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Everything posted by socody

  1. I was told that Essentials would work for a younger student but it would move very quickly and it may be better to start at Foundations C or D. They also said I wouldn't necessarily have to do Essentials at all after completing Foundations, although the Essentials does have some more advanced topics as far as Grammar & Composition, etc. I think I'm just going to keep using the reading program we're using now and wait to do Essentials more like 2nd grade or later.
  2. Positive Action for Christ: I haven't tried it but I saw it at a convention & thought it looked really cool Or if you'd rather go the free route, Calvary Church has a full curriculum online with coloring pages.
  3. Just did that. I think I have an idea what I want to do now but I will chat with someone to see!
  4. Has anyone used Logic of English Essentials with a 1st grader? The "Sample Schedules" on their website has a schedule for "Young Emerging Readers" aged 5-6 so it seems to me like you CAN do it, but then they also offer Foundations. I don't really want to invest in 6 different Foundations books if I can just use the Essentials! My dd5 has already started reading and even though her handwriting isn't great, I think she has a handle on it, so I don't know that we need to start with Foundations. I'm mostly interested in the Spelling aspect of LoE although we'll use it for reading too. I guess what I'm wondering, is will we need BOTH Foundations and Essentials?
  5. Elemental History is a top choice, I will probably go with that, just making sure there's nothing else out there!
  6. Where can I find Apples & Pears? I'm not finding anything...
  7. Would you consider this book truly "Classical"? I guess by that I mean, it doesn't look like it really uses any "living" or "real" books. Anyone got any opinions on whether this book is even worth it? Looking for a good, easy intro. to history (esp. American history) for a 1st grader that uses a lot of books.
  8. I hate to butt-in on a thread, but I've been looking a lot into LOE lately and its good to see so many people that seem to like it! My question for you all that have used it, is if I start in Foundations B, would I feel like I have "missed" something? My dd (5) is already reading CVC words & blends as we've been working on OPGTR for 6 months now, so I feel like Foundations A would be too "easy" for her. Then again, she does need work on handwriting. I just don't want to spend the money on A if it's going to be so much review.
  9. I'm really starting to like the looks of Logic of English. It's hard to really see what it's like online, though. Anyone used it with good reviews? And it looks like it is mostly for reading, but I'm guessing it covers spelling, too??
  10. I still plan to use OPGTR. As per recommendations in the book, I don't plan on starting spelling until we are about halfway through. We will probably hit that mark mid-year 1st grade, I think!
  11. I am trying to figure out what to do for spelling for my soon-to-be 1st grader. I like the layout & idea of AAS and it seems like everyone loves it that uses it, but I know the magnets would drive me nuts, as we've used them some with OPGTR and dd just doesn't care much for them. I know you can use AAS without them, but is there another program out there that's great for spelling??
  12. I have thought the same thing about OPGTR, that I wish it had a workbook with it. But I have just been making up my own games & activities to go with it. Search on Pinterest for whatever topic it is that the book is covering: "short vowel activities," or "phonics blends activities" or "long vowel activities". There are a lot of free things out there. I rarely ever make my dd read out of the book, as she hates it too! Sometimes I type up the stories in the OPGTR book onto a Power Point document, add a clip art and let her read it on the IPad; for some reason it's much easier that way. I feel like if she can just sound out the words in the lesson, she's "mastered" it and we move on.
  13. I'm thinking ahead for 1st grade for next year. I really like the look of Biblioplan and the idea of doing a 4 year cycle 3 times. However, I really wanted to cover some American History next year and don't really like the idea of not having any American History until 4th grade. So I guess my question for anyone who's used Biblioplan, is can I start the 4-year cycle with Year 4, and then go back and do 1, 2 & 3? My 1st grader would be the only one doing history, as she's the oldest...
  14. I do have the little slate chalkboard, but we haven't used it much. I also cut my own version of the wood letter pieces out of craft foam. I have found tracing to be detrimental, because she can trace the letters however she wants and they don't have to be formed correctly in order to look "right".
  15. If you are on Pinterest, there is a ton of great ideas. I have a Kindergarten Math board with several ideas, although many are not just for addition facts.
  16. My kindergartner has terrible handwriting. We have tried several different programs, including Handwriting Without Tears, although I admit I didn't buy most of the manipulatives (made some on my own) so I haven't really been following through with it like I probably should. She likes writing but only things like cards or simple one-sentence stories with topics she picks. She hates having to write letters over and over and form them correctly and there are usually tears when I try to show her the right way. I'm wondering if I should even worry about proper letter formation at this point and hope that comes later and just focus on getting the letters to look right? Is copywork a good idea at her age or should I stick with just copying letters?
  17. Anyone have any great recommendations for educational IPad games for reading? I have a kindergartner who can read short vowels, blends & digraphs and she LOVES anything on the IPad. I've seen a few but don't know which are any good. Looking for something preferably $3 or less...
  18. Is there more to this program than just the magnetic tiles? We are using magnetic tiles with OPGTR & my dd5 isn't really that into them-- they bore her. So I guess I'm wondering is there other games & hands-on things besides the tiles with AAS, or do they use the magnets creatively enough that the kids don't experience burn-out with them?
  19. That one looks really good. I think Memoria Press uses them, & I seriously considered that awhile.
  20. I always heard about Explode the Code as a reading program, not a writing program, but it makes me feel good to know some people use it more for writing; that helps me understand better that I don't need to try to match it with OPGTR. I have a good handwriting program, I'm not worried about that... Just looking for something a little extra to make it more like kindergarten &less like preschool.
  21. I am teaching my k'er to read using OPGTR. We're still in the short vowels sections and she's doing well, she doesn't mind just reading out of the book & doing the magnet board or whatever other games I can find online, but I'm looking for something a little more, a little more challenging for her. She's still not strong in handwriting, but I want to challenge her in that area. So I'm looking for some type of workbook to supplement the OPGTR lessons. Phonics Pathways looks like it might be good-- anyone have opinions on that? We also have Explode the Code, but the writing is a bit much for her & she doesn't like it too much. Any other good supplemental books for both reading & handwriitng practice?
  22. What is your favorite Christian Bible curriculum for pre-K/ Kindy? I'm looking for something that will go through the Bible but not just stories-- showing the big picture of where the story fits in; also would love to incorporate good character studies & some Scripture memory if there is such a thing.
  23. What practice "readers" (small books like BOB Books) have you used successfully alongside OPGTR for Kindy & 1st grade? It's hard to find some that seem to go along with her sequence and don't add in a whole lot of sight words.
  24. If you have used OPGTR all the way through, at what point would you start adding in spelling. And if you wanted to add in AAS, after which lesson would you start? It seems like they overlap in a lot of areas, so I think it would work well together, just wondering when is a good idea to start?
  25. My dd will be 5 in the fall: * We'll be trying out a Classical Conversations group & building on that for our science (Astronomy/ Ecology/ Physics this year) & history using library books & other projects off the internet * Phonics: I just bought a Memoria Press complete curriculum guide, so I'm thinking I'm going to use their stuff: First Start Reading & Classical Phonics (We have been using OPGTR & BOB Books & may continue to do that if I don't like FSR) * Math: Saxon 1 (We did K this year & I liked it) * Handwriting: HWT-K & MP * Geography: More building on CC & Evan-Moore Beginning Geography Really excited to start!
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