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Everything posted by Chloe

  1. for a loooong car ride. Something for ages 4 to 12, and appeals to both boys and girls. Thanks!
  2. Yes, we have figured all this in with our life-insurance policies. Dh would be able to quit working (at least full-time) to homeschool or hire a private full-time tutor for the dc.
  3. For Thanksgiving I need to bring a salad or vegetable dish that isn't served hot. I'd hate to just bring a boring garden salad. Any good recipes you can recommend? Nothing too involved, please. I also need to make a couple pies. :-) Thanks! Kimberly
  4. I don't think so. Ds has asked why he never gets to go to his cousin's house. It's hard to explain to him that he wasn't invited, and that it would be rude to invite himself.
  5. Yes, dh felt terrible for younger ds after that phone conversation. He's heard me complain about dn never inviting our younger ds but always older ds. He's always brushed it off. After dn turned down playing with younger ds, he got the picture. He took younger ds out for ice cream that day, just because..... It's a shame really because my younger ds is very loving and generous. My older ds tends to be more reserved with his feelings and tends to be a bit selfish.
  6. I agree. My dc don't discriminate against friends/playmates due to age. But it seems that their friends who are not homeschooled have a big problem playing with someone even a year younger than they are. It's frustrating.
  7. Well, I've tried, but she kind of skirts the issue. I think the bottom line is that she's not going to make her ds do anything he doesn't want to do. He's her 5th dc and she's at the point of just letting him do whatever he wants because it's easier. She and her dh are very non-confrontational people. They are the type to just do things for their dc (as far as chores or picking up their things) because it's easier than dealing with disciplining. I'm not trying to be snarky or anything. They are Christians, descent parents and good people, but they would just rather drop an issue or do something themself rather than deal with friction. And just to clarify, I don't think she should make her ds invite my younger ds over all the time. I just know if the situation were reversed, I would encourage my ds to also invite his younger cousin over every now and then. The one time last summer was the ONLY time nephew has invited younger ds over.
  8. I've wondered if this is the reason as well, especially since cousin goes to public school. The age thing seems to be a big deal with school kids.
  9. Not at all. But this isn't just a friend, it's a family member. I'm glad my older ds and his cousin have such a close relationship. I don't expect them to always include my younger ds. But I would expect younger ds to be included once in a while, especially since they are so close in age and have the same interests. And as far as personality, younger ds and cousin have more similar personality traits than older ds and cousin.
  10. Well, it's actually my SIL (dh's sister). I've always gotten along wonderfully with her, but I sometimes wonder how sincere she is. Long story......
  11. No, he's actually the youngest of five dc (only the oldest is a girl), but they are all widely spaced. He's a typical youngest child, very spoiled. Anything my oldest son has that nephew wants SIL runs out and gets him. That's why I think it may be a jealousy issue.
  12. and if so, what would you do about it? I have a nephew right between the ages of my two sons. Actually, he is two months closer in age to my youngest son. He goes to ps and is only one year ahead of my youngest ds by grade (he was held back), but three years behind my oldest ds by grade. Anyway, he lives in the same town and is always inviting my oldest ds over to play on Saturdays. He never invites my youngest ds over. Well, he did once last summer, but I know that was because my in-laws (his grandparents) were at his house visiting and I'm sure requested he invite my younger son over as well. My SIL said they all got along great and had fun together. I see the same thing when nephew comes here to play or they are all together for family gatherings. So why do you suppose he never invites my younger son over? I'm baffled and feel terrible for my ds. Last weekend nephew called to invite older ds over, but dh said he couldn't go. He had some school work he had to finish up. Dh mentioned younger ds would love to play though. Nephew's response was....."Maybe another day." It has always been this way and it's really upsetting me. My younger ds is well-aware his cousin never wants to play with him, only his brother. I don't know what to do. My SIL makes excuses and claims her ds loves playing with my younger ds also. So why doesn't he ever get invited?! I end up having nephew come here to play with both boys many times so younger ds isn't left out. My nephew loves my older son to death, so I'm wondering if it's a jealousy issue. It's almost like nephew doesn't like younger ds because he has his older brother to his self most days. Weird, I guess, but I can't figure out any other reason. They all three have similar interests and play well together. It's just that nephew never voluntarily plays with younger ds. If this were just a friend I wouldn't have a problem with it, but this is family. They are cousins. I can't understand why my SIL doesn't make nephew invite both boys, at least some of the time. Anything I could or should do?
