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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. It appears that I may have forgot to wish both Lost Surprise and Noseinabook Happy Birthday also. Really thought I had but don't see it. Sorry I don't do fancy stuff but... Happy Belated Birthday to you both!!!!! Noseinabook, I hope both your little ones recover quickly!!!
  2. Before I forget..... Happy Hogmanay!!! http://www.rampantscotland.com/know/blknow12.htm VC -- I thought Wee Girl might enjoy learning about the Scottish New Year. Actually if you have Scottish neighbors a dark haired visitor after midnight might happen anywhere in the UK. No bell ringing tower for me tonight. Still feel too lousy to make it up the staircase. My healthy family is going up and a few friends. Hoping to have enough to give a proper we in their friends honour.
  3. :lol: I think for me it may be more of a case of not reading the controversies over on the main board. I really normally do not need to know!
  4. I am so impressed that some of us managed to finish HotAW. Great job ladies!
  5. As everybody here knows my reading is pretty eclectic if we don't take into account my slight aversion to books published before 1900 and the fact that I read mainly fiction. ;) After reading your responses I realized that I do read depressing books sometimes. My reading tends to be a mirror of my feelings about my life and the world. Right now I need things pretty fluffy. Happy endings are needed right now. I have managed a few series books that were violent in recent months but since they were number 20 or so in the series it was easy to simply look at them as being sort of an update on an old friend's life. Will admit I went running away from the latest Alex Cross book. Lets put it this way the murder of a spouse is pretty low level compared to how that one seemed to start. During one upsetting period in my life I read tons of paranormals. Particularly the Anita Blake series. They were violent but so different from what was happening in my life that they truly gave my mind a break from my fears (I was hospitalized for months when pregnant with ds). At the same time I have to admit the season for super fluffy needs to end for me. Really looking forward to our challenges for 2015. Trying to get myself back to reading mystery books that aren't particularly cozy. Just realized I really haven't answered Nan's question. I don't enjoy books where the misery goes on forever but I do enjoy an exciting story. Bits of sadness along the way are Ok as long as things keep moving. Not a fan of It's a Wonderful Life either. Too sappy.
  6. I am happy to do Out of a Silent Planet anytime but February and March so April is good for me. Bronte and Austen are fine for whenever because on my kindle. Hope this works with your schedule Robin. Once again Thank You for all the hard work you do running Book a Week. :grouphug:
  7. Jenn, Occasionally I have read references to Bitch in a Bonnet but obviously had not put my thinking cap on, I thought people were referring to this Nellie Oleson bookhttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7284508-confessions-of-a-prairie-bitch. I was very puzzled for a couple of minutes last night. :lol:
  8. I hadn't meant to start a bunch of read alongs when I posted my goals but will admit to being excited to read them with others. My chances of actually reading them has increased greatly. ;) Murakami, the author of Kafka on the Shore, is different. I have read 3 of his books now and have found that I happen to like him. I know that there is a scene in this one that many here found upsetting. To be honest that is why I am reading it because it appears on many of the literature lists I have seen for the AP exam. I need to know......In general alternate universes, lots of cats, and strange little men in bedroom scenes make up at least part of many of his books, I think. Yes, I find them intriguing. :lol: Wuthering Heights is another hot button here. Many hate it with quite a bit of passion. At a very sheltered 16 I will admit to loving it. Honestly reread it a couple more times before motherhood and still liked it. Reread it for atmosphere 6 years ago. It is dark and controlling not fluffy and fun. Really is a bit horrifying but the moors...still love the descriptions. I like Jane Erye, even when I read it last. Northanteger Abbey was good. The rest I haven't read to be honest. As a whole I believe they are fluffier. Mansfield Park may not be. CS Lewis, what I have read of Out of a Silent Planet leads me to believe it is good science fiction. Looking forward to it.
  9. Just wanted to say I will read these with you whenever. I know that my overdrive has them so as long as I have a bit of notice I can download. The positive when I am without internet is the kindle library books aren't taken way, of course the negative is they don't download either. I did read most of Out of a Silent Planet a few years ago as a read aloud. I enjoyed it and would love to finish it! Eta: Posting together. April would be so much easier! :)
  10. Well one of my multiquotes appeared tonight, so things are improving. Angel and Shukriyya, I would be happy to do read alongs for any or maybe all of the books mentioned. Just so you know if my life goes according to plan my internet connection could be limited for February and March. I won't know until I am actually on site. Dh and the dc's school have to take precedence over me. Sometimes McDonald's is my best friend! Because of that I am up for a couple in January but lets wait til April to start more. I normally manage to read the thread but sometimes am pretty spotty about posting. I want to read all three in the Perelandra series so would prefer to wait until April at least. All three are on dd's shelf so I can start when the reserves arrive. Shukriyya, Jane Eyre is on the kindle already so will try to start it after the first. It might make a good other book to read with Kafka on the Shore.....should be very different, plus I have read that one a few times! Until January 1 I plan to read complete fluff. Just started another Amish Mystery.
