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Karen in CO

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Everything posted by Karen in CO

  1. Drop it. If you have penguins, try that instead. You can also look ahead and read How to Read a Book by Adler or The Well Educated Mind. Those will both help too. For online resources, read some about Bloom's Taxonomy. I haven't read that one because the tone the sample pages I read discouraged me too.
  2. Here is my page protector confession. I just received my first unit of TOG last week and I have been reading it a lot. I wasn't going to put it in pp. I got ready to start marking books and making notes after 3 days of reading though it. I took the pencil and made marks on the first week, then I thought about those pp discussions I had read and went to the supply closet and got a couple out and some wet erase markers. Then I relaxed and made notes all over the planning pages. Somewhere in the first three days of reading the unit I had decided that I would like to use it again at the next level with my dd and with her sister in four years. Page protectors made sense to me to protect a valuable resource that I can see myself using for many years to come.
  3. For our Humanities courses Modified SL 6 for ancient History. WTM Medieval History HOE (House of Education a free online CM resource) Modern History SL 300 for part of Modern History Psychology and Philosophy at the local cc My advice in shopping for material is to make sure that it is flexible and that there are in depth discussion questions. Much of the history courses marketed toward the high school kids has good book selections but not enough material to put those books in context. The kids in the rhetoric level need to step up their thinking. They need to not just answer questions about what one person did at one point in time. They need to think about why he did that, why it matters, what it says about the world, how it relates to other things going on the world. I bought a unit of TOG to preview for my dd. I if I had one going into high school soon, I would definitely look at it for that level. Another that I haven't seen talked about much here is Gileskirk, but I really like the look of their History stuff . I didn't like the depth of discussion in the SL high school material, but I have read that the instructor's guide is being revamped. For textbooks, I like Spielvogel's Human Odyssey. Good Luck. High school is a lot of fun.
  4. I had been homeschooling for a few years before I read LCC. It really made a lot of sense for me. I have been working toward streamlining my schooling using LCC principles and some of the materials. This is how it works in our home right now. Daily Math Latin Reading Memorization Once a Week History Science - soon Literature Geography My dd is thriving in this environment. I am putting the most time and effort into the things that are the most important. I am using several of the things that were recommended in the book and have been happy. I use other material and do lots of lesson planning on my own still, but the LCC principles have worked for us.
  5. I have tried to use prepared curriculum of all sizes and curriculum guides of all types but it hasn't worked for me. I like to be actively involved in the teaching of my kids so I end up changing things. I can't just use things as they are. There is always something more or less or different. I like to think of it as a customized education.
  6. so we made worker bee in the first full day. wonder what is next? go forth and post and make the next level.
  7. I'm a worker bee - now I am go home. Thanks Cassandra. I would still like a list. I am a list making kind of person. Good night
  8. Yep - my son Loves languages. He has taken 2 years of Spanish and a year of French already. He likes Japanese because it was the first hard language he ever studied. I was always worried about him before he found Japanese. I didn't think he would ever find anything that really interested or excited him.
  9. For my first grader, Math - we are between programs. History - studying Roman mythology and listening to SOTW on audio Science - Starting human body study in two weeks - my own lesson plans. Latin - just started Minimus Reading - she reads well and freely, currently reading Shel Silverstein poetry books Memory - VP history Cards and Linguistic Development through Poetry memorization Handwriting - we're not good at this - she has great print and wants to learn cursive, but doesn't like anything we have tried yet I read from the AO year 1 list to the girls every day and we take nature walks and trips to the library weekly. That is my other one. See, no list.
  10. Well, for my ds in 12th grade, this semester he is taking Japanese 3, Italian 1 and Philosophy at the CC. From me I am teaching him British Lit. I started with LLLoTR but it was not a good fit for a senior, we finished it quickly. We did LL British Medieval also kind of light for us. So I am using a list from SL 300 and a Great Books list and finishing out British lit with what we think are important to read and he is writing a classical comparison paper via TOG Writing aids. that is one of my two kids. see an explanation not a list
  11. One thing I have noticed from following you - I like the curriculum you use. It is so neatly arranged. It seems so orderly. It is a list. I couldn't really tell you what we use without an explanation.
  12. Right now I just seem to be following you around. I have also started noticing how often I post. I think I am posting more often just because.
  13. That book was required in my freshman year computer science class. Really. My professor loved it and 42 was an answer on ever quiz, test, and final he gave. Oh - and Don't Panic! must be on the cover of every user manual. It is important.
  14. I like how the old threads were sorted too, but have you played with the display of the threads? If you change the display mode to threaded or hybrid, you can see the replies to conversations under where they belong and you can jump in under a particular person instead of at the bottom. It helps.
  15. I have looked at the grade 1-3 samples for 3 days now and compared them with the failed math books I have at home and with the scope and sequence of other books that I could find online and with the ps books I could find referenced online. I have been really convinced that facts are what needs to happen first. I also really like the way that it teaches carrying and borrowing. I thought if anything it was ahead of the ps books. It is very hard to compare it with books that use a more spiral approach. I have realized that my dd likes to learn something then more on to something more difficult. She doesn't like or need to "spiral". I also realized that I prefer a mastery approach to elementary math. I think this will suit both of us better. Thanks again for your reassurances.
  16. How do we get Everyone to use it in hybrid mode so it is treaded like the old board and it all makes sense tome? :eek:
  17. I agree - neither. Let a 3yo play. If the 3yo wants to join in with older siblings "doing school". Let them choose books for you to read to them, let them cut and paste and draw and make things from clay. Take them to the library, the zoo, the science museum, the park, swimming.
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