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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. My girls are 3 years apart....currently 6 and 3. They get along fabulously (most of the time). Since DD#2 was born, I have always encouraged friendship between them. That is very important to me. It helps that my girls are shy, we have no young children on our street, and I homeschool, therefore they are together 98% of the time. A few things that I do.... I really praise their relationship to them. Sometimes I tell them "I'm so glad your sister is your best friend." I tell them how blessed they are to have a sister. I When they are bickering or do something mean to each other, I always remind them that sisters are friends and they shouldn't do anything to hurt their sister. I make sure they have lots of schooling breaks in order to have time together to play during the day. I really believe that homeschooling helps to build their relationship. If my DD#1 was going to school, it would take her away from her little sister for so many hours during the day. She would meet friends at school whom she spends more time with (since she would be at school for a large portion of the day). When kids group together, they seem to want to exclude younger children sometimes.....so I can see that DD1 might begin thinking that DD2 is too "babyish" and spend less time with her. I'm so glad that I homeschool. Also, my DD's are both kind of shy. They don't meet friends easily, therefore their main playmates are each other.
  2. LOL! Can you tell my kids were talking to me as I was trying to type that? I was totally distracted LOL! No time traveling involved. :tongue_smilie:
  3. Ewww :::gag:::, I have never seen corn smut before. I didn't even know there was such a thing!
  4. I'm just wondering if Amazon will deliver it to my Kindle App on my iPhone at midnight. And do I have to do anything? It's already pre-ordered. It just really stinks that I wont be able to stay up and read it last tonight! I have to get up early to take DD to her doctors appointment. Ugh!
  5. Definitely check your gallbladder. My dad (53) had his taken out last year....it present atypically with unusual symptoms. He's not overweight.
  6. What book comes first? We own both The Mouse and the Motorcycle and Ralph S. Mouse. Which comes first? Are there others in this series? Thanks!
  7. I've always taken my meat out in the morning and sat it on my counter to thaw it out. It's always worked fine for me.....and for my mom. But I always read that you should not thaw meat out this way. Why not? How am I supposed to do it?
  8. We went and I checked it out! It looks well made, sewn together, comes with neat accessories, and it is really cute! I'd buy it if I had a son! :D I hope that I helped!
  9. I completely do not blame you for being nervous when people ring the doorbell. I'm the same way. I live in a cul-de-sac, and on most days, I think that I'm the only one home on our street. I'm alone with two small children while hubby is at work. Whenever the doorbell rings, I jump a mile and it makes me very nervous. My girls know to stay quiet whenever the bell rings. We never answer it. I let the dog go crazy so that whoever is out there knows that there's a dog inside. I just do not feel safe answering the door, especailly if it is a man (which it usually is), when I'm alone with the kids and no one else on the street is home. I wish that companies would warn their employees of this. If anyone is home during the daytime, it's more than likely going to be a woman. Why would companies send their people door to door to approach women? They should really be more cautious and send them on weekends or something. One time I very nearly called the police. Some guy rang my doorbell. I looked out the peep hole, as I always do, to monitor their behavior and see when they leave. I watch the guy ring the bell again, wait, and then walk off the porch. But wait, the guy walks towards the side of my house near the window. I hear him doing something out there. Trying to get in???? I am freaking out!!!! My heart is racing. I'm trying to decide whether to call the cops. I see him walk away and wonder where he's going. Then I figure it out.....he was messing with our water faucet. He's from the city but didn't have a city uniform on. I was SOOOO relieved. But, I totally understand where you are coming from.
  10. Yes, I leave it on. I'm not really completely comfy with the idea, but that's the time when I need a slow cooker the most.....when I'm going to be gone all day long.
  11. DD3 dips graham sticks in it. We've also made Nutella and banana sandwiches.
  12. We are probably going there this evening to eat. I can check then if no one else responds saying that they have seen it.