  11. As for the goals for 2015....definitely no 5/5. Whenever I declare something a 5/5 my interest quickly disappears. I want to read things that I enjoy which is part of why I have avoided real life book clubs. I suspect I would languish for days over books that I felt I had to read but no longer wanted to. Too embarrassed to admit I didn't want to read it. Some goals for the next year..... Read and reread some Bronte because I still haven't made it to Haworth and I have a friend who lives there. I don't want to go until I can trully appreciate it. :lol: CS Lewis has been a 5/5 both years. The reality is I want to read Prelandra, so my new goal is Prelandra. Maybe that can be achieved. While I love Jane Austen's stories I have only actually read one cover to cover. Blush. Hoping to get through a couple of those this year. I have several fun series started that I would like to finish reading so I can start some of the many I have bookmarked. I am excited about the foreign translation book challenge that Robin is planning to incorporate. Last year I discovered several mystery writers that I really enjoyed when I was working hard on my countries challenge. That is all I can think of right now but I am sure I have more! ;)
  12. Crstarlette and I are starting with Kafka on the Shore. I have had it sitting in the stack for ages. I hope you decide to read Hard Boiled Wonderland with us. It looks intriguing. Not sure if anyone else is joining us. I read a fun book cover to cover in one sitting today. I really don't get to do that often. Gone with the Woofhttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17214435-gone-with-the-woofby Laurien Berenson. It is one of the latest instalments in a cozy series that I have read for many years and as far as I remember loved each one. In order to like these you have to enjoy dogs and have a vague interest in the world of dog shows. My best friend loves both therefore quite a bit of her interest has rubbed off on me! :lol: The breed of choice in these are Standard Poodles but other breeds receive mention in most books.
  13. I retreated to my bed yesterday when it became obvious I was actually sick not just stressed from lack of sleep... Today the headache is gone so I have been busy finishing the books that I have already started in order to start the New Year fresh. Dh has been having a blast cooking with the kids, doing laundry, and is currently transferring the school books onto the new bookshelf he picked up this morning. He really is having fun. Dd is helping with yhe books....I don't think dh knew how much we actually get through. Finished: Gentlemen Undone by Cecilia Grant....the second in the Blackshear trilogy, a respectable read but not as good as the first. This author does tend to pick unconventional characters so they are a bit different which is fun. Waiting for You by Kristan Higgins.....the third in the Blue Heron series. A Darker Domain by Val McDermid......this was a good mystery. It took me a while to really get into it. I also had to shift it to my kindle to get it finished! It centered on two unsolved cases that originated during Thatcher's mining strikes of the mid 1980shttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2573867-a-darker-domain Eta...I fixed a couple of typos and added my link
  14. I think it is a great idea! You should definitely exchange books.
  15. Not even going to try to multiquote tonight. Hopefully on my way to a good nights sleep but want to send a couple of messages I forgot earlier. Mom Ninja -- Glad everyone is on the mend at your house. You definitely deserve a new book for all the work you have done while ill. :grouphug: Angel -- Great to be mistaken for your dd. You deserved it. Dd and I both did readings at arecent service wear head to toe black. Hairstyle that night similar. A somewhat blind friend asked dd why she had to read twice. I loved it but dd was a bit miffed, I weigh at least 50 pounds more than she does. Maybe the motivation for a super diet in the New Year. Violet Crown, Just wanted to send hugs to you and Wee Girl. Hope all is well!
  16. Last night we had the first snow of the year. Probably 5 inches in all. The shops were already closed in the village for Christmas but the snow made everything very quiet. Lots of snow shovelling. Potential for more tonight. yuck! One good thing to come out of that last day is I have had it reaffirmed what a kind and responsible young man my son is. Since Dh and I are not bell ringers he is coordinating that side of the funeral arrangements. Action seems to be helping him. I did actually finish a book during the night, Bones Never Lie by Kathy Reichs. It was enjoyable if you are a fan of the series but constantly discussed another book in the series. so not the best choice as a first in the series to read.
  17. Just wanted to say how much I love all of you. Your hugs mean a lot. It was just such a shock. Another village friend had heard first and came to our door this morning. One look and we knew someone had died but we never expected it to be him. Dh and I are feeling very mortal right now.
  18. Multiquotes doesn't seem to be working so..... Angel, the family photo is lovely. Finally opened this morning. Julia, I read Lovett's First Impressions recently and was amazed at how easy it was to read after all the bouncing that took place in Bookman's Tale. Shukriyya, my ds received the d and d handbook for Cristmas a couple of years ago. Loved it. Unfortunately he never really found consistent people to play with. ;( Robin, The Swan Thieves has been on my list for awhile. If you want to do a read along at some point that would be fun. After a really lovely build up to Christmas our family came crashing down this morning. A dear friend died very unexpectedly, probably a heart attack. We had spent Christmas Eve with him and a group of bell ringers. He was my children's bell ringing mentor and was absolutely fabulous to both of them. My poor kids, he was their replacement grandpa. His wife is still living and we adore her, spent part of the day waiting with her for their daughter to arrive from her in laws. Very sad.
  19. That pretty much sums up our feelings on the Christmas Special. Both kids looked at me as the credits rolled and said that I had told them she was leaving. Not at all happy with me or the show.
  20. I will post a couple of ideas and try to come back later with a longer list after I look at my goodreads. Aunt Dimity books by Nancy Atherton seem to fit, I have only read three so far. Carola Dunn writes some nice gentle ones, Daisy Darlrymple is the main character. I really enjoyed Cat in the Stacks Mysteries by Miranda James. I will try to find some more.
  21. :grouphug: to you and your sick little ones. New legos, definately a great way to be entertained when sick. Glad everyone is happy and you are hopefully cuddled up reading now. One of our chuckles for the day was walking by our neighbours and the dad looked up and waved as he assembled a big Lego something. The kids (5 and 6) had gone to grandma's and left dad to put their presents together! Dd has been doing jigsaws on her new puzzle board all day....Ds on the computer. Somehow I spent the day cooking? But rolls turned out great!
  22. Wishing everyone a Happy Christmas......very British.
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