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Everything posted by Chloe

  1. I also agree! I'm having my 7th grader do MFW ECC this year, then either MFW 1850 to Modern or SL 7 or SL Alt 7. She'll then do MFW AHL for 9th grade.
  2. That's good to hear. My 6th and 7th grader will be the ones using it. My 2nd grader needs more work on phonics and math, so I'm not requiring a lot from him as far as ECC goes. He has time to do it again another year. Plus, my almost 4yo has been wanting to learn to read, so I want to start on that with her. Most of my time needs to be spent with my younger two, but I do want to do a bit more this year with the olders as well. I just don't want the geography and science to completely depend on me for it to get done.
  3. Wonderful!! Thanks so much! It sounds like ECC will be a good starting place for us with MFW.
  4. Which would take longer/require more of my time, 1850 to Modern or ECC? Some background...... We have never used MFW. I bought 1850 to Modern a couple of months ago intending to use it next year, but I sent it back because it looked like a ton of reading on my part. My dc have always done most of their history and science reading on their own. We have been using TruthQuest so I would read or summarize the commentary to them to introduce a topic, then they would read books on that topic on their own, sometimes taking weeks to get through a topic. Now I would read a few picture books on the topic to my 1st grader and the olders would usually listen in. But other than that I just read a historical fiction book aloud that takes place during the time period we are studying. And that I would read only about a chapter a day (3 or 4 days a week), so one book would take me several weeks to complete. Can you tell I hate reading aloud? LOL! Actually, I love reading picture books to my dc. It's chapter books I hate. Love reading them to myself, just not out loud. As much as I love TQ and, especially, being able to pick our own books, I need to have a plan to follow. Otherwise, we don't stay on track very well, and I need more pick up and go at this stage of the game. Also, I've been feeling a bit convicted that I need to bring my dc together more and be a bit more "hands on" with their learning. Now, that said, I don't have 1850 to Modern anymore. :sad: BUT, I still have an ECC TG I bought used last year to look at. I spent about an hour going over SL Core 7 (I have the IG), MFW ECC and TQ with my oldest two dc (12 and 11) yesterday. I wanted their input. BOTH of them picked ECC. I was very surprised because I expected them to choose SL (at least my dd who loves literature and wants to be a children's author). They rated them 1 to 3 and both said ECC is their first choice and SL their last. Every time I ask for an opinion or choice to be made by these two dc, they ALWAYS choose something different. I took this as a sign from God that I need to go with MFW. LOL! BUT, now I'm wondering if we should finish our history cycle and do 1850 to Modern, then ECC next year or just take a break from history to do ECC this year. Both dc seemed excited by the prospect of doing a year of geography. However, they've never had US or World history past the civil war. Should we finish the cycle first or would it be not too weird to jump back to modern history next year? Also, I need to ease into a more mom-involved curriculum, so the one that expects less of me would be better to start with. Thanks!
  5. I second TruthQuest! :001_smile:
  6. Has anyone tried this? How does it compare to LLATL? Is it more of a literature guide like Progeny Press? Any information you can give will be helpful. Thanks!
  7. for a graduation gift to a high school homeschool graduate known casually through church? We attended a co-op with the family a few years ago, but otherwise we don't socialize outside of church activities. We have been invited to the graduation party, but I don't think I'll have an opportunity to buy a gift. However, any gift ideas are welcome too! Thanks!
  8. I don't know anything about the Artner's guide either, but we are just using Landmark books with some other books thrown in to study American History from the Revolutionary War on. We started out our AH studies using This Country of Ours, but my dc really hated it. We ended up using Story of the Thirteen Colonies, which they liked better but still weren't thrilled with. Now that we are almost finished with STC I've decided to finish the rest of American History without a spine. We've collected quite a few Landmark books, and my dc really like them. We're just going to read them in chronological order without a spine. I've always put so much time and effort into lining up biographies and historical fiction and such with whatever spine I choose for history. It's always been a great deal of stress for me. I don't know why I do it! I KNOW it's not needed. Beautiful Feet doesn't use a spine for it's history studies until high school. That's exactly what I intend to do with all my dc from now on.......just read history books in chronological order until high school. We'll use a spine then to tie it all together.
  9. Is it appropriate for an 11 and 12yo? It's been so long since I've seen it. I do remember a lot of violence.
  10. That makes sense. Dd has done a good job taking care of her skin. I let her know a year ago that she should be washing her face every morning and evening. She's been very diligent.
  11. See, this is the problem we are having. My niece got glasses, so my dd wanted glasses. She, however, doesn't need them. My niece got braces, so my dd was excited to get her braces. Now it's the makeup. My sister tends to be a bit more lenient with the kind of movies she lets her kids watch and such, so it can be a problem.
  12. Also, what do you let them wear.....a little lip gloss and mascara or anything they want? I ask because my niece just turned 13 and my sister is letting her wear makeup now. I think it's way too young, but my sister makes a point of saying that she's ONLY allowing her to wear mascara, lipstick and a little bit of blush. Now my dd, who's 8 months younger than her cousin, is asking if she will be allowed to wear makeup when she turns 13. I wasn't planning on letting my dd wear any makeup until she's AT LEAST 15 or 16. Am I being an old fuddy-duddy?
  13. Thanks, everyone! I think we are going to try to go the week after Thanksgiving.
  14. I don't mean to muddy the waters, but have you looked at Truthquest at all? It sounds like it would be a perfect fit for you, and much less expensive than TOG.
  15. Yes, I think it was a fluke the year we went in October. A hurricane had just hit southern Florida, so lots of residence flocked to DW because their homes didn't have electricity for a while. :tongue_smilie:
  16. We've gone in early May and late October before. Both times were somewhat crowded. Should we go in late September, early December or January this time? Dh thinks September will be way too hot, but I worry about December and January not being warm enough to swim. My dc love the fancy pools. :lol: What do you think?
  17. MUS can be used without the DVDs. The lessons are written in the TM. I know some who use it this way.
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