  13. Cinder I'm trying! I get pink eye EVERY TIME one of my kids gets it. I don't know how. I'm pretty fanatic about washing my hands.
  14. Yes, it's in both eyes. We first noticed it yesterday after church. It was only in the right eye. It wasn't pink yet but had lots of gook forming. We kept putting warm wet cloths on it, but within a few hours the other eye was gooky too. Then this morning her eyes were stuck shut. They are now both pink.
  15. Thanks! We've been doing the warm cloths. I never thought of the tea bags......good idea! I did call the doctor though and they are just calling in a prescription for me. Yay!! I didn't want to have to take her in for an appointment. I have to say, that's a first. Usually I have to bring them in, even when I know it's pink eye and just need an antibiotic called in.
  16. I think my 4yo dd has pink eye. Is there anything I can do for it on my own, or do I have to take her to the doctor and get an antibiotic? Thanks!
  17. Well, I'm not going to be any help. I have the Classroom Atlas as well and the second edition ECC manual, but the lesson plans still say Intermediate Atlas. The page numbers don't match up, so I have to figure it out each week as we go.
  18. My dh just asks that the dc learn German. We bought Rosetta Stone last year and he wants the dc to do it every "school day."
  19. If you are planning to stick with one of these for several years and have more than one dc, it seems to me that Ambleside would be cheaper in the long run. Whatever books you use for the older dc could be used for the younger dc when they get to that year. With SCM, unless the dc are at the same reading level or you aren't planning to keep them in the same time-period, you would always have to buy different books for each dc for each time-period you are studying. Does that make sense?
  20. Wow! Thanks for all the suggestions. I guess my main dilemma between using Core Alt 7 and SOTW is that Sonlight uses many of the Foster books along with CHOW for Alt 7. If we used SOTW volumes I-4 with some hf books, we wouldn't have time to add the Foster books. Are they really worth it? Thanks for the suggestion of A Little History of the World. We actually have it on cd and have listened to half of it in the past. This particular child doesn't retain as much unless he reads the material himself. I will think about getting the book and using that instead.
  21. with a 7th or 8th grader, which would you do? Sonlight Core Alt 7 or SOTW volumes 1 - 4 reading about a chapter a day (and maybe some historical fiction from SL thrown in) Thanks!
  22. Never thought about AOP Lifepacs. I've never seem them. I guess I should take a look. Thanks! Anyone else?
  23. I'm planning ahead for my two oldest dc (currently 7th and 6th graders). Neither has a strong interest in history. My dd loves literature and wants to be a children's author or, in her words, just a mom who homeschools. :001_smile: My ds LOVES science and nature and is considering engineering (but he also loves to cook and seems more and more to be interested in doing something with that). With that in mind, which would you recommend for history/literature for high school, Beautiful Feet, Notgrass or My Father's World? I'm also considering Truthquest, but I know that requires a lot of planning by me, so I need a more independent alternative. Thanks so much for any insight/advice you can give. Beautiful Feet or Truthquest appeal most to ME if I were the one studying history. However, I like how easy Notgrass seems to be to implement for the just "get'er done" factor and how MFW seems to give a lot of hand-holding for both the parent and student.
  24. The only time we don't make the bed is when we are planning to change the sheets that day. But then it gets made anyway when the new sheets go on. It's just not usually done first thing in the morning that day.
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