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Everything posted by Mommamia

  1. Thank you all!! Yes, we do attend church. My husband is more involved and wants to go. I'm AM healing from my past experience and just feel so many different emotions right now. I do have fellowship, but not with people from our church. I do get judged by family and some friends if I don't attend church....and that really bugs me. I've seen far too many "attenders" live a double life. I can't get my thoughts together and my dc need me. Thanks again!!
  2. I'm a believer. I think about the Lord in all I do. We teach our children about the Lord...always. I was part of a church that was very judgemental and legalistic. It always seemed wrong, but out of guilt I stayed(it was non-denominational). People are now admitting that it was cult like. So, with that background I'm not feeling like going to church anymore. We found a great pastor, but I have no desire to serve or get to know anyone. Please don't throw darts, I'm not up for it. Would the book SO YOU DON'T WANT TO GO TO CHURCH ANYMORE help me?
  3. My mom does this all the time. I don't know exact times, but they have lasted a long time. She will also spread the dough and then freeze the dough(without toppings).
  4. http://www.mydaily.com/2011/01/11/i-was-homeschooled/ Here is the article....and those annoying comments.
  5. Thanks! That's what I needed. Thanks for taking the time to encourage me!
  6. I read this great article from a homeschooled childs point of view(she is an adult now). It was very positive and encouraging....and then I read the comments. People were super harsh. There was a lot of emphasis on how unsocialized(:tongue_smilie:) homeschoolers are. I'm used to that remark, but it bothered me today. Maybe because my dc do struggle in some social/peer situations. We involve them in various situations and try to expose them to a variety of things. I was a shy child(public schooled) and feel that it is just who they are. The insecure homeschool side of me worries that it's because they are homeschooled. Would someone mind giving me a good whack?? Actually, a gentle reminder that everything will be ok would be great!:bigear:
  7. I've been thinking a lot about teaching grammar during the early years(maybe below 4th grade). It seems that teaching nouns, adj. and such makes sense. Teaching proper punctuation also makes sense. Some of the new things we are learning(Rod&Staff 3) are getting more complex. I can see it going over my dc's heads. They latched onto nouns and such quickly...it's the more advanced stuff that is making me consider waiting. Do some of you wait until older grades/ages to teach grammar?
  8. I can relate to your homeschool journey....we started with HOD, then went full classical, back to HOD. I finally realized that I could pick and choose. We are eclectic classical relaxed workbook learners. Could you continue with FIAR and add in your favorite pieces of the classical approach? We don't do copywork, but we do dictation(my own). I tweak WWE to work for us. I actually tweak everything to work for us. It took me until our 3rd year of homeschooling to realize that you have to do what is best for your family. That is one of the greates things about homeschooling. I hope this helps!
  9. They are under 9yrs. I've found that if I let them play something quiet while I read, they zone into what they are playing. Maybe I just need to find a different batch of books.:glare:
  10. I had visions of couch time. Reading lots of great books. Whenever I announce that it's reading time (meaning time for me to read to them) they say "we hate reading time". Anyone else? Suggestions?
  11. My dh recently went through this. Honestly, the chiro made things worse. He finally went to a orthopedic dr(pain management). This Dr seems to finally be getting to the root of what is going on. HTH's!
  12. My dc did not retain much in first grade. I've decided to wait until 4th or 5th grade to start. It caused me a bit of stress. But, your mileage may vary....:001_smile:
  13. I'm there too. :grouphug: Your dc are even a bit younger than mine. Honestly, don't fret about it at all. I know I'm not sharing anything profound. Just wanted you to know that you are not alone. And....we are moving next month. I have a feeling that the next 2 months will be minimal around our home. I'll be posting a confession this spring:001_huh:
  14. Well, my dear, I know your dd in real life and can verify that she is one awesome girl. I am so bothered that this is happening again! I'm praying that she finds a better situation soon. You are a great mama! :grouphug:
  15. Thanks for all your input. I'm still not sure what to do. I would definitely get the tetanus vax(they added pertussis to it), but I'm not sure when I had it last. I can't find my vax records and cannot remember. My Dr told me that it should be at least 2 yrs between...:tongue_smilie:just don't know. The chicken pox vax has me on the fence. I could have sworn I had shingles 20 yrs ago and my mom swears that I had cp. Guess not. The decision is making me crazy.
  16. I just purchased a spelling workbook for $5 from Barnes and Noble(teacher discount card). It's the Harcourt Flashkids series. I actually like it better than Spelling Workout. The Writing Skills book is great too.
  17. My doctor called and said that bloodwork showed I need the chicken pox vaccine(I'm not immune or something). They also suggested that I get a tetanus/pertussis vaccine. Would you? why or why not? Thanks!
  18. I just wanted to add that I think it's very normal and very common to question your choice to homeschool. I do it just about every week. Seriously. I may be wrong, but you sound tired, maybe a bit burned out. January is notorious for being a burn out month for many homeschoolers. Add in the fact that you are in a new state.....well, I can relate to that one. It's very hard not having a support network of friends or familiar things around. I agree with what many others have said-take some break time, do something fun, recharge. Again, I could be wrong, but this doesn't sound like it's about homeschooling as much as it may be about "life" for you (right now). Wishing you a wonderful week and clarity with everything. BTW-not feeling the groove with curriculum caused me to really question homeschooling. Once you find the right fit, that may help a ton! Best wished for you.
  19. Where can I find this? I did a google search and found a couple different versions. Is this by Teacher's Created Resources? Thanks!
  20. I love A Living History Of Our World by Angela Odell. (found on Queen Homeschool).
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