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Everything posted by Bokons

  1. My ds is using Chalkdust Prealgebra this year for 7th. If we continue homeschooling him for high school, I would continue with the CD series because he likes them. Colleen
  2. Congratulations, Elizabeth!!! Now that was worth waiting for, wasn't it :)? Colleen
  3. I also registered him for Quick Study Labs which uses Snap Circuits (Electronic Snap Kit from Radio Shack which is really the same as Snap Circuits). He is looking forward to it. Colleen
  4. for 7th: Exploration Education intermediate and Elementary Greek 1 Colleen
  5. Thanks, Jean and Marie, I didn't even think to check the table of contents:blushing: Colleen
  6. I've had several foster babies, and two I got when they were 2.5 and 3 months old. They always slept on their backs until they could roll over themselves, then they slept on their tummies or back. They never got flat heads. My dc slept on their sides or back until they could roll over themselves and none of them have flat heads. Only my youngest has a very small area that feels a bit flatter than the rest. I've also had a foster baby that I got when he was 7 months old, and his head was very flat. The social worker told me that his mom held him all the time, so I think that flat head is kind of genetic. If a baby has a predisposition to get flat head, then he'll be more likely to get it if sleeping on his back. That's my theory. Colleen
  7. My ds 12 just finished section 2 of Chalkdust Prealg. For those of you whose dc use it, how do you test or evaluate them? I am wondering if there are tests to see how well he is learning each section. He mainly does it all himself by watching the DVD, doing the problems, then checking them. Sometimes, he will come to me to ask me for help with some problems. I would like to know how to check for retention. He seems to be going through it rather quickly (about 1 section/day) so I don't know how well he's learning the material although unit 1 was mainly review for him. He is doing approximately 30 problems for each section, sometimes more or less depending how how many problems are there. I have him do every other one, or every 3rd or 4th problem if there are more problems. So far, he has gotten either perfect or only one or two wrong in each section. Thanks. Colleen
  8. here's where I'm planning on ordering mine: http://www.discountowlpellets.com/ Colleen
  9. My ds 12 is using Chalkdust Prealgebra. He has been doing it for a week so far and likes it. Colleen
  10. I read the story to them, and we did all the questions orally. When we did CS 1, I had them write out their answers in the workbook (also all in one day) but they didn't enjoy it. Once we started doing CS 2 orally, they enjoyed it a lot more. When we did CS, by dss ages were 8 and 11. Colleen
  11. I have decided to get a MAC laptop, and now I just have to decide which one. What accessories would be best to get with it? I don't know much about Macs except that many people like them and think they are better than PCs. My dc would get to use it sometimes, but mainly it would be for me. We still have a 4 year old PC desktop that the dc use, but it's so slooooow. I don't need anything fancy, but I would like something that will last for several years before we have to buy a new laptop or computer. Thanks. Colleen
  12. I ordered them at a homeschool convention at the beginning of June, and got them just last week. I ordered from Canada, so I don't know if that will make a difference. Colleen
  13. I always cry watching the ending of "The Champ" with Ricky Schroader (not sure of the spelling), when the character Ricky plays (when he was about 8 years old) is trying to wake up his dad after a boxing match, but his dad had already died of his injuries. I haven't watched it since I was a kid, but that part is so, so sad. Colleen
  14. the AG is not necessary. I had my dc colour while I read the chapter to them. I used the AG for the mapwork and narration. Colleen
  15. It was my favourite book. Good idea about reading it aloud to dc. We'll try that this year. Colleen
  16. My 7th grader will be using it, but it's good for ages 10-13. Subjects covered include survival skills and geology along with human anatomy and physiology. Colleen
  17. by Caroline Arnold. I'll be using it with 2nd and 4th graders. Colleen
  18. Chalkdust for pre-alg. We both found VT boring as well. I have actually watched VT twice and still couldn't get into it. My ds chose to use Chalkdust pre-alg starting in September. Colleen
  19. I have 7th, 4th, and 2nd grades and I'll be using (in no particular order): SOTW 2 with AG Kingfisher History Encyclopedia Chalkdust Pre-algebra RightStart Math B CLE math 4 Explorer's Bible studies for all 3 Usborne and Evan Moor art books Apologia Elementary science - Zoo 2 Sonlight Science 5 Exploration Education intermediate Classical Writing Homer for older beginners Writing Tales 1 WWE 1 or 2 (haven't figured that out yet) SWR piano lessons for older 2 That's all I can think of for now. Colleen
  20. Here are my plans for 2nd: Math - continue RightStart B LA - SWR and WWE 1 History - SOTW 2 with AG Science - Apologia Zoo 2 Art - Usborne book and Evan Moor book (pick and choose) Bible - Explorer's Bible Study Beginnings II Latin - Minimus Music - Discoveries in Music and group music class P.E. - nothing formal so far
  21. I'm with you. I've eaten the big bag of Kettle Chips all by myself when my kids were in bed so that I wouldn't have to share, LOL. My favourites are lightly salted and unsalted. Colleen
  22. and he did enjoy adding his own creative touches, but he doesn't like to have to write more than he has to, so he started dreading having to do the creative draft. Now, I just have him do the first draft and edit and improve it, and that is working for us. Colleen
  23. Our standard poodle has eaten poopy diapers before. I couldn't believe it, and I didnt' know dogs did that. I remember smelling something really stinky around her, and finally found where the smell was coming from. Her teeth were caked with poop. She had gotten into our garbage. Colleen
  24. Here's the address for the yahoo group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Using_Bob_Jones_with_Homeschool/ Colleen
  25. I posted this on the BJU yahoo group but didn't get a response so I'm posting it here as well. I am considering using Life Science (the 7th grade course) for my ds when he will be 13 and in grade 8. I have already chosen what to use for him for grade 7, and he is happy with those choices too. But Life Science looks really interesting too and I've heard and read so many good things about it, that I'd really like for him to do that too. I would like to know if Life Science would be challenging enough for a 13yo, or if it would be too easy. Also if my ds did Life Science in grade 8, would it be better to continue on with Earth and Space for grade 9, or skip to Physical Science for grade 9, then continue with the rest of the sequence for the rest of high school? Or should I just skip Life Science and go with Earth and Space for grade 8, then the rest of the sequence. I would also most likely be using Homesat or DVDs with the science courses. Thanks. Colleen
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