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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. They definitely can all go with one request and fee. You pick which ones.
  2. Dh has them. I was pro saving them mainly because I used a friend's baby teeth for a science experiment in junior high. :lol:
  3. I read and liked both a whole lot. My memory on Station Eleven details are a bit fuzzy so I can't be too exacting in my comparison. Year One has fantasy elements beyond the dystopian. In Station Eleven the surviving humans banded together but being a survivor didn't mean you were special in any way, I think. Year One has an added layer because people with latent magical abilities of any sort suddenly became more powerful which gave them a survival edge. Year One reminded me more of a fluffy The Passage then Station Eleven. I think enjoying paranormal and\or urban fantasy is probably necessary for Year One. Mothersweets, How exciting! Have a great time at your son's wedding!
  4. I haven't had much time for reading this week. I did finish my audio book It Devours! which is the second Night Vale book. It was.....entertaining IMO but dd loved it and all the pod casts etc associated with Night Vale. I will read more if dd really wants me to but not a first choice for me. I've been looking forward to reading Song of the Silk Road for this stop so I have checked it out. I just hope I find more reading time! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/8567279-song-of-the-silk-road?ac=1&from_search=true. I still have my Murakami's to finish and several British cozy mysteries to read. I am currently working on a historical mystery set Post WWI called River of Darkness by Rennie Airth. At 50% I rate it as quite good. I like the characters and will be reading the sequels. This is one that kept appearing on lists as being good. For England county locations it has several Surrey, Sussex, Kent, and London, so far! VC, Ouch, glad you are healing well. Negin, I am looking forward to your holiday planning books!
  5. I just finished my very first cozy house mystery by Georgette Heyer and loved it! That is being said even though I knew who did it from the second that character was introduced. I had a conversation with my Dh last week regarding how something that happened in our village was just so stereotypical British cozy mystery which led to how the professions etc indicate who did it. Dh was a bit offended because I consider people because of their profession he would consider above reproach as my prime suspects, at least in mysteries! The whodidit profession in this cozy was one of my examples. :lol: Footsteps in the Dark frankly had it all. Atomsphere....A group of siblings in their 20's inherit a run down Abbey from a distant uncle. They decide to live in it for awhile keeping their London flats. Strange things happen. People keep appearing on their land telling them they have a ghost of a monk. So good.......no murder, so it's my crime other than murder Bingo Square. The really irritating thing about it was the places are all made up. I added up what clues there were and gave it a county for Brit Tripping purposes. Firstly, the Abbey is within an hour and a half of London. The place names were a mishmash of very close to several places that were all too far away. One comment talked about 'astings and caves. Hastings makes sense including the caves and is in Sussex. So I used Sussex. We definitely do not plan to be overly strict on proof for counties! On some of the challenges location other than England won't matter. Peacefulchaos, :grouphug: I hope your mil does well on her treatment.
  6. I was just looking through his books yesterday for the northern parts of Brit tripping. I saw this but skipped over it because I was hunting for locations. I actually have on hold The Floating Admiral which was the first collaborative effort by the club. I'm looking forward to it hugely. Apparently all the members wrote a chapter and an ending. Christie's was apparently gossip worthy which made the book sell......https://www.theguardian.com/global/2011/may/07/floating-admiral-detection-club-christie
  7. I just found this. http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/features/crime-fiction-around-the-world-in-80-sleuths-873660.html Around the World in 80 Sleuths, that is so very me! Totally my next project when I finish books for Brit Tripping.
  8. Another person fascinated by the Iditarod. You guys made me remember a cozy series I used to love by Sue Henry https://www.goodreads.com/series/40987-alex-jensen-jessie-arnold. I read the first few years ago and remember loving them. I found a later one on my Overdrive and have added it to my wish list. Robin, Thank you! Looking forward to an Agatha Christie perpetual challenge. As Amy said all in one year is too much but I would love to reread them in some sort of a logical order. I have read most but in no order whatsoever.
  9. :grouphug: I am so sorry for your loss. I think whatever you can help with in the short term is a huge blessing for the father and the children. That being said make sure you stay within the legal requirements for both families. I am speaking from a voice of experience. Don't get too wrapped up. Don't change your plans hugely for your kids to accommodate their needs. Help, but your way. We all knew my friend was dying and she prepared by buying textbooks and planning school far into the future. Dad was to do it. A couple of us were for lack of a better term, consultants. When it fell apart it fell apart spectacularly. New girl friend moved in and off to school mid term. It was over in a snap. They weren't mine.
