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Everything posted by Chloe

  1. Has anyone done this? I love TQ and have tried using it on it's own, but as much as I love planning, I find I spend more time planning than implementing. I'm thinking of just following something like BP and adding in the TQ Commentary where it fits. The thing is, I would also probably substitute some of the BP readers for ones in the TQ guides that we already own. I don't THINK it would be that big a deal, and I'd already have the maps and timelines already planned out and ready to go. I could also use the Cool History pages if we use SOTW (haven't decided if we'll use that as our spine or MOH). What do you think? Sound like just as much work, or a more efficient way to go? FWIW, I'll be doing Ancient history with a 7th, 6th and 2nd grader (well, at least until August).
  2. Thanks! I'm not sure I can swing getting the whole program, but I do need a lot of hand-holding. Hmm.....not sure what to do.
  3. What do I need to get started with IEW for a 6th and 7th grader? Can I just get the SWI B or do I need to get TWSS also?
  4. That helps a lot! My boys (11 and 8) are the ones I'm really gearing it for. My oldest will be starting Apologia General Science soon, so she won't be involved much. I'd love my 4yo to enjoy it too, though. Flying Creatures sounds perfect.
  5. Which study would be easiest to accomplish in four months? In the past we've done Astronomy and Swimming Creatures for a whole year each. I didn't like spending the whole year on one topic, but I love the books. Is there one that's easier to accomplish in a shorter amount of time? My dc are most interested in Botony or Flying Creatures.
  6. Very helpful! Thank you! I think we'll give AAS a try for now, lots of practice reading and the 20+ weeks of vision therapy. If we don't see a big improvement by mid to late summer, we'll go with a true OG reading program. Do you think having him also do the Rod & Staff phonics workbooks would be helpful or just confuse things? I already have them, and he's excited to use them, but I don't want to confuse or overload him. I guess I should wait and see how involved and how time-consuming the vision therapy homework is first.
  7. I've never heard of it, but I'll check it out. Thanks!
  8. I checked out Barton Reading and Spelling, but I don't think we can swing the price right now, especially with vision therapy starting next week. I'll check out the others you mentioned. Thank you!
  9. Thank you! I don't know why I didn't think to visit there. I spent some time last night checking out the reading/dyslexia threads. We've already done the eye evaluation. He starts vision therapy next week.
  10. This is encouraging. Thanks. I just borrowed some McGuffy's Readers from my sister. I thought they looked like they would be helpful.
  11. My 8yo dyslexic ds is still struggling to read, so we haven't done any kind of spelling yet. If we use AAS will it help his reading as well as give him a good foundation in spelling? FWIW, he's completed The Reading Lesson and is only five pages away from completing Alpha Phonics. He's also worked through Explode the Code Books 1 - 3. I don't know if I should just have him read easy readers and pray his reading takes off eventually, or try something else. He doesn't seem to remember simple things like the e on the end making the vowel say it's name. I've considered giving Reading Reflex a try and I just downloaded Funnix. He's enjoying the Rod & Staff 1st grade readers, so the phonics workbooks for those is also an idea. I just don't know in which direction to turn. He starts vision therapy next week, so I'm hoping that helps as well. I appreciate any advice!
  12. This is all we have ever done with history until this year (MFW ECC). We have done a little (meaning one lapbook and one small notebook) bit of lapbooking/notebooking with science, but never a formal science curriculum, just reading Apologia Elementary science books. I should add that it hasn't all been read-alouds though. In fact, it's probably been 50/50 read-alouds and independent reading. My dc, especially my oldest son, tend to remember more when they read things for themselves. I think it's perfectly fine to just read for history and science up to 6th grade. I think it helps develop more of an interest in those subjects before having to really dig in to them.
  13. My three oldest dc are cleaning up from a coffee stand they run in our front yard during the local elementary school's morning drop-off time. The elementary school backs up to our neighborhood and the parent drop-off traffic goes right down our street on the way from the school. My dc started this the beginning of last year and were pretty successful. They've committed to doing it this school year as well, but I'm probably going to talk them out of doing it next year. Though they have many regular customers and even do a couple of deliveries to neighbors on our street, sales are down this year so they are barely making a profit. Also, it means a late start on school for us. So, my dc are cleaning up their coffee stand, while I am checking my emails or giving the 4yo breakfast. We used to start the day with a Bible devotional together, but this year my dc just dig in to their math first thing. It's their most dreaded subject and they want to get it over with asap. I encourage my oldest two to have their own personal quiet time now. Dh also tries to do a family Bible devotional in the evenings, but he hasn't been very consistent.
