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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Julia :grouphug: Hope you feel better soon! My likes seem to be sporadic for some unknown reason. Everyone please consider yourself liked because they are only working when they feel like it.....according to my previous theorie I should have plenty right now so not sure why.
  2. Angel, I really enjoyed the Libriomancer and think it stayed around the PG13 range. The violence never hit the Hunger Games level imo so if I use that as a standard.....Romatic nature wise nothing seriously depicted some talk about the needs of one of the characters who because of her nymph nature needed to be romatically attached for survival, first she was attached to a woman but due to circumstances needed to find a new mate who was male. I am still pretty enthusiastic about Libriomancer after finishing it. Guttenberg (as in creater of printing press) actually is the father of this form of magic and is a character. For a home a mom who has read tons about Guttenburg there were some incredibly clever scenes and a couple historical figures that are a bit obscure that I felt pretty proud of myself because I knew who they were. ;) I have learned so much with the kids! Tress, Sorry you didn't enjoy Murakami. I was hoping that the threads coming together at the end would make the ick factors fade into the background for you.........
  3. I love A Murder for Her Majesty.......it was one of the last read alouds we dis. :( Libriomancer, I am at the halfway point so not done. Nothing overly explicit has happened so PG13. There is violence pretty frequently but so far it has been quick. There is a war with vampires happening so things could escalate beyond this level so I will report when done. I think a romantic relationship is going to happen eventually but not sure wHat level of description. I can't remember which paranormal type books we have both read to use as a comparison. BTW. Out of likes again.......
  4. I have been busy reading the first in a new to me series which I am loving so far. It is a very clever paranormal with a huge book twist called Libriomancerhttp://smartbitchestrashybooks.com/reviews/libriomancer-a-guest-review-by-carries/by Jim Hines. I keep thinking of it as a paranormal version of Inkheart with a twist. The magic is that upon reading a scene he can reach in and grab an object and use it in the real world so Lucy's bottle (Narnia) heals, Alice's (as in Wonderland) shrinks, and every weird vampire weapon ever created in Sci Fi can appear. All need to be used and returned quickly. So far loving it for what appears almost more than the story. Possibly too entertaining to read on a night when sleep is elusive...... The review I linked is from the same blog Kareni linked to yesterday. Click the romance covers link for a good laugh. After looking at those I really like this author.....hilarious! Also at the bottom of the review the author has a short list of other fantasy books she has enjoyed recently. These all looked great and I was able to put holds on two! :)
  5. I know a couple of you have Kindle Paperwhites. Anyone have the 3G feature? I have a question regarding overdrive library books and the 3G. Thanks :)
  6. I have read Jane Eyre a few times with the last time being maybe three years ago and have watched movies recently. I am currently too familiar and keep stopping when a part I find painful (after all I'm Jane) is coming. I finished the Brooke Shields book this morning. The first half of the book was a much more fluent to read and enjoyable. Although she was dealing with her mother's alcoholism from a young age she seemed to be a pretty happy child which was reflected in her writing. The second half of the book was interesting but felt much different. I will be honest and say I found one gossipy point about her life with Agassi to be amazingly odd, I can't believe she didn't notice, hate to spoil it because it was a chuckle in the middle of a pretty somber part. Remind me when you read it so we can gossip! ;)
  7. Looking forward to your review because I am on a holds list for the first one. Somehow the cover of the book looks more Mr.Bean then Johnny Depp so I was really surprised when I found the book. I had been searching for books off the soon to be movies list we had a couple of weeks ago. Eta. Your link just loaded. I had wondered why you had left that white space. When I think of Johnny Depp I picture a really cool pirate type...the new look in your movie trailer definitely looks more like the book cover!
  8. Yes, just googled because it sounded familiar but wasn't sure. On side one of the Crimes of Passion album which had her Hit me with your best shot. Side two contained WH, I remember actually listening to side two more than one even though the popular songs were on side one.
  9. I am currently working on a similar list for my dd. I am not including books that she could not make well informed comments about in an interview. If she can't remember the book well it won't be listed.
  10. Jenn :grouphug: Stacia, I knew WH would make you go yuk! What can I say the teen me loved it (so did the twenty something). When I reread it in my 40's I could see where the negatives were coming from but I still enjoyed my read, just not as a great romance anymore. But I remember that song with love. After Dh and I married we visited the UK several times a year and I always flew home reading a cheap copy of a classic, frequently WH.
  11. Your Pat Benatar mention brought back my memories of that song which I had completely forgotten! I really loved that song but I also loved Wuthering Heights. I just listened to it on youtubehttp://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TZcLMVCsH14and that album cover brings back memories. It was one I owned. I went to one of her concerts too.......