  10. At this point the SYKM location list is probably the best out there in terms of comprehensive http://www.stopyourekillingme.com/LocationCats/England/index.html for Brit Tripping and cozy type mysteries. I am working on finding more to go along the roads with some degree of success. :lol: Authors seem to love fictitious villages and they are all irritating me greatly right now. The real point is going to be to have fun reading some great books! BTW, we will start as we move out of Asia into England so February. I have to agree that The Strange Library was really odd. Many people really enjoy it but I have never made up my mind beyond odd. Give Hear the Wind a try, I hope you like it. For me it was a scattering of bits from other books of his and I kept a constant dialogue in my mind trying to match with all those books. I may have really over thought the whole experience. I do think there are easier firsts in terms of Murakami but it is short. I started with 1Q84 and thought one was a duplicate when my librarian handed my two really chunky books....part one and two, but I thought I had ordered two copies of the same book. :lol: After I started they went quick. I need to move on to Pinball but have a couple of other books to read first because of returns and Overdrive. My purpose with Wind\Pinball is to finally read A Wild Sheep Chase https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27224887-a-wild-sheep-chase which I have wanted to read for years. It's the third in the Rat trilogy so I am doing Wind and Pinball first. I have to agree that Agatha Christie would make a great perpetual challenge on 52 books. Your book riot link convinced me that I should probably do it "right" and do the whole list. So it is going to be a perpetual challenge for me, I guess. They say reading in publication order is wonderful. Since I had no order last time and missed a few I will try it this way. At least the best will be first ...... ;)
  11. I was wondering about Sophie Hanna so very timely. These came to my attention this morning as I was looking at different websites and lists. Maybe I will try one. I started my first Georgette Heyer mystery this afternoon, Footsteps in the Dark. I’m not very far but have to say I really like it so far. They are worried the house is haunted.....I’m hoping it is for Bingo! ;).
  12. :grouphug: I am so sorry. I've done this twice. My support looked different for each friend. My first time the friend was super social. She was in the process of building her dream house when she got sick and wanted it filled with friends, kids, and joy. I did my best to make this happen. Sometimes that meant sitting in her bedroom looking over her backyard watching our kids run when she was too weak to go downstairs. Other times we danced in the yard. Basically I made food that she might like and showed up evey Friday with my kids. That was what she wanted, one day a week. Three other moms were in this with me. I still see them frequently. To some degree she gave me her other friends... I am still recovering from the death of my other friend. Her death was just brutal because we thought she was cured and instead of her scheduled reconstruction surgery which we were planning for she died. One minute we were meeting for a holiday party and the next she was hospitalised instead. She never came home due to complications that just came coming.....if there was a 1% chance of something bad happening it did. In her last months she refused to let anyone see her except her husband and daughter. We supported them. I wrote long funny letters most days for her husband to read to her in the hospital. The letters gave them both a break and my friend loved gossip. I provided. Occasiionally she could talk. Dvd's.....I did anything I could think of to make her and her family more comfortable. Neither friend wanted to talk about their illnesses beyond the next procedure, always hope. The Friday friend and I actually picked out my next curriculum for home ed during our last afternoon together. She picked out a puppy (pictures of a litter) for another.
  13. I multi quoted to bring Robin's post over from last week because she started something. I have been on such a rabbit trail trying to decide what I want to do about Agatha Christie. I had planned on a Marple reread as part of 2018. Now I'm thinking about doing them all but not in 2018. Naturally I found a list that is pages long including the shorts. Somehow I went from that to Dorothy Sayers and managed to find a list for her works too! I still don't want to commit but I did put the first accessible (to me) on hold for both lists. There are so many books I want to read or perhaps I should say reread! http://www.leftfield.org/~rawdon/books/mystery/sayers.html http://www.agathachristie.com/stories Downloaded the reading list......the complete one naturally. ;). The Marple one is the one I should have been concentrating on.
  14. I just finished my reading of the first Murakami novella, Hear the Wind Sing. First I have to say I hope no one decided to start with this one because of me because this is so not a great introduction to Murakami. I have read several Murakami books so I wanted to start at the beginning this year, plus I want to read what is known as the Rat trilogy and Wind is the first. I have to say it was interesting because if you had handed it to me without giving me the author I suspect I would have been able to guess. Even his first book managed to fill a few Murakami Bingo Squares! Lol. http://www.incidentalcomics.com/2012/06/haruki-murakami-bingo.html.
  15. 4:50 is one of my favorites probably because I really like the old movie with Margaret Rutherford. Dd and I had fun picking out the differences and for once vthey didn't bug me too badly. I ran into this when verifying Rutherford's name, interesting for Marple movie fans. http://www.bbc.co.uk/films/2000/09/28/many_faces_of_miss_marple_article.shtml Thanks for the link. I had fun looking. Sniff. I have to agree I really wanted to see what was going to happen when she ran out of letters. Peacefulchaos, I hope your back starts feeling better! Kareni, Glad you checked in. I hope your mom see's you today! :grouphug:
  16. I just have to say my oldest brother has several tattoos on his arms and is in his mid 70's. Recently my kids asked me exactly what his tattoos were. I can't remember and I have tried really hard because I feel bad that I don't. I was shocked to find out you couldn't tell anymore but my kids say they are a blur and always have been to them. He had them done as a young adult. At least my kids didn't ask him.