  13. I started watching it but turned it off. Car accidents terrify me.
  14. Drive Safely Video on Facebook This video is now being viewed by everyone browsing Facebook on their smart phones....while driving.
  15. It's a wonder my children even know what their real names are LOL. I call them a varity of random, silly things. Snickers, Skittles, Doodle, Noodle, Peanut, Peanut Butter, Tweedledee, Koopa, Alice, Ariel, Chicka Chicka, booga, and so on and so on.....plus a variety of plays on their first and middle names. I told DH one time that our kids will answer to anything I call them. He said "Yeah, right." I said "Okay, watch." And I called out to the back room where DD6 (then about 4 years old) was playing and said "Hey hot dog!" I was answered with "What, Mommy?" We busted out laughing.
  16. I'm a photographer and I have a Canon 40D SLR that I use as my main camera. But when I want somthing smaller to carry around, I bring my Sony H50. Excellent 15x optical zoom (digital zoom doesn't matter....the higher the optical, the closer you can zoom clearly), 9.1 megapixels (although, as someone mentioned, it doesn't really matter what megapixels it is....the ones they make today are all large enough), large LCD, and even some manual options if you want to try those out.
  17. I live right around the corner from my parents. I talk to my mom every day....most of the time several times a day. Most of the time its just a 10 minute "hey, how you doing, what are you up to today" type of conversation. But then sometimes we'll talk for 45 minutes. I see her several times a week. Most of the time it is just her stopping by to pick something up from my house, or me dropping the kids off over there.....but sometimes I'll go in and stay for an hour. And we have dinner over at my parents house every Thursday evening (ever since we got married, which has been 10 years).
  18. A build up of ear wax? I've had that before. It threw my inner ear out of whack and I felt a little spacey/nauseous. I had it cleaned out by a doctor with a little vacuum type thing and felt better afterwards. Also, the crystals in your inner ear can "come loose" and move around. I've also had that happen. The doctor said it could take about a week to fix itself. She also gave me some head exercises to try in order to get them back in place. In about a week I was fine.
  19. Our Jack Russell - in our room, on the floor on his own soft bed Our Jack Russell/Chihuahua puppy - in our room, in a small crate
  20. Thanks for reminding me!! I just went and pre-ordered it over at Amazon....it will be delivered to my Kindle App (on my iPhone) on the morning of the 24th! Yay!!
  21. My sister is turning 17 this year and she's having a "Minute to Win It" party. Have you seen the television show? You take common household items and compete. http://www.nbc.com/minute-to-win-it/about/ . My mom's purchasing a few prizes, having some finger foods, etc.
  22. Gilmore Girls Everwood Lost Jericho (though the ending really stunk....they stopped in the middle of the season) Fringe Survivor American Idol Friends Everybody Loves Raymond The O.C. Grey's Anatomy House 7th Heaven Flash Forward The 4400 (very cool) Army Wives Prison Break (LOOOOVE this!) Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman Boy Meets World Party of Five Step by Step Friday Night Lights
  23. I know my kids are young, but they don't care to be involved in any groups or sports. DD6 used to take ballet and play soccer when she was 4, but she wanted to drop them about a year ago and hasn't wanted to go back. They just don't really care to do anything. They'd rather be home, together, playing. Are the activities really necessary? The music lessons, sports, scouts, swim team, clubs, etc. If my kids never want to do them, is it really a big deal? Honestly, I would dread the time commitments, the running around, and everything that goes with it. When DD played soccer, we enjoyed watching her Saturday morning games, but that was pretty easy compared the the time commitments that a lot of activities entail. We attend church on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights, but other than that, we're not involved in anything. I pulled DD out of speech therapy so we don't have to do that twice a week anymore. I mean, we may go back to our weekly homeschool group, but I'm not completely sure. My kids just really enjoy being home. And I enjoy not having all the commitments.
  24. Because you have to move. Ugh, I hate taking down, organizing into boxes, packing, moving, unpacking, setting up, etc. I hate moving.
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