  12. Currently reading: The Viscount who Loved Me by Julia Quinnhttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/10190004-the-viscount-who-loved-me#other_reviews. Her books are always light and fun. I am almost done so won't mention it again because if I was reading in the half hour I have before picking up the dc's it would have been done. The next one is ready to go on my kindle....... Jane Eyre, I haven't touched it since last week but plan to get it don in the next couple of days. There Was a Little Girl.....Brooke Shields is my current read an occasional few pages book and I am impressed. Checked it out because of the infamous Calvin Klein ads which hit my senior year of high school. She is much more likeable than I ever imagined. Roughly half way through. I have made a decision regarding History of the Middle Ages. I may end up doing it at the end of the year but would really love to dig in to several books that I have on my shelves that pertain to that time period, How to Read a Church (also have the village one), several on the Templars, and many others. I think I want a more local concentration.
  13. Last week someone recommended the book The Curious Incident of the Dog by Mark Haddon for C in the A to Z challenge. This served as a reminder to read the book because on a trip to London last fall there were posters everywhere for a theatre adaptation. I had a vague idea of what the book was about and wondered how it could be adapted. Just found this article which contains a youtube link of the play incase others are curious.http://www.thelowry.com/event/the-curious-incident-of-the-dog-in-the-night-time. I did go ahead and read the book. It was an interesting read and many here might like it although I suspect we would all find something different within.
  14. Absolutely beautiful! How long does it take to make one?
  15. I also want to point out that there are people who need the handicap stall who have no obvious handicaps. I always used them when my dc's were little so not criticizing! Due to a rough recovery from back surgery I really needed to use them at one point in my life. I was frequently told off because I was 30ish and appeared to be fine when leaving but I really had to have the added space and railings due to balance issues. Absolutely humiliating. Honestly no one should criticize anyone because they are there to serve a need.
  16. Last summer someone recommended The Chemistry of Deathhttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/46465.The_Chemistry_of_DeathbySimon Becket and ig has been sitting in my stack every since. It is a forensic mystery which I really love and this one didn't disappoint. As some of you know I haven't finished a book with actual paper in a while....if I like it I always end up shifting it to the kindle because of weight, print size......lots of excuses. I read the whole paper book even after discovering that overdrive library did so a rather odd extra nod to the book for holding my attention. ;)
  17. I have several books going right now but I did finish Festive in Death last night by JD Robb.https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20821249-festive-in-death. I thought it was quite good. I think I have read all the books in the series and these really have stayed strong. This one had an interesting crime and a good mix of favorite characters. I think someone here said the next one is out soon so I am now officially ready for it!
  18. Since I plan to read Sherlock Holmes this year will tentatively say yes. These Bingo card challenges always intimidate me. The dc's were even more appalled ay Edmund when they tried Turkish Delight...a sweet no one was willing to finish. That doesn't happen often in our house!
  19. The only enlightenment I have discovered is that I have read a ton of books very late at night! :lol:
  20. Thanks for the Murakami review. I am planning to go back and read a couple more of his books before the end of the year. I am always fascinated by how his stories merge at the end. Knowing that this book has that feature is a plus! I didn't like Wind up Birds ending... Memory Zero just returned itself to the overdrive library. I didn't manage to read it this time but it sounds good. Looking forward to your review.
  21. I have finished a couple of fluffy books since I last posted. I read the next in Lynsay Sands Argeneau Vampire series quickly this afternoon. They are very fun and quick. I started it in order to compare with Alexandra Ivy (who I was excited about yesterday) and got hooked, unfortunately the Ivy books are simply OK. Maybe later type. I also read a pretty good cozy called Twisted Threads by Lea Waithttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18778799-twisted-threads. It was a good cozy and I rated it a four because of that. I try to be very careful to rate fairly according to genre because I don't want to ruin the star system for someone who just reads that genre. The fact that I generally prefer a bit more action shouldn't effect people who love cozy mysteries. ;) This one was well developed and the killer was actually a reoccurring character in the book. That tends to be a weakness in cozy mysteries imo, sometimes the killer just appears out of obscurity which is rather confusing. On the book completion question.....I have worked extremely hard at learning to abandon what I have started reading. I am actually really proud to say if I have less than an hour into reading a book and it bores me generally no qualms about quitting. An exception might be a read along where others are loving it. Like Kathy I have an abandoned shelf on Goodreads. To be honest that really contains the real clunkers, books that were icky or that I abandoned after trying for 300 pages. They had something about them that means I don't want to try again. There are lots of books where I read a chapter or two and go back to the library for now. I don't keep a list because I hope to encounter them with a fresh outlook the next time around.
  22. I have had mono three times and have always wondered if that first time, which was the worst time, if I hadn't pushed myself back to college after a week and a half if my health might not have been better in the future. Everytime for the next decade that I got stressed I ended up being really sick, sometimes with mono. I think I would keep her home with some schoolwork for at least another week.
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