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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Tress, I am so sorry. Sending prayers to your family.
  2. I just have to say I agree! I cannot believe what a soap opera War and Peace is. I definitely was not expecting this book to be what it is. I thought it was mainly going to be detailed war descriptions and there are some but much of it is a who likes who, oops, really shouldn't have married/engaged/dated that one scenarios :lol: I decided to try and finish it during the next few days. I really am starting to need to know how it all ends! The interview sounds like it went well OUAT. I think the skirt was the right choice for the interview although I generally(always ;) ) wear trousers as a volunteer. Lots or reaching etc. Plus flats are required for the standing imo. Kareni, the majority of the library system is now volunteer employees only. I still do not agree even after working on committee (think board) through the transition...
  3. I am another Clinique person. I've used it since my early twenties when I discovered it. I am allergic to many skin care products and shampoos so Clinique is my starting point.
  4. We have unlimited fiber for £35 per month which includes phone service. Love it!
  5. I loved the first in Becky Chamber's series but just liked ;) :lol: the second. I ran into thishttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/31817191-immortal?ac=1&from_search=true series this morning when looking through the new purchases at my Overdrive. Immortal looks to be sort of a Highlander ( I am a fan of the movies and show)series. I put myself on the waitlist for the first book. Angela :grouphug: Although I will admit I chuckled at the thought of your house being quiet! I use my postcards as bookmarks like many of you. Since I don't read many paper books these days one or two in my nightstand takes care of my bookmark needs (I keep the others in a drawer by my bookshelves). I've been a bit upset with myself because one was missing and I thought I had returned it to the library in a big stack recently. I finally found it!!! I also found the fabric bits I was looking for so a very productive tidy under the bed! :lol: I'm currently reading A Climate of Fear by Fred Vargas https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28248375-a-climate-of-fear. It's part of a French series that is new to me. Even better it is about an expedition to Iceland that leads to murders in France years later. I am far enough in to be pretty sure I will be reading more in this series!
  6. We like New Smyrna Beach. It's sand, part is drive on like Daytona part not. Lots of timeshares. Very quiet, it's in between Cocoa and Daytona.
  7. I loved Sherwood Ring when I read it with dc's when we were doing Sonlight as our curriculum. :) I need to look for her other book now.
  8. Onceuponatime, Good luck at the interview! :) Rose, :grouphug: to you and your dd. I hope you are on your way to a clear diagnosis. Negin, I love the light in that picture. I think it's my favourite so far. I also enjoyed Arthur Pepper far more than I expected to. Kathy, I am really looking forward to reading the Donna Leon now! It sounds like something I will enjoy. I have checked out the next Louise Penny audio book (number 8) in the series. I am so enjoying these. I went ahead and put a hold on the just released book in this series. The list is long so I should be ready fof it when it arrives! I have been reading Down a Dark Road during my journeys today. It's the latest in the Kate Burkeholder series set among the Amish. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/31450759-down-a-dark-road?from_search=true. So far it's good. Thank you for the kind thoughts about my shoulder. I think it must have been a soft tissue injury which is doing much better. Slightly uncomfortable but I am now able to ride in a car and walk without the motion hurting. I even did a small bit of quilting yesterday. :) Today was a big celebration picnic for a friend which has been on our calendar all summer. It was held about 100 miles away and I was really upset because I didn't want to miss it. I (we) just got home and had a wonderful time.
  9. There are many cozy mysteries with cats but I doubt those are what your dd16 who likes scifi would be interested in. My dd looked at me pretty disdainfully a couple of days ago when I asked her if she had read the Cat Who book I currently have on my Kindle. No, but she doesn't need it on hers! She liked them once upon a time. ;( I found this flavourwire post and I think my dd has read quite a few of them.http://flavorwire.com/397030/10-great-books-starring-cats/10 I also saw this and am curious about some of the series. https://www.barnesandnoble.com/blog/sci-fi-fantasy/the-best-cats-in-sci-fi-fantasy/ Noticed one is a Pratchett, if your dd started liking Pratchett you would have at least a year of books! :) ;)
  10. Basically someone watched them take their exams via a webcam and microphone. https://test-it-out.proctoru.com shows the equipment requirements. Not sure if this says anywhere but they needed a mirror so they could show they were alone in the room. The exams were either 90 minutes or 2 hours. Mixed content I believe but it depends on the course and syllabus. You need to book an appointment in advance for the Proctoru exams. For a bit more money you can sometimes book it same day. Proctoru works pretty well and seems to be common. They have used it for some more traditional online classes taken directly from traditional university also. Straighterline classes had the same basic requirements as most introductory classes, just online. Textbooks could be bought online and frequently were free with an offer. There is a syllabus which can be downloaded, for instance http://www.straighterline.com/online-college-courses/humanities/united-states-history-i/. We occasionally used Straighterline as a study vehicle for other exams with ds, especially history. He actually learned to follow a syllabus which was all important....not just conceptually but actually using it successfully. Both dc's frequently went into the final needing very little to pass the classes so they definitely didn't depend totally on performance on one exam. Some classes had papers etc so definitely not all multiple choice. Make sure you look at Saylor (which also has ACE credits) if you end up just wanting a study method for the Clep exams. Free, so way cheaper! :lol:
  11. We used them and they worked well. Between the two dc's they did a few so I can ask them for details about specific courses. The important thing is to move through the courses efficiently because of cost. They both did English Comp 101 and 102 with them and it was very well done from what I could see. If the CC does ACE credits you should be fine. There should be a list at Straighterline regarding direct credits per dh. The hardest thing was probably the Proctoru exam format. If something went wrong it was painful but they always managed to make things right in the end so no real complaints. She might want to look at Saylor https://www.saylor.org which is an incredible concept if it works for the student. All the content is free so no books etc needed and the only charge is the exam fee with Proctoru. Once again ACE credits. We have only used it once for a networking class. Very satisfied. If we had it to do over again Saylor would be the first choice before Straighterline.
