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Everything posted by Changed

  1. I think I've found the answer. It looks like they used to discount ALL tickets, and now it's just the student that gets the discount. Bummer.
  2. I'm planning a trip for October and trying to save as much money as I can so dh will agree to the trip. :-) I keep seeing people talk of saving 50% on park tickets through the YES program. When I plug in random dates for 6 tickets for 6 days I get a price of $1712. When I plug in non-discounted park tickets for the 6 of us it totals $1870. ?? Where is the savings?!
  3. I'm definitely no expert on Disney (we've only been once), but the most enjoyable thing about Tusker House for us was a little girl on the outside of the window where we sat that kept dd (age 1 at the time) very entertained during the meal. The characters seemed rushed and there was a long (ish) wait to do the meet and greet with Donald. We plan on going to Disney again in October and will be trying out O'hana instead.
  4. We used to wake my parents up at 4am!!! There is no way my kids are getting me up that early! They'll probably get up at their normal 6:30-7:30. I pray for 8:30.
  5. Quick, semi-unrelated question: Is there any explanation for why she's so tired throughout the day, yet the last two nights she stays in bed awake for two hours?! It drives me crazy. She's not bad, stays in bed quietly. She just can't seem to go to sleep, yet I KNOW she's tired.
  6. I had a reply typed out addressing specific quotes and somehow lost it! :crying: So now you get a very shortened version. :-) I'm going to check my library for the books recommended, and maybe put one on my Christmas list. I'll also check out Sally Clarkson's blog. I think one main problem I'm having is that I've always held strong beliefs (doesn't everyone) on parenting and how it should/must be done, and now I'm realizing that it doesn't work with this child. I have to completely rethink how to do this whole parenting gig. Elizabeth--Regarding the convention...I'm driving distance of Cincy and actually have been wanting to go to the convention! I would love to go sans kids and meet up with moms from here. Off to find out the dates... Baby's awake...
  7. Soror-- no time for long reply, but no offense!! I am a Christian and have been looking over the book suggestions. Will be back once I'm at the computer.
  8. Everyone's advice seems similar, in that kids can't help it. Do you all not discipline your kids, or try to teach them appropriate behavior (that is a genuine question, I'm unable to make it sound nicer from my end of my phone)? I'm worried that without training/teaching her what is appropriate she will turn into a monster when she's older--whether it's sensory, tiredness, or just learned "bad" behavior. Is your (general you) advice the same for any and all 2yos? You mentioned walking on eggshells...that's exactly what I feel like we are doing here. I try to work things out and give her her way so I don't have to deal with the meltdowns. That can't be a good long term solution, can it? I feel like that is going to create a not very nice, not very easy-going person. And surely you think your kids (or any kids) at time deliberately disobey you (again, this is a genuine question)? There are times I tell her not to do something and she looks at me with a smirk and does it again. I feel that behavior needs dealt with, although I must admit I'm at a loss how to properly do it. Of course, these situations are completely different than during the meltdowns. I think I'm just rambling and thinking out loud... But speaking of sensory issues...does it run in the family? Genetic? Because although my 2yo (who I've been speaking of) definitely has "something" going on, the more we discuss this the more I see sensory issues with my 3yo. She fights me about clothes to the point I want to let her go places naked. I jest, sort of. She screams and cries that something is too tight or itchy or scratchy or ??. She screams that a tie on a dress hurts her, or freaks out if the toe line on her socks aren't lined up just right. It frustrates my 14yo and I so much that we end up yelling and arguing and get so upset we don't even want to go anywhere. She (the 3yo) wants her back, belly, and arm pits (!?) rubbed before falling asleep. But other than the clothes thing, she is very well-behaved and pleasant to be around. ------------------ I just want my life to be easier. The day-to-day, going through the motions, wake up and go through your day and go to bed stuff. This stuff should be easier. I'm sure of it. There's no way it's THIS hard for everyone with kids, or people would stop after one! Life shouldn't be this difficult. Kids should be a joy to be around, yes? I don't think I'm asking for too much, yet it seems SO unbelievably out of reach! And it does not help that I have a 10 month old who wakes up three times a night, plus the 3yo waking up once to pee, plus the 2yo waking up scared. All at different times. I'm sure that makes my patience during the day less than optimal. *sigh* I realize some people are going through so much more than me. So much more!! I have a neighbor who takes full care of her physicslly handicapped 20yo dd and now her husband has a cancer leaving him with just six months to live. Yet here I sit, miserable most days. Any and all advice welcome. Just be nice, please. :-)
  9. My step mom drove three hours to Chicago to get her passport the same day, after never having one. She took her plane ticket with her. Worked out great and she left the next day for Paris.
  10. All this seems so complicated! I'm exhausted already, without even thinking through all this. One thing, though...I don't know what difference it makes, but I can't think of any time that she's had these meltdowns when we're out somewhere. When we're running errands, visiting grandparents, eating out--she doesn't usually have problems. She's very well-behaved. Now at church she has meltdowns, but I'm assuming that's because we have to sit semi-quietly for a couple hours. Idk, it just seems like she can CHOOSE to obey at times, and at home she CHOOSES not to obey. I'm trying to figure out if this is a discipline problem (as in I'm not doing my job effectively), or it's something else that she can't control. Earlier she went "potty" and my 14yo dd went in to wipe her (as she does many, many other times), and she had a complete meltdown because she wanted to do it herself (I don't want her wiping herself because she doesn't do it properly and gets a rash). Once I got her calmed down she went and laid down on the floor with her blanket and started sucking her thumb. So is she tired?? It was about 4pm and she got up at 2:30pm from a two hour nap. If I wanted to assume "something" is not right (sensory, routine, sleep, etc), which should I change first?
