patience to deal with this? I'm going nutso. I just needed to vent. Ahhhhh. I feel so much better now. Until the next outburst. :leaving:
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