  12. Kareni, :grouphug: Amy, I actually finished the "big" quilt last night so now I just have 3 small ones to complete. I was doing so well! I keep trying to read Sarum. I'm making progress but not loving it. It was a goal for this year so plan to keep going. I own a hard copy so if I don't finish before my Overdrive date I can read the little print.
  13. Tress, I am so very sorry. Sending hugs and prayers to you in this difficult time.
  14. I just suspended my hold on that for a few weeks. Since you are reading it I guess it must have been on one of the lists. ;) Glad to hear you are enjoying it. I woke up feeling great but somehow while doing my routine household jobs this morning I did something to my shoulder. I've been laying flat on a heating pad for most of the day reading from my physical stack. I finished Black Out an Icelandic Mystery. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29568500-blackout It was pretty good but not enough of my favourite character from this series. I am currently reading The Tall Stranger which someone here read recently....it's not my favourite DE Stevenson but still a nice read.
  15. Have you tried really soaking it with Fabreze? We had a disaster of epic proportions several years ago when we came home from a month long vacation to find that the freezer had been hit by lightning most likely on our second night away. Obviously the neighbours just collected the mail but never came in. Flys all over. The smell had sunk deeply into everything it the house. The clean up was monumental. It was beyond dreadful and I credit Fabreze actually made it OK in the end. We had wooden floors but maybe you could use it in a carpet cleaner somehow.......I think dh may have used it that way on the couches. There is also an industrial cleaner for bad smells used in places like nursing homes that was recommended to me. I can't remember the name and I didn't have to go to that level.
  16. Dp sorry, I feel the need to post something so..... I did finish Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookstorehttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/32620349-midnight-at-the-bright-ideas-bookstore. I haven't posted about it because I have been contemplating the story. It wasn't about a bookstore except as an occasional setting which disappointed me. Not a bad story overall but one of those filled with unbelievable coincidences which makes it a good beach read. Not fluffy at all.....
  17. Mom Ninja, Love the photo!!!! I can't wait to hear about your trip.
  18. I am short on time also so a few comments before I forget. Heather, I was so glad to read your dd update! :) Idnib and Eliana, So happy to have you both here. I enjoyed? perhaps appreciated is better your links Eliana and have requested your revolution book. My past year has contained activism on a rather small local scale also. I did finish The Hangman by Penny. A short that could easily be missed in terms of the series.
  19. I'm looking forward to hearing what you think of it. The Only Child looks like something I would enjoy. I just recommended it to my library. We shall see.... I seem to be on a bit of a Louise Penny reading/listening kick. I checked out a novella called The Hangman and the next audiobook today. I finished Bury Your dead before we left on our long weekend holiday. I finished The Magpie Murders this morning and loved it. The plan is to finish Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookshop next. I am far enough along to be intrigued so hopefully I will finish it. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/32620349-midnight-at-the-bright-ideas-bookstore. I have wide assortment on my Kindle just in case including my next Cat Who.....I also hope to get a good chunk of Sarum finished on our way home. Our trip yesterday was chaotic because a major road was closed because a lorry spilled several tons of flour in the middle of the road. The pictures were amazing. All traffic in the SW of the country was a disaster apparently. I ended up navigating and talking to dh and dc's most of the way instead of reading. My War and Peace audio book is also back. I am not sure where I am compared with everyone else. I am on chapter 12 of 15 with two epilogues. Quilting starts again when I get home so I am glad I have lots of audio books ready to go!
  20. I actually read The Elephant's Journey earlier this year......I will be totally honest and admit I was rather desperate for an "E" book at the time. That being said overall I enjoyed it. Parts were quite interesting.
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