  11. Let's just say it's less than monthly, unless there's an urgent need (bed wetting).
  12. You guys have given me a lot to read (and think about)!
  13. I think she is socially appropriate. She plays with her siblings and other kids at the park. She will often mosey off by herself with a toy or book, but with people she knows she makes eye contact and talks. She actually makes us all laugh a lot, when she's not throwing fits. I've always said she's going to be the class clown (assuming she goes to a b&m school). As far as communication...she speaks clearly and is understood, but I think you mean does she get her point across? When she is calm-yes. Once she's upset about something-no. It's just screaming. She sucks her thumb for comfort, and has a blanket. I can't think of any other ways. She's always so tired! She sleeps 2-3 hours at nap and sleeps from 830ish until 630 or 7, but it never seems to be enough. Hours before nap time of bedtime she will lay down on the floor with her blanket and suck her thumb. Yet when she's not laying down she's jumping on the couch or running back and forth through the living room. It's like she's either so tired or so wired.
  14. As I reread my post, I knew it seemed silly. There's more to it that I just can't put into words right now. ?? When I've googled her behaviors before ADHD and sensory something-or-other has popped up, but a lot of the symptoms on the lists are not like her, so I just don't know. She is just so much more difficult than my other kids. Everything is a battle or a struggle.
  15. I hope it's okay that I ask this here... I need to get some advice on my 2yo (turns 3 in March). She is a very difficult child, and no matter what I do it just keeps getting worse. I can't talk to my husband about it because he just says "she's fine." I need to know if she is just strong-willed (or a brat!), or if there's something else going on. I feel like something just isn't right: Everyone comments how she is always in fast motion. If she's moving, then she's running. Yet she does sit still for cartoons and/or coloring, but never sits as long as my 3yo. The 2yo always starts wandering off and losing focus much sooner. She is clumsy! She is my kid that's going to break a bone. She always has bruises and scrapes. Terrible, horrible, awful, I-want-to-run-away tantrums! For the stupidest things! I mean stupid. Ugh. Just thinking about it makes me want to run and hide. Once she's in the middle of one, it's like she can't hear reason. Tonight it was because I tried cutting her fingernails. I've done it plenty of other times (while she patiently sat), but tonight she went crazy and was screaming for 10 minutes afterwards like a crazy person and screaming Owie! How can cutting nails hurt?! I'm sure there's more I can't think of right now, but I just need you to tell me she's a normal 2yo and will grow out of this, or there's something wrong and I can fix it!
  16. He doesn't have a project going currently. He usually just sees something that needs done and does it. I love the experience idea--a canoe or rafting trip would be right up his alley. I have no idea if there are places around here for that, though. I guess I need to search online. Of course, that gift won't be useable until warmer weather. Audio book or DVD sounds promising, I just have no idea where to start. Anyone have a recommendation?
  17. $50-100. That flashlight looks great, but he wouldn't be interested in the stampede thingy. He's not into games or "toys".
  18. My toddlers say it because I naturally say it to them. My teen doesn't because I don'tsay it to her. I'm sure I did when she she was little, but it just seems weird now. Fwiw, I don't say it to my parents either. I need to work on that... When people say it to me, especially if I'm caught off-guard, I just kind of stand there and nod or say "ok".
  19. Dh's birthday is next week. I hate shopping and hate trying to figure out what to get someone (except my kids, because that's easy and I can do it all online). I tell him every year not to get me anything and he always does, so then I need to get him something. I know, I know, I shouldn't have that attitude but I do! Anyway... Can you help me out? He loves books and loves to read, although he doesn't have time since he's in school and works full time. He likes history and learning about interesting people. He's a Christian. He likes being outside. He has to be doing something--some project or home improvement. He's 40-something. Any ideas? Oh! And if I could order it from home that would be even better!
  20. Thanks! It probably doesn't help my mindset any that my 3yo was vomiting all day yesterday and this morning my husband's blood sugar was 26(!) when I woke him up. Yeah, he was shaking and jittering and head-butted me in the cheek (so much pain!), and then ended up hitting his head on the wall and was bleeding. All while I was trying to keep the kids from watching and trying to get him to eat something. *sigh*
  21. I shouldn't have read all these responses--it's made me feel like I must be doing something very wrong. My most-used sentence to my husband right now is "my life is hard!" I am emotionally and physically (due to lack of sleep) exhausted every single day. I never have a moment to my self. Is it hard labor? No, but I can never complete a task because someone needs to pee, then poop, then needs a snack, then the other needs to pee, then it's time to cook a meal, then the baby needs to nurse, then I'm doing "school" with the middle dd, then oldest dd needs help with school, etc. And there is always someone touching me and talking to me all day long. Someone is up to pee or nurse or because they're scared every couple hours at night. I never get to tune out or be alone or get more than three hours sleep at a time. Like I said, I must be doing something wrong. Although I hate working outside the home, and want to stay with my kids, I still find it very hard.
  22. We don't do Santa. My parents never did Santa with us, so it was never a big deal. I don't like the thought of telling my kids a lie, and I don't like taking the celebration of Jesus away from Christmas. But I don't mind playing along with other kids who might believe. We do watch movies with Santa and the kids know he's make-believe. Funny story-- We were in the store the other day and the cashier asked dd3 if she was going to see Santa soon. She said (in a very loud voice!), "oh, Santa's not real!" I almost died!! There was a little girl about 7 behind us, and as we were leaving the store--very quickly--she was questioning her parents about it. I had to have a talk with dd about how some people believe...
  23. Yes, you need a subscription (I think $7.99) to download all filters for all movies up to that date. Then you can cancel and still have the filters for all movies up to that point.
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