  14. This may be, as this particular ds is the one with a peanut allergy and out-grown egg allergy. He also has asthma and had severe eczema as a baby. He was also just diagnosed with dyslexia and a visual tracking disorder. :sad: Poor guy. None of my other dc have had any of these issues.
  15. I think this is what we will do. I guess I was just hoping it would be a quicker fix. Thanks! I'll let you know how it goes.
  16. Thanks. Yes, I understand what you are saying, but we were referred because we persisted. His pediatrician never seemed concerned about it, but I felt like she didn't fully understand the extent of his bedwetting. It wasn't until I told her that ds was extremely bothered by it that she referred us to the urologist. I had every intention of going that route until my sister mentioned a friend of hers who had success with a chiropractor. That's when I thought I'd try that first. My sister has a child with a bladder-control issue and her urologist prescribed medication. I want to avoid medication if possible.
  17. Thanks. Yes, we tried that. It did not work. Believe me, my ds is very motivated. We try not to make a big deal about it either, but at one time dh promised ds an ipod if he could go a whole week without wetting. This was over a year ago and when we were thinking maybe he was just being unmotivated to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. He had admitted once that he was scared to get up in the middle of the night, though we have always left the hall and bathroom lights on for him. Twice in the last two years he has stayed dry 6 nights in a row. He's just never been able to make it that seventh day. Believe me, he tries. He wants that ipod. I think we'll give the chiropractor more time, then check with a urologist.
  18. Has anyone had any luck with this? If so, how long did it take? I have heard of some only having to have one adjustment to stop bedwetting, but I've heard others say it was over a period of time. My ds8 had two adjustments before Thanksgiving with no noticeable improvement in his nightly bedwetting. We were away on vacation for two weeks after that, then he had three adjustments in one week and two the following week. He had a couple of dry nights here and there, but he's had that before. I'm wondering if we should keep it up or call the urologist we were referred to by his pediatrician. The chiropractor is an out-of-pocket expense for us. I don't mind continuing with it if there's a good chance it will work if given more time. I have a feeling a urologist would just prescribe medication, which we'd like to avoid. Ds is very bothered by the bed-wetting. Any other ideas? Thanks!
  19. Yes! I am always humbled by my dh's gentle reminder that we are extremely blessed to be able to keep our dc home and educate them as we see fit. He is always telling me that he would trade places with me in a heartbeat. Though he understands and appreciates the hard work involved, he would love to be a stay-at-home homeschool dad.
  20. Thanks for all the great suggestions! Many of these we have not read or heard yet.
  21. My four dc are 12, 11, 7 and 4. I struggle with juggling them as well. So far what we have been doing is starting the oldest two off with math, which they do mostly on their own at the kitchen table. While they do that I work with my 7yo in the family room on reading, math fact flashcards and AWANA verses. My 4yo will either play quietly on the floor with puzzles or Legos, or color at the kitchen table. She knows she has to be quiet and not interrupt the others or she has to go play in the basement playroom. When my 7yo finishes the above, he's free to go in the basement to play with her or they go outside to play in the backyard. Then I am able to give one-on-one time with my older two in their area of weakness (spelling for my dd, writing for my ds). Later I call my 7yo back to do his table work (math lesson, handwriting and Explode the Code). I try to do a history related read-aloud during lunch, but the bulk of their history is done through independent reading. The same goes for science. In the evening my dh does "Reading Camp" (laying on the floor with blankets and pillows while dh reads to them) with the 12, 11 and 7yo. I take my 4yo in another room and cuddle up with her to read picture books. She doesn't do any formal schooling, but loves to draw and write words. She's constantly asking me how to spell words. She has asked me to teach her to read, but she still has trouble blending three-letter words and gets VERY frustrated, so I don't do anything with her unless she specifically asks.
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