  17. I finished the Unexpected Inheritance of Inspector Chopra https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/24717411-the-unexpected-inheritance-of-inspector-chopra and loved it! It was a good cozy and it had an elephant as a character. Elephant on the cover too, so my first Bingo square of 2018! The baby elephant was very cute and I liked the human characters also. I definitely will be reading the next one in this series too. I also started my Murakami today. So far so good. Oddly an elephant was mentioned on the first page. ;)
  18. I loved Ready Player One but have to admit it was written to my generation. ;). I spent my teen years playing Pac Man and Centipede whenever possible. My kids actually liked it also, partly because they had many of the games mentioned on Game boys etc when they were little and also because an early programming class DS took went through Pong etc. They spent hours playing his versions....because they were his first fun programs and they worked. I finished the latest Mary Balogh, Someone to Wed, and enjoyed it. Great escape. I have started The Unexpected Inheritance of Inspector Chopra and am finding the inspector to be a lovely main character. I plan to start reading my Murakami's later today or tomorrow. I am back to quilting intensely for this years exhibit. I need to see if it is even possible to finish my planned quilt before the deadlines so am giving the project January. If it isn't going well at the end of the month I will have time for something less complicated. I also discovered Grey's Anatomy is free on my prime(UK) this month so have been watching TV for a change of pace while I quilt (hand piecing not machine). The original Dark Shadows is also free right now......I have been watching those too. I was never allowed as a child so it finally getting to see what all the fuss was about. My audio book hasn't received much attention.
  19. Thank you! :). I updated my list. I just want to add that I really can spell Seeton. I fixed it at least twice before I posted. Thought I had it right. Autocorrect won. Seriously why does it change words especially when I have approved them. Well Flavia and Gamache are both favorite characters of mine. Both series are well written and both draw you into another world that is gentle and lovely even though crime seems to exist disproportionately in their worlds ;). The main thing is Gamache is for adults, no question there, and Flavia can be handed to many young teens with the parents being comfortable. Flavia isn't a children's book or even really YA but it is gentle, my dd loved Flavia as a young teen. There are heavy topics it was always handled in a way that I was good with having a discussion about the topic with dd. If I missed something she wouldn't be traumatised. ;) Flavia is a child genius when the series starts who has very little supervision and is essentially raising herself. Her mother is missing and is assumed to be dead by all except Flavia who still hopes. She spends a great deal of her time in her deceased great uncle's chemistry lab. These books are wonderful. Flavia races down country roads riding her beloved bicycle. The images are rich like in Penny's Gamache. If you decide to try them start with the first one Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. Like any series there were one or two I didn't like as well as the rest but I know I loved Sweetness.
  20. I am so glad they rebooked you! I have been thinking of you and hoping you weren’t sitting in an airport.
  21. Regarding your earlier comment that I forgot to quote.....you have way more than a C! I am assuming you are getting a C from a different book. The How to Manage book has loads of possibilities........ You have a boatload of letters for Chrysanthemum there. I see H, M,Y, and S. I have only used one book per letter in the past and do not know if we have an official rule. At this point with a title that bountiful I normally put it on my list but don’t assign a letter. I keep reading my stack. Maybe make a list of what I have that works. Since I read so many series I also keep my wish lists up to date with the next in each series and look there first if more books are needed to finish spelling something. Also don’t forget if you want to do the challenge but don’t want to spell Chrysanthemum you can find a cover with chrysanthemums or a title with the word.
  22. Poppleton was our favorite.https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1067610.Poppleton
  23. I am a very new iPad owner so have not mastered much. Dh put the Kindle app on my iPad when setting it up for me and it works with my Overdrive just fine in terms of the books downloading and returning themselves. I haven't actually checked anything out directly to the iPad yet. My fire is all set up and I have been too lazy to move this function over. ;) I always read this thread with tabs open! I was not too thrilled with Cursed Child while reading it but its grown on me. I like having a look on the story continued and am content with it. The many teens in my life who grew up on HP have opinions that are great fun to listen to! For the Blossom Bookology remember if you haven't finished by the end of the month it's fine to just keep working on your flower. Chrysanthemum is possibly the longest one I have tried to spell and I suspect I will run into February. The good news is the flower for February is Rose. So short! I love Miss Seeton! So, I cannot remember where the setting for the Miss Sexton series is and actually have it on my list to figure out before Brit Tripping officially starts....... For those who think they might want to join us on the Great Mysterious England Road trip I want to share one tip early, keep track of your locations on books you read this month. They may be helpful later and it will be fine to count them as part of your totals. I forget where books are set if it isn't terribly obvious so I am keeping track now! Just something so you can assign a county to the book later, the town or village etc. I am using the note function in Goodreads at the bottom of the review page and it is working for this....I tested it last year. ;)
  24. Safe travels and enjoy your visit. I'm so glad she didn't break another bone. :grouphug:
  25. I am FIRST on my overdrive's hold list for the new Flavia. I can't quite believe it!!! I put in a purchase request as soon as the system would allow me to but it never works this well. :lol: Can not wait! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/33596091-the-grave-s-a-fine-and-private-place Release dated appears to be January 30.
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